what's on your mind: RP Edition

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ireneearned bits
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you want it darker, we kill the flame
Claim possession still exists, albeit not a central issue anymore.

I've seen first hand a crowd sweep in, create ten+ characters in a span of a week, racing for certain popular claims, only to end up with 0 posts across the board by the time the monthly AC rolls by; that, or post once to make the AC and disappear again, rinse and repeat.

I've seen this with ic leadership roles too; individuals who want ic clout but do nothing to earn or prove why they deserve such ic clout. This I pick more issue with than faceclaims, especially if it's a narrative rp where certain roles are needed.
last edit on Jul 22, 2024 23:53:07 GMT by irene
35written posts
xenoearned bits
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not to jump on the bandwagon but honestly, i don't get it either. and honestly i feel like this is one of the very few things that is starting to change for the better, is this weird possessiveness over certain fcs that used to be a lot more common.

like i remember one time i asked a relatively well known person in the community at the time just for the name of the fc they were using bc i thought it was a pretty fc. and the way this person immediately accused me of stealing their character for asking for the name of the fc? like bro i promise i don't care about your character. i just think the fc is cool and have an idea of my own for it.

i dunno, i just assume if someone also wants to use the same fc i have, that that is the case. hell, i might even be more inclined to try and plot with you because they have the same fc. here, take the icons i've had for this fc since 2009. let chaos reign, baby.

I agree with u so much. The RP community could benefit so much from just... not doing FCs. I promise it's not that deep!

That being said I kinda get it when it's panfandom
pronounshe, him
561written posts
Sharpearned bits
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I'm going to post my unpopular opinion but obscure face claims are my favorite, so I'm not really affected by hoarders. I don't want to be influenced by the canon or for other people's interactions with my character to be influenced by it. As long as I can find 2-3 usable graphics of a character and I have no idea who they are I'm all good.
last edit on Jul 23, 2024 2:06:40 GMT by Sharp
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PHIMBOearned bits
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So, too, is Death possessed of infinite strategies and a gaunt nature.
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I just don’t see the faces as a problem. If somebody asked me to share (and I have offered for example to let somebody play the younger version of a face I use) then no issue whatsoever.

It’s the sheer number of characters made vs how many are actually written. I just am baffled by how many people need to make 13 right NOW but then when you give their accounts a Quick Look, they are only writing actively with one.

Now I don’t expect anybody even with 2 characters to always have muse, time, or plots for every character, ALL the time. So don’t get me wrong. I absolutely make room for life and breaks.

But it’s baffling to make all your free characters AT ONCE. With no intended plots and no seeming intention to write as them any time soon?

If the only reason for this is “I wanted to make sure I got x face” then I’m believing I might end up making a no claims site next time.

i think this is a pretty solid argument for a limited number of free character slots, especially when its clear that characters are treated with a 'gacha' effect but aren't really effectively active whatsoever.

idk, i'm the type of rp shopper who likes to look at member lists first, and if i see people making 10 characters within a span of days and not posting i may start to believe the site is not lived in at all. 
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𝐹𝑒𝓇𝒶𝓁 Avatar
i’ve had maybe one or two cases of fc “sniping” happen to me over the years of rp, so it baffles me whenever i see it being this widespread of an issue.

The only person who I ever knew to be fc possessive was someone i knew personally and they were an extreme case of “even if on a diff site i will throw a temper tantrum if I know you used a fc i have even if I have 0 interest in the site youre using it on.” We havent been friends for years.

Like i knew it was an issue, just didn’t fathom how bad of one it was until it stated being complained about on here every few months or so.

That being said, the most possessiveness and jealousy i’ve ever seen was still by and far Panfan cattiness.
last edit on Jul 23, 2024 4:12:29 GMT by 𝐹𝑒𝓇𝒶𝓁

159written posts
Macchiatoearned bits
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Speaking as a member, I also prefer roster limits based on activity requirements. It makes the site feel more... "lived-in"? if I know that basically every oc has threaded out a plot at some point, as opposed to people having rosters of 10+ characters and having to guess if they're actually active vs being a concept that sounded like a good idea in theory vs practice, or just wanting to bandwagon on pretty/popular fcs. If an oc isn't working out you can always archive them to free up the slots.

