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How did you come up with your username(s)?

aliasCooked Bread
pronounsThey / Him
623written posts
Toastyearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Toasty Avatar
Toasty's story begins... well not too long ago, actually

I was eating toast with jelly for breakfast while wrapped up in a blanket, and then my brother comes in and says, "Well, aren't you toasty!"

And it was at that time that I had the idea for my username.

So yeap
12written posts
Teumessian Foxearned bits
Teumessian Fox
New Member
Teumessian Fox Avatar
"Real Russians have no proverbs. We have vodka and misery. Wait. That was a proverb."
I've mainly used two aliases over the years and both were from movies, Jordan Two Delta & Ultraviolet. If you know the character and the movie you are awesome btw!!!

.... But I wanted to move away from aliases that were movies or characters I liked. I have a deep love of Greek Mythology and foxes lol so naturally I went with one that covered both. 
pronounsD A R K
271written posts
Death is just a new beginning.
zytl Avatar
Zytl are my initials spelled backwards :3
OMG, I had no idea!!! That is so freaking cool Zytl. Mine would be HDAZ! ♥
207written posts
gravesearned bits
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graves Avatar
villain kissing is fun, actually
pomegrapples comes from watch dogs 2! there's a mission with horatio where he's undercover working at a company that's p much just the game's way of getting around copyright infringement against google. pomegrapples are pomegranates and apples mixed into one fruit as a joke against google probably

my alias on the other hand, aka goose, comes from my friend going by duck and me making a joke abt "well where's goose then so we can play duck duck goose" and so i became the goose

66written posts
lancelotearned bits
Junior Member
lancelot Avatar
i (try to) draw
my highschool friends and i used to play adventure quest worlds and our guild concept is the knights of the round table (im kinda arthur's bestie before LOL). the name stuck with me ever since (even for pbp rps)
the waking storm
aliasLuxu, Galeforce, TenebraeQueene
345written posts
tenebraeearned bits
Senior Member
tenebrae Avatar
i bit the tongue behind my teeth (it was never good enough for me)
Fire Emblem: Awakening, oddly enough. And I also like the element of wind. Hence, Galeforce.
Luxu is literally just 'Lux' but I added a 'u' because people kept on confusing me with some League of Legends character. Around that time Luxu came into existence from Kingdom Hearts, it was not intentional! LMAO!
431written posts
Asuearned bits
Senior Member
Asu Avatar
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.
It's embarrassing, but I was in middle school and had just read and watched Neon Genesis Evangelion. Registering for Tinier Me, which was a site that was like Gaia Online, I was like cool what is my anime character name.

So, I fully went with Asunara Wisdom. I was an Asuna before Asuna from Sword Art Online because I didn't want to name myself Asuka and I thought that it sounded edgy to add a ra at the end. Wisdom because twelve year old me thought I was wise (I was not, I am a fool).

I can't believe I actually went by the entire thing until it got shortened down to Asu, and now I'm stuck like this and am not sure if I could change when it's been over a decade. I do still love Asuka Langley, though if I were to enter the online community at this stage, I'd probably have just went with a shortened version of my actual name.
the chalk prince
pronounsthey / them
974written posts
citrinitasearned bits
Part of the Furniture
citrinitas Avatar
existential execution is just a fluke in evolution.
my alias is the name of a obsolete computer programming language and my special interest is computer programming and web design so. goldenglow is b/c shes my favorite arknights operator, though.
last edit on May 25, 2022 1:58:31 GMT by citrinitas
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