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How did you come up with your username(s)?

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Deletedearned bits
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My first ever username I went by, for literal years, was "tsuki" back in middle school. I just thought it was creative, and it meant "moon" -- I was really into vampires and teen fiction and stuff like that at the time. Mix that in with my love for Yue from ATLA, and there you go. Occasionally, I started using "ms. moon".

As time went on though, I thought it was kinda lame and noticed that it was used other-places, so I changed it to "dreams". I am an eternal dreamer, and I thought it would be awesome to convey the momentum and power of our goals and mind-scapes. At some point, I added "eclipse" to it(eclipse dreams) because I was trying to relate it to my earlier aliases, space, Doctor Who and Sailor Moon.

Just recently, I decided that I've reached a point in my life where I am comfortable using a derivative of my middle name, 'elizabeth' -- "eli" as my alias/username for almost everything(though I still use dreams occasionally). And, now I'm just trying to think of something clever/pun-tastic to mesh it with.... I almost changed it to "eli-phant" once.. don't look at me lol

disclaimer: I've always been jealous of everyone else's cool, deep, and fun-sounding aliases.
last edit on Jan 16, 2021 14:16:24 GMT by Deleted
all hail Garfield and the Holy Lasagna
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dijit.exeearned bits
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no talk me angy
oh man do I have an origin story for you. I'm about to make batman look like a little baby.

my first ever username used to be DaBomb on goodreads in 2013. I uh.. kinda got banned there, and realized that I needed to reform my shitposting ways.

From there I moved between some transformers forums by the name of Astrinal. Yeah, transforming robots. Guess what, I did more dumb shit, and I left.

From there, thats when I took on the username of Digit on a couple sites. I think around 2016-2018 is when I changed Digit to Dijit, because I got sick and tired of being called "Dig-it" vs "Dijit". And the Diglet jokes.. My lord, my hatred for that pokemon runs as deep as my hatred for Genshin's Amber..

buuuuut yeah! I've been Dijit ever since!
last edit on Jan 20, 2021 4:55:31 GMT by dijit.exe
the narrative
aliasCel, Nightlock
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CELearned bits
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oh, i leave quite an impression; five feet, to be exact.
I used to go by a damn cringey handle in youtube, back during the era where AMVs and MEPs were all the rage. (I'm talking handles with Xx or "lvr" followed by a string of numbers. Yeah.)

Then I joined fanfiction.net and thought "hey, if I'm gonna write here, I want something that sounds not like some edgy 12 y/o kid's new mmo handle" (I say, having been 11-12 at the time). I used to be a big Fairy Tail fan, so the word "celestial" came to mind because of Lucy Heartfilia, followed by the words "mystique" (probably blaming x-men for this tbh) and I went "I like these two. What if,,,,, I merge them,,,,,"

And thus, Celestique was made. My online friends called me Cel or Celest, or some variant of, but Cel was the easiest so it stuck.

As for Nightlock? Hunger Games. I used to be a big fan back when it was a huge cultural phenomenon. (Still am tbh)
last edit on Jan 23, 2021 14:22:09 GMT by CEL

coming soon.
Tidal Wave
aliasAkira, Tsunami, Tsu, Aki
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I've got a hurricane in my head, I can't feel a thing, but it's better than dead
I've had so many usernames over the years so I'll tell yall about 3 specifically.

kazureblue - exists as one of my longest names. It was the name of one of my characters added to my favorite color. Simple enough really and its unique enough that it isn't used anywhere, so this is my default sign-up name.

Akira - Again, the name of an rp character, but he's been my go to since like 2009, and is just what people know me as because of that.

Tsunami - I had to change my name from Akira for a few reasons and tried to think of a lot of things, but Tsunami seemed to stick because Akira as a character is as wild and traumatic as a hurricane most days, and comes crashing into people's lives like a tsunami. So it kind of just stuck.

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fawnearned bits
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ooooh this is a fun thread.

my reason is so edgy it really is and writing it out just makes it embarrassing.

so so so i got fawn from fawn response which is one of the defensive strategies against stress or trauma alongside freeze, flight, and fight.
last edit on Apr 19, 2021 4:23:56 GMT by fawn
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shad12owearned bits
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The reason behind my name is frankly quite simple and probably far from interesting.

I like to be in the shadow/backstage most of the time. Thus that's my name. If you see the '12' between my name, it's just that waaay back then when I registered my account, a site said "your name is already used" and my left hand just immediately click the '1' and '2'. Simple solution~

And it is used almost everywhere until now.
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
aliasthat bitch.
pronouns"that bitch" still works tbh (any OK!)
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selkieearned bits
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a verb in perfect view.
i definitely answered this before but this is a fun story TM nowadays so:

back in the peak RP era of neopets roleplay forums (aka 2011-2012ish) it used to be common practice to make alternate accounts so your main wouldn't get perma'd if you toed the aggressively-pg line too much. neopets was purging accounts at the time iirc and a lot of cooler usernames were opening up, so i remember trying a bunch of mythology-themed names to see if i can get a cool one -- and selkie was open! and on my first forum rp adventure, i figured it was a decent enough moniker, and the rest is history.

basically, "selkie" completely predates and is unrelated to fire emblem fates and the selkie character. she's cute tho :pepehands:
last edit on Apr 23, 2021 3:24:37 GMT by selkie
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