what's on your mind: RP Edition

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travellerearned bits
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How common is it actually that someone has “hoarded” a face you wanted to use for your character? Can’t we just make faces non-exclusive? I mean, if there are two people using, say, Goku as a face claim, is it really a big problem?
"Someone's got to die today and you have got the final say. You? Or your crew?"
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spectreearned bits
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How common is it actually that someone has “hoarded” a face you wanted to use for your character? Can’t we just make faces non-exclusive? I mean, if there are two people using, say, Goku as a face claim, is it really a big problem?
I think the "issue" in doing so lies in the fact that a lot of people don't deviate their character's appearance from their FCs much, in my experience? Like, if you asked someone what their character looks like, they'd say "it's goku" instead of "it's goku, except his eyes are dark green, his brows are a little thinner, and his jaw is more square". if everyone did that in a spot where fcs weren't exclusive, it'd turn into an osomatsu situation pretty quickly. 

...though I personally would find it extremely funny if there was six unrelated gokus hanging around. the mix-ups could be a good basis for initial threads if you had characters who knew one for backstory/affiliation reasons but had no reason to meet the others.

233written posts
travellerearned bits
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How common is it actually that someone has “hoarded” a face you wanted to use for your character? Can’t we just make faces non-exclusive? I mean, if there are two people using, say, Goku as a face claim, is it really a big problem?
I think the "issue" in doing so lies in the fact that a lot of people don't deviate their character's appearance from their FCs much, in my experience? Like, if you asked someone what their character looks like, they'd say "it's goku" instead of "it's goku, except his eyes are dark green, his brows are a little thinner, and his jaw is more square". if everyone did that in a spot where fcs weren't exclusive, it'd turn into an osomatsu situation pretty quickly. 

...though I personally would find it extremely funny if there was six unrelated gokus hanging around. the mix-ups could be a good basis for initial threads if you had characters who knew one for backstory/affiliation reasons but had no reason to meet the others.

I mean, interpretive differences exist, you know? What kind of nose does Goku have? Does he have thin lips? Double-lid eyes? Is his hair thick or thin? Is his do au natural, or do you use a lot of product, and does it make his hair greasy? Are his eyebrows well-kept or kinda bushy? Is his skin flawless? They don't have to describe them different to credibly look different.

Outside that, let's say there are three people using Mid Yuan as a faceclaim, because MiHoYo is popular right now. Is it weird to assume they all look distinctly different, but share similar hairstyles and body types? Is it even credible you'd wind up writing with all three Mid Yuan FCs, and even if you do, would that be a problem?

There's a reddit sub that finds similar looking people, so it isn't like it's unrealistic that people could look really similar at a glance. 

I think most would want to use a unique face either way, so at best you'd get a small number of people get to use their favourite face without having to compete for it. It's not like everyone writes with everyone, so depending on site size, it's entirely possible you could have six Goku's running around without them ever meeting each other or even the same people.
last edit on Jul 21, 2024 11:32:46 GMT by traveller
"Someone's got to die today and you have got the final say. You? Or your crew?"
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scaramoucheearned bits
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"Well I want people to put in what they're taking out of my time to review their 56th cat boy" sounds more appropriate.
at the end of the day this is mostly the only reason.

like no offense, staff members are not here for your convenience and I don't really care to spend a bunch of time out of my day doing something for someone who has no respect for my time. i pay for the site, not the other way around, and i don't think it's nannying to put in my rules that you should post with your already accepted characters before asking me to review more.

my next site will also have "canon slots" and while it's technically OCs, it's personified public domain characters and I'm only allowing one interpretation per character. It does not feel fair to allow one person to take 20 different canon roles if they don't even post all that often. It's nothing personal, but it's more out of courtesy to everyone else and to give new members a chance.

if you post often enough, you won't even feel the restrictions anyway.

Yea this is where I am at now. We started with 10 free characters of all kinds and a shop purchase for anything after that. I thought the purchase would be like the “activity” but we gave a lot of generous rewards so it was pretty easy to just keep churning out character after character.

I do not care about face claim “hoarding” or dopamine rush. I want people to be able to do what they want.

But when it comes to me, I was a single admin working on apps alone. And I would be absolutely flooded with characters. I felt I had to get through those before I could even do anything fun for myself on the site. So I enlisted help but then that became a problem (long story won’t get into it).

At the end of the day though if you have 13 characters and only 1 had any posts and we even define comm as activity the problem is not with me. I have many activities for people to do like bingos and missions and prompts. I can only do so much as a person.