This might be an unpopular opinion, but as a member, I really enjoy when a site has very intense plots between multiple characters and multiple members. Plots spanning months, if not years, with ripple effects from previous relationships between characters. And I don't find that common on sites where I see every player with 10+ characters, most with 5 posts on them. (not saying its impossible, or that people with multiple characters can't have enriching plots. I just don't see it realistic to have the far reaching plots across multiple players and multiple characters, like i mentioned, when its commonplace for people to have massive casts under them.)

Of course, I'm not here to dictate anyone's hobby. But for ME personally, I find it a bit frustrating to feel inspired when I try to plot with someone only to have to shift through their characters to figure out which one is actively posting 

traveller Avatar

The way I see it, if you're concerned with the time it takes to approve a character, maybe try to streamline the approval process to make it easier on staff members and limit the time spent on that. For example, you could ask people to answer two questions in the biography section: "Who was this character before they arrived at location X?" and "What motivated character to move to location X?"

Then you could either ask people to keep the biography strictly to those answers, or as staff just skim the biography to find the answers to those questions and consider mainly those.

"But Traveller, I'm worried they'll write things that break the setting!" Then you either need to define your setting better so people know where the limits are, or you need to let go a bit and accept that, once you throw other writers into the mix, some stuff may need to bend a little.

This is a bit in the past, but I guess I was just curious about this take. Because, to me, it feels a bit much to join a site and expect the staff members to be okay with you bending the world they've spent time and effort building.  For some sites, it can be easy to mass accept apps, but for like Super hero or power related sites, I feel like a lot more would go into ensuring balance between characters that doesn't fit the two questions you mentioned. 

Like, of course, in a perfect world everyone would make characters based off of narrative alone, but I feel like reality is there is a good chunk of the community who likes to mid max, whether it be by making their character a random noble or have blood bending abilities, or rushing canon slots or fc hoarding etc etc.  That's fine. Have fun however you like. But, as a staff member, it creates a need to be more cautious during acceptance, especially if we're talking about a narrative driven site. 

I don't know. Of course, this is a shared hobby, so we should able to do whatever creatively fits our interests, but at the same time, this is  a hobby for the staff members running their sites, no? So if people are making 10+ characters, or app-and-dashing, I find it totally be reasonable to place limitations. Even if staff members have unlimited time, its not like app approval is the most riveting experience. And you can only have the "slow down" conversation so many times with so many members. Neither of which makes said staff person wrong. 

I just feel like the simpler solution is: join sites that support your writing styles/creativity. Whether that be unlimited character creation, or limited. FC exclusivity or no-fcs at all.
last edit on Jul 23, 2024 6:50:27 GMT by Macchiato
249written posts
scarletearned bits
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Claim possession still exists, albeit not a central issue anymore.

I've seen first hand a crowd sweep in, create ten+ characters in a span of a week, racing for certain popular claims, only to end up with 0 posts across the board by the time the monthly AC rolls by; that, or post once to make the AC and disappear again, rinse and repeat.

I've seen this with ic leadership roles too; individuals who want ic clout but do nothing to earn or prove why they deserve such ic clout. This I pick more issue with than faceclaims, especially if it's a narrative rp where certain roles are needed.
This is my biggest issue really. It's frustrating when you look at a directory and you can't tell which characters will actively thread with you. If you see someone has fifty characters but they're currently only writing ten, the extra forty creates a skewed idea of population and activity for a new member. Granted, activity checks do solve for that.

I also saw this re: leadership often too. My old RP communities struggled immensely with canon stagnation. People didn't want to give up leadership even if they were inactive, and would go out screaming over being contested. It created drama and slowed stories that hinged on their participation, weakening overall plots that could have done better with an active presence. Again, that experience has made me a huge, huge proponent of activity checks.
last edit on Jul 23, 2024 6:53:14 GMT by scarlet
233written posts
travellerearned bits
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This is a bit in the past, but I guess I was just curious about this take. Because, to me, it feels a bit much to join a site and expect the staff members to be okay with you bending the world they've spent time and effort building.  For some sites, it can be easy to mass accept apps, but for like Super hero or power related sites, I feel like a lot more would go into ensuring balance between characters that doesn't fit the two questions you mentioned. 

