what's on your mind: RP Edition

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aliasJen, DeJener8
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RE faceclaims: I do get attached to the fcs I choose and I prefer not to recreate the same character with different fcs, because in my mind it doesn't make sense to me to simply declare the character has a different appearance after I've been writing them for however long with a certain face in mind. but I also don't get upset about fc "sniping", I rarely if ever recycle my ocs anyway. there are so many other ideas I can make instead.

RE image crediting: also, do not use zerochan et al as a workaround if the original artist has publicly said they don't want their art reposted/edited or has deleted their art account. yeah it sucks to not be able to use the pretty art you found on google, but I'd rather be mildly upset than be an art thief.

RE site making: I don't judge people who admin multiple sites. I DO judge people who make a site, shut it down in < 1 month when it doesn't get as much traffic as they want or they "lose muse" for it or w/e, launch a new one, and then rinse and repeat the cycle ad nauseam.

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travellerearned bits
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RE image crediting: also, do not use zerochan et al as a workaround if the original artist has publicly said they don't want their art reposted/edited or has deleted their art account. yeah it sucks to not be able to use the pretty art you found on google, but I'd rather be mildly upset than be an art thief.

This is actually a bit difficult due to cultural differences. In Japan, it's considered arrogant and rude to proclaim others cannot use your art, because "don't use people's art without permission" is the default. Saying so publicly carries the stigma of thinking your art is so great others will want to use it.

Pixiv terms of service explicitly state art posted to Pixiv is not to be reposted elsewhere or edited in any way, shape, or form.

So almost all the art drawn by Japanese people can be assumed to be "don't use it, please and thanks", and "don't edit someone's art" is kind of a given assumption, which includes throwing filters on or doing anything else to make it "snazzy" and "look nice".

But I don't think the RP community is ready to have a conversation about art theft.
last edit on Jul 24, 2024 22:04:23 GMT by traveller
"Someone's got to die today and you have got the final say. You? Or your crew?"
the wheels are singing
aliasJen, DeJener8
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Pixiv terms of service explicitly state art posted to Pixiv is not to be reposted elsewhere or edited in any way, shape, or form.

Can you point me to where it says this? I just did a ctrl+f in the English-language Service Master Terms of Use page for "rehost", "repost", or "edit" and couldn't find anything.
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travellerearned bits
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Pixiv terms of service explicitly state art posted to Pixiv is not to be reposted elsewhere or edited in any way, shape, or form.
Can you point me to where it says this? I just did a ctrl+f in the English-language Service Master Terms of Use page for "rehost", "repost", or "edit" and couldn't find anything.
Looks like they removed it in one of their revisions. It was language akin to “reproducing” (this is the term JP often uses) content to other services without the consent of the producer of the content, as well as language stating it is not permissable to reproduce or modify works posted to the service.

So at a glance, it looks like that bit is outdated in my post, though I swear it was there five years ago.

At best, you have this page now (and the “republished on another site without permission”, which is what Zerochan et all are), but I’d understand if people don’t take that as an express disapproval for use.

This, of course, does not detract from the cultural difference of “assuming permission if it isn’t expressly forbidden” and “assuming it is not allowed until expressly said otherwise”. 
last edit on Jul 24, 2024 23:13:14 GMT by traveller
"Someone's got to die today and you have got the final say. You? Or your crew?"
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Chibi Magicianearned bits
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When friends from an old site you ran wanna just role-play for funsies so you start repairing the site a little. I'm kinda excited even if it will be more back-burner role-play and just went through and cleaned up the member's list a little and now am tidying claims before maybe moving onto images next!
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Can you point me to where it says this? I just did a ctrl+f in the English-language Service Master Terms of Use page for "rehost", "repost", or "edit" and couldn't find anything.
Looks like they removed it in one of their revisions. It was language akin to “reproducing” (this is the term JP often uses) content to other services without the consent of the producer of the content, as well as language stating it is not permissable to reproduce or modify works posted to the service.

So at a glance, it looks like that bit is outdated in my post, though I swear it was there five years ago.

At best, you have this page now (and the “republished on another site without permission”, which is what Zerochan et all are), but I’d understand if people don’t take that as an express disapproval for use.

This, of course, does not detract from the cultural difference of “assuming permission if it isn’t expressly forbidden” and “assuming it is not allowed until expressly said otherwise”. 

(Sorry for lack of editing. Mobile lol.)

you bring a good point with cultural difference. i wonder if language barrier/communicating with artists is better, if the fandom culture would be a lot different

The first time i asked for permission to use an art was in deviantart. I messaged an artist to use their art as reference/art for my oc in an fmab fic (ed and winry’s so ) and i had to reassure so many times it’s just for the fic and expressed that i really loved their art and i’d be ok if they say no regardless. The artist was extremely stoked.