I also have a lot going irl. A lot. Let’s just say my mental health is tanking. edited for some personal things, sorry.
last edit on Jul 22, 2024 0:09:31 GMT by scaramouche
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Jenesisearned bits
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Speaking as a member, I also prefer roster limits based on activity requirements. It makes the site feel more... "lived-in"? if I know that basically every oc has threaded out a plot at some point, as opposed to people having rosters of 10+ characters and having to guess if they're actually active vs being a concept that sounded like a good idea in theory vs practice, or just wanting to bandwagon on pretty/popular fcs. If an oc isn't working out you can always archive them to free up the slots.
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bcearned bits
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How common is it actually that someone has “hoarded” a face you wanted to use for your character? Can’t we just make faces non-exclusive? I mean, if there are two people using, say, Goku as a face claim, is it really a big problem?

insert my obligatory rp anarchy rp anarchy chant here. faces should be non-exclusive this would solve so many issues that me myself and i have conjured up singularly but also ig something something make fc hoarding a non-issue…

but for whatever reason currently this is not the standard so \-0-0-/

i think fc exclusivity matters way more when ur using rl fcs tbh versus animanga, where people can / do draw the same characters fairly differently! plus. i mean. i love graphics as much as the next person, but graphics in a writing hobby should not be so important as to make the idea of two characters sharing the same fc in mediums who, for practical / stylized reasons, already simplifies features - a make or break

so yes, hoarding can be made irrelevant if face claims are non-exclusive. i question if it is simply using a lot of high demand fcs that is the problem though? idk, this is just me shooting to the wind, but maybe it's more like - using jenesis's words - bandwagoning on popular/pretty fcs that makes it - not necessarily an admin problem, but can leave a bad taste in some people's mouths? this isn't to judge btw, just my speculating klasdfjkl what people mean when they complain about fc hoarding b/c i don't fully grasp what the definition is outside of like panfan context. (as i'm sure i have made very clear, i am at the end of the day a proponent of fc anarchy.)

anyway this is a more complicated issue that putting character slot roadblocks wouldn't be able to fix by any means; maybe make it less... worse, i suppose.

yet another edit because i keep thinking - then again, the point of pain is the demand part; fc non-exclusivity should in theory resolve that as well. unless someone is really being a hater, in which their opinion is irrelevant to the conduct of civil rp, what fc you're using shouldn't matter so heavily if fcs are deprioritized in the first place. so uh yeah. lot of words just to say fc anarchy solves all my problems in life including the ones that have nothing to do with rp ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ (coping)
last edit on Jul 21, 2024 19:03:23 GMT by bc
233written posts
travellerearned bits
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How common is it actually that someone has “hoarded” a face you wanted to use for your character? Can’t we just make faces non-exclusive? I mean, if there are two people using, say, Goku as a face claim, is it really a big problem?
insert my obligatory rp anarchy rp anarchy chant here. 
At this point I kinda want RP anarchy
"Someone's got to die today and you have got the final say. You? Or your crew?"
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Kuroyaearned bits
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
personally, i can kind of see both sides of the coin here.

as a staffer, i like having higher character creation and/or activity requirements since it's obviously going to minimize some of my workload (which is v important to me, as the staffer who typically takes the lion's share of the work on anything i'm staffing) by theoretically lowering the amount of apps i'm reviewing with at one time, the amount of accounts i'm having to sort through to do activity checks, and opportunities for potential stagnation from people being minimally active.

as a member, i like having lower character creation and/or activity requirements since it minimizes the potential penalty i'd have for making a character in a niche that's harder to plot with (especially if it's one that would likely otherwise just be npc'd) or whose thread partners might not consistently reply for me to make checks (insert the josh peck meme for "i do not control the speed at which other people reply to me") or the pressure to make threads just for the sake of hitting that arbitrary post count so i can do my next app.

honestly, i actually wish it was something admins did make more judgment calls about, since uh. it'd be nice to see requirements get lowered/waived for having want ads filled or during slower periods (since imo 5 posts is gonna be a heck of a lot harder if the site is in a slow period compared to when it be bopping) and for requirements to get raised/capped for staff busy periods (so no one has to wait around for a mega long time just to get their app reviewed) or mega active periods or to slow someone's roll.

but also re: faceclaim sharing, i actually really really wish more sites would do it. i mean. the community is so much smaller than it used to be, and at this point, it just feels so arbitrary to shrink that potential even more just because of a faceclaim being taken (since yeah, sure, there are lookalike fcs, but it's mega annoying to have to go dig through to find those alts sometimes and a lot of the time you won't be dealing with the same availability or quality to the art or the same vibe or details to the new face). plus like. it'd get rid of all the fc pettiness i've seen go on behind closed doors (since uh, yep, i've definitely seen groups ice out people or throw mini-tantrums in private simply because they both wanted to use the same fc + one person got there first) since imo it's not like you'd have to acknowledge it, just look away from someone else doing it.

though also, as someone who's been going back and using all those old popular fcs, it's been mega funny to just be able to casually fc, idk, izaya and kirito and ookurikawa and so on and have like no competition anymore because everyone's moved on to other series lol-