Like, of course, in a perfect world everyone would make characters based off of narrative alone, but I feel like reality is there is a good chunk of the community who likes to mid max, whether it be by making their character a random noble or have blood bending abilities, or rushing canon slots or fc hoarding etc etc.  That's fine. Have fun however you like. But, as a staff member, it creates a need to be more cautious during acceptance, especially if we're talking about a narrative driven site. 
I probably didn't explain my point eloquently enough, so I get where the confusion comes from. One of the mindset differences we have is that I consider most roleplayers to come from a place of inherent goodness, i.e. they do not set out to change the entire setting to their needs, but they may introduce details that you hadn't thought of.

From that point, if you create vagueness in a setting, you either have to run a tight ship, or just accept that writers collaborating means new creative ideas get introduced. There's nothing wrong with that. If I create a fictional town and don't specify it doesn't have a bakery, I shouldn't be upset if someone writes a bakery into the setting.

Exceptions to the rule are the lifeblood of many stories, so it's not weird to consider there are roleplayers who will introduce exceptions to the rule as their focal character.

You can either take a prescriptive approach ("you can only write what is specifically in the setting"), or you can just...chill out a bit, assume some good on people, and let them introduce new things to the setting or bend things a little. If all nobles are spellcasters, let someone play the magicless noble. If monsters are ferocious demons, let someone have a monster that's docile for some reason. When everyone woke up with a super power on 17 July 2025, what's the harm in letting someone wake up with them on 21 July 2025 instead?

If it's important, define your setting, explain why a particular detail is set in stone. All nobles are spellcasters because the king immediately confers nobility on anyone who can cast magic, and he has a magic device that pinpoints magicians. All monsters are ferocious demons because they are the embodiment of chaos and are driven by this singular force of destruction. People woke up with their super powers on that specific day because aliens unleashed an experimental device that modified people's genes on that exact day, and its effects are instantaneous.

Most sites don't have an overarching staff-ran plot anyway and run with "character-driven" (i.e. we provide the setting, you provide everything else) plots.

It's fine, you know? Trust other writers.
last edit on Jul 23, 2024 9:11:24 GMT by traveller
"Someone's got to die today and you have got the final say. You? Or your crew?"
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aliasthomas, breezescodes
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bcearned bits
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activity checks can’t be the end all be all of things though. since they only measure the amount of posts, not the quality. (by quality, i don’t mean writing-wise; on sites whose canons play a huge role in moving the plot of the site forward, what you care about is that they’re contributing to that plot, not whether they’ve posted once or twice for their inconsequential ship or their coffee shop meet in the last two days)

idk about you but i’ve had past experiences modding a site that have informed me one thing: most rpers come from a genuine place, but that is not necessarily good for the site when their genuine place is utter dogshit powerplaying bullshit lmfao. people have genuinely gone out of their way to try to ‘push the limits of the system’ and then argued that what they’re doing is good actually it’s a benefit to the site (ignoring how this only works if they’re doing so in collaborative spirit and not just to go on a power trip fantasy) when staff deem them to be doing too much

there’s often a disconnect between what is just a small detail, and what is actually pretty big, and what is just. bullshit and they’re trying to pull the wool over your eyes. because unfortunately, players do that. not every player, but some do, some do more. this isn't to say be paranoid about every player, but some sites more than others really do need a thorough app because some people find enjoyment in things that ruin the fun for others, and you can't just be like 'oh i guess that's on me for not thinking about the possibility of someone trying to plant a bomb in our system lol'.

it only works to say "either specify every single rule of your system or plot, or let it go" if your system is almost inconsequential to your site to begin with. because if the details do matter, and you forget to list said detail and the reasoning behind it in your guidebook or whatever, fuck you i guess? that's a wild limitation on sites. putting aside whether or not we're prescribing good/bad intent, people make mistakes. thorough applications help catch those mistakes. to not have a thorough application is to suggest a site where those things just don't matter that all much, and that's not the site everyone wants to create or rp on. it is a valid way to run a site among many, but it's not the only

