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How did you come up with your username(s)?

aliaspriestess shizuka
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shizukaearned bits
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wild how people can throw others away like yesterday's garbage!

For the origins of the 'Priestess' part of my username, see Leap's post on page 2. XD
It really did just stick, having started from Yu-Gi-Oh! Millenium World roleplay that spread to a casual ooc friend-roleplay...sorta thing. But I also relate a lot to the title because I super love the context, both the eastern context of being a shrine maiden who works at, yanno, the shrine, (or in anime, exorcises some demons too!!), as well as the western context of being the female equivalent of a priest (I'm a devout believer o>).

The 'Shizuka' part has been a name I've liked to call myself for a long time. Before I was Shizuka, my username used to be "Evarin Skulblaka" which were the words "Star Dragon" in the Ancient Language within the Inheritance Cycle book series. |D *has always been a giant dragon fangirl* When I was first getting into manga and getting intrigued by the Japanese written language, I begun collecting the Vampire Knight manga series bc it's so dang pretty and the style was #goals. In the back of the story was always mini character biographies with little descriptions of their names and how/why they're written in kanji, and I noticed how the character Shizuka Hio's name used a single, unique kanji instead of the usual kanji for the word shizuka as an adjective (meaning 'quiet'). But it still carried the meaning and context of peaceful, serene, quiet, etc. And the number one thing people always describe me as (sometimes against my hopes) is quiet. So it suited me. ;D Plus it's a normal name in Japan so I could, and did, take it with me to Japan and went by that name while I was there for a while.

And I've been "Priestess Shizuka"/PriestessShizuka/priestess_shizuka ever since.
Sometimes it's too long and doesn't fit, so I use the full Japanese equivalent of the name, Shizukamiko (miko means shrine maiden).
last edit on Dec 22, 2018 9:12:27 GMT by shizuka
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tohoziearned bits
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Pikapower06: I once joined The Pika Club back in the day, and was even a moderator for a short period of time. I inspired them to add a roleplaying forum, and got bumped to its specific moderator, too. Long story short, my original username was taken. There was the admin Pikachu2838 and a member called Powerchu. I took those names and made Pikapower and added the year 2006 (06) at the end. ;) Very creative.

Crystal: A name that I've always adored, an alter-ego of sorts, the main character in one of my books. Etc, just really love the name.

Immortal: A word that I love, and describes my affinity for roleplaying in general, and the sites I'm a member of, etc. Also Immortalwolf variant, as well, which relates more to a character of mine (Crimse).

Tohozi: On here and other sites for reference to my site. :P 
last edit on Jan 14, 2019 21:03:58 GMT by tohozi
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Abbyearned bits
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I wanna grab both your shoulders and shake, baby, snap out of it
I've just always liked the way my own name sounded! Abby is is short enough to sound like an alias, I think. I sometimes wish I had one with more meaning, but too many people know me by this to change it ^^
Feline Overlord
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Chibi Magicianearned bits
Chibi Magician
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Pure Gremlin Energy
... My name comes from one of those identity things, this one being a "Your Anime Identity" where I lined up my initials and thus got Chibi Magician. Prior, I switched my alias numerous times since I could never settle, but Chibi Magician stuck with me and I don't plan on getting rid of it. I liked it since the alias, while long, felt more personalized since Chibi, I believe, can be a rather popular one. Thus Magician is more like a surname for the alias is anything. XD I can say, I have not run into another Chibi Magician, so I guess it works? The image a mentioned is below.

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swanskiearned bits
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To eat or ... to eat ...

BHAHAHAHA!! According to this, I'm Sailor Masochist. I've always wanted to be one of the Sailor's but more like Sailor Moon. :P

SWANSKI ~~ Actually, it's usually just Swan, but I saw there was a Swan already on the site. I go by Swanski on another resource site but Swan is an actual RL nickname.

