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Crownauticearned bits
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atrophy, zombie apocalypse

[attr="class","cp cp-injection-o"]




an episodic zombie roleplay

tidbits of info

[attr="class","atrophytempt-bodyposts"]It's been four years to the day since I posted something about a zombie apocalypse roleplay and finally after four years of going through different phases of certain mechanics and storyboarding, it's finally time to put down an interest check for one!
The site focuses on one major point and that is story direction. A beginning, a middle, and then end. One certain idea which has always been transpired from the original idea to the final would be how the story goes and how it's laid out. This does include a Pilot episode which starts out as a normal everyday life and the ending of each episode everyone would have the chance to participate in an ending scene where certain outcomes will come into play via next episode (unlocking perks or piece out certain events that lead to the outbreak, who knows!).
But what about zombies? One of the key elements to any zombie apocalypse would be the zombies. As of the pilot episode, there doesn't seem to be any sort of zombies except for those who work twelve hour shifts for three days or even a 9 to 5 job they absolutely loathe. Zombie mutation will happen and there's nothing we can do to stop it.


I'll likely not go too much into detail here, but if there's any clarifications that people would like answered, I'm more than happy to explain things a little better!


It's our version of a character progression system that allows a lightweight dice experience. Each character will start with three traits that are free upon creation and then will gain traits through assignments or emergency protocols.

zone levels

As the city of New Erybridge experiences changes such as riots and various destruction due to mass panic (alongside with zombies to boot), there are zone levels to determine what is considered habitable and what is not. There are currently five zone levels, one being habitable (still some form of zombie life around the area) to five being nightmare (you may find that hoards are going to be a bigger issue and there are more mutant zombies are present).

stress levels

This is notably one aspect of the site which I would love to test out, a stress level system is mainly where you as the writer for your thread determine three styles of stress within a thread: dread, terror, and horror (of course all three can come into play). Stress is used to gauge how certain events/threads go alongside with the atmosphere of your actions/what impact you will do. (duly inspirated from ALIEN by the Free League)

...and some more!

of course there are a lot of other things included, but not limited to: raids, scavenging, assignments, emergency protocols, crafting, bartering, trading, major factions (alongside with creating a division for any of the three factions), and reputation system (for the factions).

Of course there are a lot of things that need to be worked on right now before we step ahead and go forth with finalising everything. However, rather than an interest check this is more of a sneak peek to the site itself. Thank you for taking the time to reading this! If there are any questions feel free to ask!

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last edit on Jun 16, 2024 19:40:50 GMT by Crownautic
111written posts
navigatorearned bits
Full Member
navigator Avatar
i crave story direction like nothing else. light dice elements make for a wonderful cherry on top. been looking for some rp outside of the fantasy realm and i think this would absolutely scratch that itch.

i will make time for this. watching eagerly.

if you want help with testing things let me know, i'll see what i can do to contribute.