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Staffing Confessions

67written posts
cilaearned bits
Junior Member
cila Avatar
my BEST FRIEND, my ride or die, the love of my life. may we continue to train in the dojo under spiral-senpai and his ass eating knowledge <3

(on a serious note...i want to echo what pan said above and to also add on that you don't need to force your members through elaborate systems to build a community. engage with them, talk to them, get to know them as people -- the rest comes easy.)
aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
1,543written posts
retired main character
Part of the Furniture
retired main character Avatar
maybe wallace being my fav was foreshadowing
it's funny hearing about staffing with people you know well when half the advice i've always heard is to never hire your friends as staff haha

(personally i think it's just anecdotal. i've staffed with my friends and it was great. i've staffed with my friends and it wasn't that great.)
last edit on Dec 23, 2023 9:14:18 GMT by retired main character

(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
Feline Overlord
1,813written posts
Chibi Magicianearned bits
Chibi Magician
Spring '21 Dev Completionist
Chibi Magician Avatar
Pure Gremlin Energy
This is how Chibi makes a site:

Me: Write, need to write, yes, that the plan.

Me before the write: Code

Me again: Now write, now write, now write.
last edit on Dec 23, 2023 20:05:21 GMT by Chibi Magician
792written posts
illidan mainearned bits
illidan main
Part of the Furniture
illidan main Avatar
tbh i mostly started the staff advice because I'm seeing a pattern of new admins opening sites with completely empty forums with nothing for prospective members to get excited about. It's not guaranteed to work, but my general advice is to have as few forums as possible and make sure there's something in all of them.

Scope is also a big thing for new sites. This is one I've run into myself: "oh I have all these cool ideas!!!" yeah and how many of those ideas do you have members for? Start with what you're most excited about and branch out. The smaller in scope that your RP is, the easier you'll be able to mash characters together and not run into "but my guy wouldn't be here" syndrome. Let factions and locations expand naturally and you'll find an easier time kicking off the most important part of the site: actually RP'ing. Sites can ALWAYS grow. It's a lot harder to shrink.
last edit on Dec 23, 2023 20:15:48 GMT by illidan main

avatar and hover by phobic art, commissioned for me
Tidal Wave
aliasAkira, Tsunami, Tsu, Aki
4,224written posts
AkiraTsunamiearned bits
Part of the Furniture
AkiraTsunami Avatar
I've got a hurricane in my head, I can't feel a thing, but it's better than dead
why does it feel like new members always join when the staff team is having an irl crisis lol i know it probably is just because everything is always a chaotic crisis in my life but we will have good weeks and no one touches it, but then crisis happens and suddenly new people T.T

199written posts
inkearned bits
Full Member
ink Avatar
balancing a site is so stressful like what do you mean you don't know if all the disparate pieces work well together until you actually have people play in your sandbox. arrghhhhhh i just need to remember that i don't have to get everything correct in the first week but also: I Gotta
251written posts
scarletearned bits
Senior Member
scarlet Avatar
retired main character Avatar
it's funny hearing about staffing with people you know well when half the advice i've always heard is to never hire your friends as staff haha

(personally i think it's just anecdotal. i've staffed with my friends and it was great. i've staffed with my friends and it wasn't that great.)
I've had staffing result in some of my best friendships that have lasted the test of time.

...And I've had staffing change my opinions on people I otherwise loved and adored, because my god, not everyone is designed to be both an ideal coworker and an ideal friend. Modding is way, way closer to a coworker relationship, in my experience.

I'd say it's better to get an idea of what your own personal work style is, and search for collaborators that work well with you. If you're choosing from among your friends, go in with this approach too.
last edit on Jan 11, 2024 1:19:30 GMT by scarlet