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aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
1,532written posts
ditto become human
Part of the Furniture
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maybe wallace being my fav was foreshadowing
20 y/o tanz was cringe but that mfker was cooking

A story stretched in a multitude of paths. As one creates, accepts, colours, and folds them, one must take care to maintain the bridges. The power of fondness polishes, the intensity of recollection rebuilds, and the sense of absence…refills them with essence. Wallace could vanish before friends and not reappear for weeks or depart Hoenn and not return for years. The new faces and places connected to his old and he did not forget for this was his story.

Another day was just a continuation. Time was an illusion one should not mourn in woe, but relish in pleasure.

Reunions were winds that filled his sail.

(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
Stardust in me
aliasEm, Dragon
773written posts
rabbitearsearned bits
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We're motivated by the stars that we're made of
He smiled at the way she talked about books. Old books, new books, they were all wonderful. Bennet was a true bibliophile.
frog on the floor
aliasfreiheit, microwaved burrito
1,539written posts
pharaoh leapearned bits
pharaoh leap
pharaoh leap Avatar
i've been having some pretty dark thoughts.
That was the plan, at least, and if he had to chime in on it himself, it was a plan the delivery boy was pretty darned proud of: run as close to the edge of the pier as he needed to in order to send the spud sailing into the water, and mission complete. Only problem is, not everyone else on the pier tonight understands the urgency of a perfectly bog-standard young man holding a handful of hot. He isn't an efreeti, he doesn't come with built-in fire resistance. So when the crowd is struggling to part for him – when one particular stranger doesn't part at all – well. Maybe the tater isn't the only thing ending up in the lake tonight.

He feels himself being grabbed, and in his terror, Nikki grabs right back. Two idiots in a death grip on each other going over the edge of the dock together. That's romance, baby.

Hot potato, but it's a literal potato and it's literally on fire. That's romance, baby!
last edit on Jan 19, 2024 3:01:14 GMT by pharaoh leap
aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
1,532written posts
ditto become human
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maybe wallace being my fav was foreshadowing
"I'm not the type of person that judges things by their appearance. Admittedly, I am fond of the clean, silvery light that glows on polished steel. The luminescence of gemstones in caves is otherworldly though... Tucked away right beneath us, burning silently through many years only for my eyes to discover their secretive, humble beauty..." His eyes closes to draw the memory clearer in his mind, his hand curling longingly on his mouth. How he wishes he can claim those stones his own...

"Uh-oh." Daigo snaps back to reality, and laughs at himself. "Right - Whether one's special quality is external or internal, I look forward to getting to know both."
last edit on Feb 1, 2024 11:40:32 GMT by ditto become human

(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
aliasmori, manon, saki
pronounsshe / her
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i know you see yourself as a fighter. well, i see myself as one, too.
drabbles totally count as posts, no?

a single woman had been plucked from the ranks to join her in her misery, a blonde young and perky and with eyes who'd not yet seen the horrors of manβ€” neither friend nor foe. if she had been in any position to offer pity, story might've felt it for her. alas, she was barely able to assist herself, so the feelings were all together unneeded. 'my lady,' the girl had started, just before they'd settled in for the long journey. 'do you need to say anymore goodbyes?' if she hadn't still had the naive gleam in her eyes, astoria might've thought the maid callous. the genuine curiosity on the baby face told her that it was a question steeped in sincerity. how unfortunate for them both.

green eyes had turned to pass over the manor she'd been raised in, the one that had just ousted her. none of her blooded relatives had come to see her off, and only a handful of staff remained at a distance to watch her go. "no," she'd answered after a beat, head shaking, face turning toward the carriage. "i've long since bid my farewells to this place." long ago, in the days of her childhood, when it had hurt her every time she'd been left behind, conveniently forgotten. her heart hadn't ached for the inclusion for some time, and it didn't start to then either. "let us go. the road is long, and we lose sunlight chattering here."

the narrative
aliasCel, Nightlock
791written posts
CELearned bits
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oh, i leave quite an impression; five feet, to be exact.
these aren't from my last posts (prolly like 3-4 months back iirc) but ive been rereading my old material and dang, ya girl has WORDS in her. when i remember how to write again, its over

Zhixin watches as the boy goes on, and he reminds him of a storm. He's frustrated pretissimo β€” out of place in the associative painting he envisions of the Yamashita name, its people. He continues to watch, a brow raised, and he thinks if Yamashita keeps talking this way, Zhixin has become victorious.

"That's the nicest thing anyone's done for me," she finds herself saying, in an exaggeration that doesn't sound like one. (It is, but drunks who think they're unlovable are such good liars.) "You sure I don't need to pay?"
last edit on Feb 4, 2024 12:51:23 GMT by CEL

coming soon.
pronounsshe, they
76written posts
hotaryuearned bits
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one day!
A man - no, a boy, Feng corrected herself - was staring at her, about her height. But something about her automatically clicked, and in her mind's eye, she saw Jie, at the age of seven, crying and miserable and alone. And then another painful memory that endured her: her brother waiting for her after she'd spend all day looking for money and work so that she could come home to him with something. This boy reminded her of them. But she was wary, wary enough that her fist curled around the polearm and her eyes darkened.

I'm not feeling well, boy, Feng wanted to say. Fucking karmic debt and the overuse and overwork. But that was all on her. But she opted to shut her mouth. And take in everything: the friendliness, the way he held his hands behind his back.

"I need to buy something from the stalls." There. She said it, quick and sharp, like a knife. I've had a long day. "I was going to ask you if you wanted something from me." She side-glanced the crowd, then back to him, her stare piercing. "I don't like crowds, so make it quick."

I love writing this character so much. In context, my OC went somewhere to get food, and when she meets someone, she is immediately reminded of some things from her past.
last edit on Feb 4, 2024 14:57:32 GMT by hotaryu

250written posts
scarletearned bits
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But did she think it was love? Elisabeth had no real understanding of that elusive emotion, in truth; she was like a child who'd only known its pale imitations, and determined the two to be one and the same.

Love, to her, had always been the whirlwind of a premature spring doomed by winter frost, destined to wither and die on its first bloom. Love was unconditional compassion beyond measure -- a surrendering of the self wholly and completely to another person -- come what may, whether it be cruelty or kindness.

That was how she had loved before, at least. It blinded her. It was why she feared it so desperately.
aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
1,532written posts
ditto become human
Part of the Furniture
ditto become human Avatar
maybe wallace being my fav was foreshadowing
Cradily got run over by a car.

i also love the title: there's a cradily on your lawn

(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)