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scryearned bits
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here's my two cents. if you don't want people making 10+ characters in a short time, despite having "post requirements" or "x points for another character slot" then implement a cooldown system. essentially if a member makes a character they can't make another character for x amount of time. yes, some people will hate this, think it's limitative but as many people have stated there's no easy solve for this. otherwise i think just talking to your members about how apps are going to be processed slower because you're feeling overwhelmed by the sheer amount of apps, especially for already accepted members. like i feel staff folk forget they can talk to their members, sure you'll have bad eggs who will grumble but i'm sure most will understand cause at the end of the day a staffer and member are the same, we're here to have fun and write characters.

as for fc hoarding, honestly it should be the norm by now but that there can be multiple characters with the same fc aka "sharing a fc". but honestly i don't think fc hoarding is an issue, it's "seeing the same fc all the time". which can not be solved because the favor of the year changes. if you're tired of seeing the same fc used site after site, that is a you problem. people are going to use what they like at the time and you can't control that. all you can do is not interact with the 77th zhongli look-alike.

i do believe character hoarding is an issue, which is more so panfan related. like it sucks looking to join a site and that one person has three of the most popular characters in a single fandom. kinda my peeve for older sites, but it's my own personal fault for joining late i suppose.
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56written posts
capsellaearned bits
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Speaking as a member, I also prefer roster limits based on activity requirements. It makes the site feel more... "lived-in"? if I know that basically every oc has threaded out a plot at some point, as opposed to people having rosters of 10+ characters and having to guess if they're actually active vs being a concept that sounded like a good idea in theory vs practice, or just wanting to bandwagon on pretty/popular fcs. If an oc isn't working out you can always archive them to free up the slots.

this is exactly how i feel going into places as a member!! i've seen sites require 1-2 posts a month— not that much, especially if you're in the habit of rapidfiring (my beloved)— and a quick check-in in an activity log in order to keep your characters, and it does a lot for making the site feel alive and well-connected; i love seeing a ton of characters in a new site and getting to read everyone's profiles and meet them all, but if a lot of them haven't been posted on in months, it feels a little like they're there to collect dust... which isn't super inspiring as a writer jumping into a new space. honestly, (as a member) (this is different from staff work) i don't have issues with people playing 10+ characters or using every mhy fc imaginable (live your best life), i just like to see those characters around! it makes it feel easier to hop into the swing of things when the characters onsite are active and easy to get to know.
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out if you need anything.
233written posts
travellerearned bits
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though also, as someone who's been going back and using all those old popular fcs, it's been mega funny to just be able to casually fc, idk, izaya and kirito and ookurikawa and so on and have like no competition anymore because everyone's moved on to other series lol-
Yeah, honestly, I should stop arguing these things when I have no skin in the game. I already get to use my favourite FCs, and my favourite FCs are all blasts from the past.

At the same time, we have so many things we do in roleplay that are "a given", as a contrarian I cannot help but question the status quo and examine whether we really should be perpetuating some of these habits.

"Someone's got to die today and you have got the final say. You? Or your crew?"
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scaramoucheearned bits
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I just don’t see the faces as a problem. If somebody asked me to share (and I have offered for example to let somebody play the younger version of a face I use) then no issue whatsoever.

It’s the sheer number of characters made vs how many are actually written. I just am baffled by how many people need to make 13 right NOW but then when you give their accounts a Quick Look, they are only writing actively with one.

Now I don’t expect anybody even with 2 characters to always have muse, time, or plots for every character, ALL the time. So don’t get me wrong. I absolutely make room for life and breaks.

But it’s baffling to make all your free characters AT ONCE. With no intended plots and no seeming intention to write as them any time soon?

If the only reason for this is “I wanted to make sure I got x face” then I’m believing I might end up making a no claims site next time.
last edit on Jul 22, 2024 15:40:50 GMT by scaramouche
786written posts
illidan mainearned bits
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I've never had much competition for my FCs because I've always hated the aesthetic of the popular FCs*. But I definitely support anarchy in this regard, or even just. idk. moving away from FCs in general. I don't really see the point of being possessive over a character design I did not make or purchase.

* = Animanga only tbh. I have had some mild competition in RL spaces for Dev Patel. It can also get a little difficult with black male FCs because directories notoriously do not have a lot of black men on them. It's part of why I've started moving towards rappers. Andre 3000, I will use him some day.
last edit on Jul 22, 2024 18:49:28 GMT by illidan main

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I just don’t see the faces as a problem. If somebody asked me to share (and I have offered for example to let somebody play the younger version of a face I use) then no issue whatsoever.

not to jump on the bandwagon but honestly, i don't get it either. and honestly i feel like this is one of the very few things that is starting to change for the better, is this weird possessiveness over certain fcs that used to be a lot more common.

like i remember one time i asked a relatively well known person in the community at the time just for the name of the fc they were using bc i thought it was a pretty fc. and the way this person immediately accused me of stealing their character for asking for the name of the fc? like bro i promise i don't care about your character. i just think the fc is cool and have an idea of my own for it.

i dunno, i just assume if someone also wants to use the same fc i have, that that is the case. hell, i might even be more inclined to try and plot with you because they have the same fc. here, take the icons i've had for this fc since 2009. let chaos reign, baby.