I've also gone by other nicknames/aliases... such as Pickle, for my love of pickles. Sushi, for my love of sushi and it's a play on my actual name and a Korean reference.
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Deletedearned bits
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Angel the Series.
While my name isn't Illyria, it was derived from that.
I didn't like the idea of straight out copying it from that, but I love the SOUND of the name, so I just kind of went with something very similar, but that nobody else would really know from anything. It's kind of in line with my own RL name, where it's something you wouldn't think is an out of place thing until you fixate on it. It felt right to me, and I'm actually really glad that I went with it.
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vulpinaearned bits
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im a plant animal
I love foxes & plants but more importantly, I love ironic things. So Vulpina is a plant that kills foxes/wolves. The full name is Letharia vulpina, also known as wolf lichen and its used to poison. "The plant somewhat toxic to mammals due to the yellow pigment vulpinic acid, and has been used historically as a poison for wolves and foxes." So yeah its three things that I love.
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Deletedearned bits
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I used this username a really long time ago and decided it was appropriate to tap into my "role play roots" when picking up this hobby again. = ) I was suuuuper passionate about Japanese Culture back in the day (a part from Anime-- didn't realize Anime actually came from Japan until I was 14-ish) and was recently introduced to what I thought was the most unique treat at the time. Mochi Ice Cream. I never had anything like it before and I was dazzled by it. xD I had it as a dessert at an upper scale Japanese restaurant and it created a special memory for me, hence deciding to nickname myself "Mochi". Granted, I've had a variety of role play writing names in the past that weren't food-related, but this is the one I'm currently using! 
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!!! If I join a site that only has Discord, I usually just go by @mochi because that's my Discord name. I'll try to steal your name no longer, sweet Mochi! And my gods, Mochi is SO good. I want to make home made mochi at some point. /Makes mochi ice cream and shaaares

Another Mochi has appeared, gasp! I didn't even realize there was another fellow rper using the name for Discord. Thank you for the sentiment haha no worries about anything = ) Also a hundred percent agree that homemade mochi would be absolutely amazing to try, it must happen someday! 
last edit on Mar 18, 2019 19:04:10 GMT by Deleted
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Razearned bits
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Yooo okay so we're gonna go way back to when I was in like middle school or the year just after. A bunch of friends and I wanted to play this game Neverwinter (free mmo) right? So we had to think of character / account names that we'd use. So that got me thinking, what would be a cool name no one would ever use and I could call mine? Up till that point I had some edgy one I wasn't aboutta go with, so this one really needed to be cool right. So I remember sitting there thinking, kinda stumped till I looked over at my sibling's PC. They were looking at a bunch of gems for jewely / what your month's gem was or something. I dunno. But this got me thinking "hey what if I made my name gem related" like we were in Steven universe or something. So I sat there, thinking of combinations and how to spin them into a name that sounded pretty cool. Then I had that eureka moment when I thought of "Razost." Honestly looking at the name now I don't even know what gems went into its creation. But there we go, that's how I got my name.
pronounsshe / her
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Ven ☆earned bits
Ven ☆
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got a secret, can you keep it?
I went by another name

Ven just... happened, and this was BEFORE KH: BbS was a thing. Although I find it funny because out of the BbS gang it's Ventus I can relate to the most so... it kinda fit?

Even if I'm more of a Terra than a Ventus :joy:
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wolfeearned bits
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I put my name into one of those name generator things way back in the day when I was a real youngster.

It was honestly a kinda crappy generator, but I had no creativity and decided to roll with whatever it gave me for my Xbox Live username -- so Spiritwolf99. I'm not born in 1999, and I am not Native American at all despite people asking all the time.

'Spirit' or 'Wolf' were the common shortened and quite frankly much better flowing diminutives that arose from that, because we all had some really mouthful names. A lot of us used Xbox default names like 'DarkRepublican' or 'MysteriousOrange' too, so a lot of my Xbox friends had similarly incomprehensible sounding full usernames.

When I started RPing, I felt like 'Wolf' was a better tag than 'Spirit' for whatever reason and went with it. Since around 2005 I've been called some variant of 'Wolf' whether it be 'Wolfe', 'Wolfy', 'Wolfie', etc. across every site I've been on. Occasionally I even encounter other people with the same generic name as me, and that's why I originally started using 'Wolfe' or 'Wolfy' because I'm stubborn and don't like to change my name, so if I am forced I will literally do the smallest changes possible to make it work. I'm that salty person in video games who will just put underscores until the username is recognized. If you ever see a "Wolfe______" in some new game with a signup system, you can bet dollars to donuts it's my stubborn ass.
last edit on Mar 29, 2019 1:37:01 GMT by wolfe
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