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praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
887written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
if birds could move the sun itself on these heavy days, they would.

(if he could move the air over his wings and make mends what the water has stained, he would.)
aliasThe Moustachioed Greek
239written posts
Kostearned bits
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Kost Avatar
Necessity… The more she heard that frustrating word being thrown around by both sides of the conflict, the more it sounded like an excuse to absolve themselves of any guilt. As long as something was ‘necessary’, it could never be evil.
pronounsD A R K
272written posts
Death is just a new beginning.

"I'm not a puppy," she straightened and looked to him with amusement, because a puppy was exactly what he was to her. A pup that had stumbled into a wolf's den. "I can find my way around just fine."
last edit on Aug 17, 2024 22:06:51 GMT by 𝓛𝓪𝓭𝔂 𝓐𝓭𝓲𝓻𝓪
praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
887written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
i forgo this thread existed

this is basically half the post but... i love evil unreasonable women huehue (she broke into her "apprentice"'s apartment and is now chilling on the countertop while evilly...? menacingly? eating pie

the cherry pie sits longingly on the kitchen counter, her pale knife digging into the crust with a splurt splurt of red-coloured jam. every splash records the quarter ticks of the long hand of the clock. one, two, three—what could possibly keep the resident? by the fourth timed splat, she reconsiders the benefits of this stakeout.

a pie she bought for her missing disciple. an empty fridge with dust gathering inside (except for the expired milk). and a disappointing state of affairs with a vexing conclusion: she is being purposefully avoided.

the pie is not so fresh anymore, having sat out for an hour. rendering her peace token meaningless; yet another grievance and a point against ever bothering with this diplomacy antithetical to her modus operandi. she cuts a slice and picks it up with her knife. the gooey insides drip back into the tin of the pie. still, the smell of pastry lingers, the almost-burnt from the oven from the forty minutes it took to heat up the sugar and crust represents a waste of effort.

she bites into it and mindlessly chews on the lukewarm pie.
last edit on Aug 18, 2024 7:27:25 GMT by bc
frog on the floor
aliasfreiheit, microwaved burrito
1,539written posts
pharaoh leapearned bits
pharaoh leap
pharaoh leap Avatar
i've been having some pretty dark thoughts.
Hopelessly, the gesture neuters her indignation the same way Lorne must have hoped it might. Gloria forgives, as she has forgiven far too many times, the way her reasonable accusation is parried with a lesser one; that 'tardiness' is greater the sin than a hostile invasion.

Me: Oh hey, sleepy brain, what verb can I use for this sentence that I haven't already overused to high heck?
Brain: Neuter.
Me: ... Uh, anything else? Something a little less ridiculous?
Brain: Neuter or we're getting a divorce.
aliaspor, sef, jdawg
pronounsshe | her
548written posts
porsefearned bits
Part of the Furniture
porsef Avatar
chichi wo moge
seconds seemed like an eternity in that moment when her hands touched the glass. every fiber in his body — no — his being urged him to make distance. and he is reminded of the natural order. how some things could never come to pass. like commanding the tides to rise and fall at the same time or a woman meeting a man with the first touch. an impossible feat and a mistake that cost their eldest brother an eternal life worth living.

it spelled certain doom. a fate that took no prophecies or chance to stumble upon. the choices were clear — as clear as her beauty in the mirror.

perhaps, he knew how she felt. the mother of destined death, banished by her kin to a kingdom of bones prepared for her long before she was born. he had been sent to a desert, longing for the warmth he had been denied for so long.


and it did not matter now if she loved him for a day or forever or at all.
rickroll requested
aliasRinse, Oakey
89written posts
pancakehouseearned bits
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pancakehouse Avatar
In the conclusion of this episode, a snake would simply prey, not toy or play, and it would be surprising if the scrub jay parents did little more than echo one another's alarm as they flew about. Maybe they'd dart low in some last-ditch effort to ward the snake off. But probably not.

Replace all the beasts with humans, though... and the show would need five seasons of backstory, a whole lot of exposition, and at least two follow-up episodes of played-out angst to wring total understanding from the next two minutes.

A snake could kill and eat and not be a villain. Birds could choose themselves (and their remaining nest) over one helpless baby and not be crucified. A chick falling from its tree before its time could be simple, unfortunate collateral damage. But... make them all people... and they became a colorful cast of villains, victims, and martyrs — every choice and move they made demanding examination (and explanation).

an original powers rp
pronounsD A R K
272written posts
Death is just a new beginning.

Why was he so difficult? She clenched her jaw in frustration. He was handsome but he had a prey look to him...which meant he should have been easy to control. Yet he was so...full of fire that burned her every time she drew near.
last edit on Sept 9, 2024 14:32:47 GMT by 𝓛𝓪𝓭𝔂 𝓐𝓭𝓲𝓻𝓪
231written posts
hannyearned bits
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「我等の天下だ 神など要らない。」
"didn't I do a good job?"

iono's voice is trained to be level. she can manipulate it however she wants. voice control is everything for streaming.

her voice cracks.

"I did a good job, right?"
pronounsshe / her
404written posts
Ven ☆earned bits
Ven ☆
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
Ven ☆ Avatar
got a secret, can you keep it?
The good thing was that, he’d reached some kind of accord with aforementioned Celesteela—or at least he hoped to think that this was the case—

At least they were following some distance behind him, he made sure to check. There was also this mental reminder to always speak in French around the Celesteela, too, since out of the languages he knew, that was the only one they seemed to comprehend.

the narrative
aliasCel, Nightlock
791written posts
CELearned bits
Part of the Furniture
CEL Avatar
oh, i leave quite an impression; five feet, to be exact.

Johanes Angeleri did not come here for simple tourism. That much is clear in the way his nose scrunches up, cheap booze that could fuel a mecha too strong on the senses and too unremarkable to be considered worth the assault. He'd wager the bar pays around eighty tones a shipment, and still gets cheated at the price tag. The floor is rotten and the guests down on their luck; the music shrills and in a simple, absolute word, he'd describe the speakeasy as a lost cause. Just another parasite, leeching away at whatever corpse remains of a once-brilliant archipelago.

Is this really what Choice gives you?

Johanes almost wants to laugh at the thought.

editing so as to not double post, but i rlly do not want to psychoanalyze why despite feeling so washed with writing these days, writing this specific brand of Pragmatic Capitalist With Complicated Feelings Regarding His Heritage (TM) comes so easily to me

In Olympos, you get exactly what you are given — more than, if you prove worthy of what you grasp for. Action repays action, debt incurs debt, and labour will see more than sunlight, so long as you have gone above and beyond to make the outcome yours. To those stuck in daydreams and fantasies of what could be, this is hell. To those willing to do all they damn well can for the present and the future alike, this is heaven.
last edit on Sept 19, 2024 14:48:51 GMT by CEL

coming soon.