(as a note, sorry for continuing to edit this post lmao i keep having thoughts that i dont write down immediately then remember i forget to write down)
last edit on Jul 23, 2024 9:51:41 GMT by bc
aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
1,520written posts
bisexual and ptsd
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This is a bit in the past, but I guess I was just curious about this take. Because, to me, it feels a bit much to join a site and expect the staff members to be okay with you bending the world they've spent time and effort building.  For some sites, it can be easy to mass accept apps, but for like Super hero or power related sites, I feel like a lot more would go into ensuring balance between characters that doesn't fit the two questions you mentioned. 

Like, of course, in a perfect world everyone would make characters based off of narrative alone, but I feel like reality is there is a good chunk of the community who likes to mid max, whether it be by making their character a random noble or have blood bending abilities, or rushing canon slots or fc hoarding etc etc.  That's fine. Have fun however you like. But, as a staff member, it creates a need to be more cautious during acceptance, especially if we're talking about a narrative driven site. 
I probably didn't explain my point eloquently enough, so I get where the confusion comes from. One of the mindset differences we have is that I consider most roleplayers to come from a place of inherent goodness, i.e. they do not set out to change the entire setting to their needs, but they may introduce details that you hadn't thought of.

From that point, if you create vagueness in a setting, you either have to run a tight ship, or just accept that writers collaborating means new creative ideas get introduced. There's nothing wrong with that. If I create a fictional town and don't specify it doesn't have a bakery, I shouldn't be upset if someone writes a bakery into the setting.

Exceptions to the rule are the lifeblood of many stories, so it's not weird to consider there are roleplayers who will introduce exceptions to the rule as their focal character.

You can either take a prescriptive approach ("you can only write what is specifically in the setting"), or you can just...chill out a bit, assume some good on people, and let them introduce new things to the setting or bend things a little. If all nobles are spellcasters, let someone play the magicless noble. If monsters are ferocious demons, let someone have a monster that's docile for some reason. When everyone woke up with a super power on 17 July 2025, what's the harm in letting someone wake up with them on 21 July 2025 instead?

If it's important, define your setting, explain why a particular detail is set in stone. All nobles are spellcasters because the king immediately confers nobility on anyone who can cast magic, and he has a magic device that pinpoints magicians. All monsters are ferocious demons because they are the embodiment of chaos and are driven by this singular force of destruction. People woke up with their super powers on that specific day because aliens unleashed an experimental device that modified people's genes on that exact day, and its effects are instantaneous.

Most sites don't have an overarching staff-ran plot anyway and run with "character-driven" (i.e. we provide the setting, you provide everything else) plots.

It's fine, you know? Trust other writers.

I’m also someone who always assume good intention from others when they bring up ideas. A site i left assumed had this impression i was trying to cheat the system. Even despite thr clear evidence i had only been following what the mod who approved my app told me to do, they were very insistent i was on the wrong for “not making sure” (like 4 months later in the site and 200+ posts later from me.) i was very active and using my currency for dumb funny things. It really sucks to be treated like a criminal. It was fandon-based too, so the lore i was following was in-line with the adaptation they take inspiration from but they really attacked me just bc they had this horrible assumption about me

mind you i was asking for permission, and i wouldnt have minded or even cared retconning or just forgetting about it. But they be mad i was “ruining their hard work” on their site lore

Im still not over how i was treated honestly. Was just so uncalled for lol. I’ve just been big chilling and doing my best in the community. Doesnt help i was going through times with my dog a too

Edit: i should add that they also really hated me lmao so probably doesnt matter but the accusation of trying to cheat or whatever still hurts
last edit on Jul 23, 2024 9:41:45 GMT by bisexual and ptsd

(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
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travellerearned bits
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bisexual and ptsd Avatar