That one was in the case for an oc and the art wasnt fanart. But i think fanart and fandom operates in the same level of trust and innnocence. Or at least it used to be. We’re giving out to each other without asking for much as log as we respect the dignity of that trust. We don’t claim it as our own. We dont profit for it. We dont have the evil intent to abuse that trust for our business. It’s all just silly fun and games, of me pointing to this art i found and going “omg dont you think it’s awesome? I love it so much.” It extends even to artists who make _profits_ over fan merchs. Though at times it just isnt worth it for creators to do something sbout it but there’s still like level of grey acceptance bc the way fans give back to the fandom is way more worth it

And the fandom isnt just creation. It’s interacting, which has sadly died a lot. No one goes and points to admire the pretty art shared anymore as much as try to get attention for showing it…

Anyway i dont think rp sites is what they were targeting with the disclaimer tag, honestly. It’s such a niche thing. Still, i want to respect thr trust as much as possible. I’m gonna really push for the idea of aesthetic fc over claims. I think the name is even better, in fact. Like when you want to describe your oc, you go “he has the edgy sephiroth vibes and has silky smooth hair thats why i am showing this pic of him and cloud making it” instead of “Sephiroth from FINAL FANTASY SERIES”

(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
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hannyearned bits
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unrelated to the other discussions what do people use to make like. worldbuilding maps and stuff. i have the artistic brain of a peanut and i really don't just want to take japan's honshu island and rearrange it

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Asuearned bits
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unrelated to the other discussions what do people use to make like. worldbuilding maps and stuff. i have the artistic brain of a peanut and i really don't just want to take japan's honshu island and rearrange it
So I used to use Inkarnate for maps! inkarnate.com/

Fully customizable, easy to use stamp tools, and I love that you could even design cities and villages with it. I'd used it for DND campaigns as well when making interiors.
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macaronearned bits
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unrelated to the other discussions what do people use to make like. worldbuilding maps and stuff. i have the artistic brain of a peanut and i really don't just want to take japan's honshu island and rearrange it
I used to play a lot with Watabou's generators (city, village, dungeon, etc) or Azgaar's fantasy map generator.
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ace.earned bits
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yeah tbh i’ve always thought hand wringing over art usage in anime and manga forum rp was a bit silly. i’m pretty sure no artist has ever (or will ever) lose their livelihood because you dared to crop and apply a .psd over something they drew and then uploaded onto a public site. it’s one of the many morally incorrect/dubious things that happens online that has no real bearing or impact on anybody
last edit on Jul 25, 2024 14:19:11 GMT by ace.
786written posts
illidan mainearned bits
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personally i thought the best way to encourage people to use non-stolen art is to stop treating beginner artists like shit and having rules for what level of skill you're allowed to have to use original art on a site.

i know i would not be at my current level of art if people in my rp circles did not encourage me as a beginner.

we'd probably see more artists in rp circles if we fostered a culture of encouragement and acceptance for people who aren't perfect at it. i started drawing b/c i couldn't afford commissions.

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aliasthomas, breezescodes
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bcearned bits
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it comes down to doing your best to respect the wishes of individual artists who put a lot of effort into their art. i'm not sure i'd describe it as 'theft' insomuch as a lack of courtesy, but either way. i do agree there's some degree of - well, why does it matter when it is off of twitter vs from a gacha game? i'm personally not going to judge someone for using art as their pfp on some silly rp site myself despite the artist having don't use in their bio. i'm sure i've done it before, maybe am doing it, wte. i'd rather encourage the community to get away from the heavy importance of gfx that we've placed if anything.

that being said, art is time consuming as fuck. i could labour very hard to draw three different renditions my oc that i will use for one (1) site that will last 3 months max (not incl however much time i will take to psd because i keep complaining about gfx oversat but im a hypocrite who is actually gfx's bitch-); or i could just slap some art from online and call it a day (after spending hours+ getting the psd-) ;-;

edit: also this convo has reminded me to finally add back the art credits on this acct lmao. when i changed my pfp art i was too lazy to find where i put the art credits u.u so i am by no means a paragon in this convo LMAO
last edit on Jul 25, 2024 14:15:57 GMT by bc
786written posts
illidan mainearned bits
illidan main
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oh yeah i agree art is time consuming, i just occasionally see "original art is subject to admin approval" and it seems so shitty to me to tell beginners that their efforts aren't "good enough" for a stupid RP site. with the boom of AI as well, beginner artists are being treated even more and more unfairly because "why are you drawing when you can just use AI and it's so much better than ur bad art lol."

like. i personally would rather foster a community that encourages even "bad" artists to keep trying. b/c 10 times out of 10, the "bad" artist is just a beginner and just needs to draw more, and if you tell them to keep going, they'll blossom.
last edit on Jul 25, 2024 14:18:58 GMT by illidan main

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aliasthomas, breezescodes
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bcearned bits
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this is my murder mittens ^-^
illidan main Avatar
oh yeah i agree art is time consuming, i just occasionally see "original art is subject to admin approval" and it seems so shitty to me to tell beginners that their efforts aren't "good enough" for a stupid RP site. with the boom of AI as well, beginner artists are being treated even more and more unfairly because "why are you drawing when you can just use AI and it's so much better than ur bad art lol."

like. i personally would rather foster a community that encourages even "bad" artists to keep trying. b/c 9 times out of 10, the "bad" artist is just a beginner and just needs to draw more, and if you tell them to keep going, they'll blossom.

yello ur right. i've talked abt this topic before but art quality standards are so silly in rp land even if they never improve here be dragons that we're about writing , not drawing. also like. give me bad art over bad cropping any day :laughcry:
last edit on Jul 25, 2024 14:20:28 GMT by bc