I’m also someone who always assume good intention from others when they bring up ideas. A site i left assumed had this impression i was trying to cheat the system. Even despite thr clear evidence i had only been following what the mod who approved my app told me to do, they were very insistent i was on the wrong for “not making sure” (like 4 months later in the site and 200+ posts later from me.) i was very active and using my currency for dumb funny things. It really sucks to be treated like a criminal. It was fandon-based too, so the lore i was following was in-line with the adaptation they take inspiration from but they really attacked me just bc they had this horrible assumption about me

mind you i was asking for permission, and i wouldnt have minded or even cared retconning or just forgetting about it. But they be mad i was “ruining their hard work” on their site lore
Maybe I just lack empathy but I just cannot understand why people in the roleplay community are sometimes so obsessed with ascribing malice where none exists.
"Someone's got to die today and you have got the final say. You? Or your crew?"
aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
1,520written posts
bisexual and ptsd
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emotional over wallace event/alt
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bisexual and ptsd Avatar
I’m also someone who always assume good intention from others when they bring up ideas. A site i left assumed had this impression i was trying to cheat the system. Even despite thr clear evidence i had only been following what the mod who approved my app told me to do, they were very insistent i was on the wrong for “not making sure” (like 4 months later in the site and 200+ posts later from me.) i was very active and using my currency for dumb funny things. It really sucks to be treated like a criminal. It was fandon-based too, so the lore i was following was in-line with the adaptation they take inspiration from but they really attacked me just bc they had this horrible assumption about me

mind you i was asking for permission, and i wouldnt have minded or even cared retconning or just forgetting about it. But they be mad i was “ruining their hard work” on their site lore
Maybe I just lack empathy but I just cannot understand why people in the roleplay community are sometimes so obsessed with ascribing malice where none exists.
I heard that feeling angry is as addicting as feeling happy. 🫠

(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
233written posts
travellerearned bits
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traveller Avatar
bisexual and ptsd Avatar
traveller Avatar
Maybe I just lack empathy but I just cannot understand why people in the roleplay community are sometimes so obsessed with ascribing malice where none exists.
I heard that feeling angry is as addicting as feeling happy. 🫠
Must be an exhausting way to live. Embrace Buddhism.
"Someone's got to die today and you have got the final say. You? Or your crew?"
the wheels are singing
aliasJen, DeJener8
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Jenesisearned bits
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activity checks can’t be the end all be all of things though. since they only measure the amount of posts, not the quality. (by quality, i don’t mean writing-wise; on sites whose canons play a huge role in moving the plot of the site forward, what you care about is that they’re contributing to that plot, not whether they’ve posted once or twice for their inconsequential ship or their coffee shop meet in the last two days)

One thing I've see sites try to do to solve this is by requiring the canon in question to include a summary in their ac post of things their character is doing to move site plots forward. This feels kind of "off" to me (like... assigning homework?) but I don't really have a dog in the fight as I tend not to play site canons nor write plots that involve big sweeping changes to the site. (Not that I'm opposed on principle, but I've yet to play on a site where a site plot actually manifested past the pre-plotting stage, so I prefer to keep my expectations low.)
praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
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bcearned bits
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activity checks can’t be the end all be all of things though. since they only measure the amount of posts, not the quality. (by quality, i don’t mean writing-wise; on sites whose canons play a huge role in moving the plot of the site forward, what you care about is that they’re contributing to that plot, not whether they’ve posted once or twice for their inconsequential ship or their coffee shop meet in the last two days)
One thing I've see sites try to do to solve this is by requiring the canon in question to include a summary in their ac post of things their character is doing to move site plots forward. This feels kind of "off" to me (like... assigning homework?) but I don't really have a dog in the fight as I tend not to play site canons nor write plots that involve big sweeping changes to the site. (Not that I'm opposed on principle, but I've yet to play on a site where a site plot actually manifested past the pre-plotting stage, so I prefer to keep my expectations low.)

yeah there’s something to be said about the intensity of the site canon position that— i can’t imagine you expect a canon to push something new every single ac for most sites. it’s more of a cumulative doing nothing usually. any solution to scrutinise a canon’s position and activity too closely feels weird because it clashes w the prevalent idea that rp is a hobby, and so we usually try to extend understanding to the fact that people have lives where things happen sometimes