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138written posts
Kayearned bits
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[attr="class","rune-filler"]A RUNE-FACTORY INSPIRED ROLEPLAY Hey there Pixelettes! In all this summer heat, we'd gotten a little bit stir crazy and have become really attached to the idea of a Rune Factory-based roleplay. This right here, is our attempt at outreach to see if people would be excited for this concept before we get too far ahead of ourselves. It is our hope that our passion could be well-received, and maybe even hear of some great ideas from the community about the kinds of things they like to see.[break][break]
Without further ado, our pitch is pretty simple: Hidden beneath the sprawling countryside of the idyllic village of Viridia lies a realm of fortune and adventure. Based on the RUNE FACTORY series of games, we bring you Runelands! Here youโ€™ll have an opportunity to live amongst an ever-expanding community of people from many walks of life. Whether itโ€™s to become a musician, to find true love, to explore dungeons or anything else โ€“ youโ€™re free to pursue your lifeโ€™s desires. We aim to be a laid-back sort of place, with a lot to do in an inviting, close-knit place where people can just be themselves.
The design motto we're working under is the theme of: "Controlled Chaos," which to us just means that the players will be much of the driving force. We're aiming to keep things universally neat and simple for moderation's sake, but as open as can be to players with as much lee-way as we can give. There will be things in place for the community as a whole to do on a regular basis, along with more individual goals set in place for one to progress along in their fantasy life.
Of course, what would Rune Factory be without dungeons? We've got those. Customizable player houses? We have those too, along with rentable/purchasable pre-built houses that all have their own sorts of quirks. One house might have be absolutely gorgeous and with a great view, but prone to flooding. Another may be humungous and cheap, but that's only because the town believes we've got a haunting on our hands.
Anyways, that's our little ramble about this little project of ours, please tell us what you think so far and please don't hesitate to ask us anything you might think of.
  • Proboards + Custom Skin
  • Numerous Races to pick from (Human, Elves, Half-Monsters are a few to name)
  • No character limit
  • Renting/Purchasing households with traits (plot prompts).
  • Apprenticeships to open your own businesses.
  • Dungeons to explore and pick up items from.
  • Quests and requests systems.
  • On-site cbox.


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last edit on Jul 16, 2018 12:56:05 GMT by Kay
138written posts
Kayearned bits
Full Member
Kay Avatar
This seemed interesting so I thought I'd give it a shot. I redid my Infinity template from WW since it was one of my older ones I'm actually kind of satisfied with. Funny enough, it looks more simpler but twas fun to code nonetheless.Thank you for the fun challenge <3


The old one - Click




And the new -



[attr="class","infi-lyric1"]I PRESS THE BUTTON AND IT
[attr="class","infi-lyric3"]INTO LIFE

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed quis eros congue lorem volutpat rutrum. In tellus velit,euismod nec tortor non,pulvinar rhoncus turpis. Integer eu porttitor augue. Nullam id mauris iaculis,luctus risus id,sodales leo. Vestibulum id nisi augue. Duis ultrices dapibus eros eu sollicitudin. Sed sed egestas justo,eget rutrum neque. In elementum tellus eu risus condimentum scelerisque. Aenean vel placerat orci. Duis finibus augue non justo bibendum,vitae fermentum eros accumsan. Etiam gravida sed metus nec placerat. Quisque sit amet finibus tellus,vel elementum odio. Vestibulum eget mollis ante. Nunc condimentum tellus in felis volutpat,sit amet ornare ligula tristique.


Etiam elit eros,porttitor a elementum a,ultricies lobortis mauris. Donec rhoncus,justo a porttitor laoreet,augue sem ultrices ipsum,ac posuere mi dui ut metus. Nam eleifend vestibulum vehicula. Phasellus pulvinar ipsum felis,vitae viverra velit convallis ultricies. Nam fermentum pellentesque facilisis. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur odio arcu,vehicula a volutpat at,vehicula id augue. Pellentesque eleifend nunc lobortis venenatis porta. Etiam ut nulla ut ex dignissim auctor non pharetra velit. Nam vitae massa leo. Donec dui nisi,eleifend sed sapien sed,commodo pharetra libero. Praesent a semper nunc,dignissim varius arcu.


Donec dignissim nisl eu turpis euismod,consequat cursus libero posuere. Nulla sollicitudin tellus felis,vitae tempor mauris congue sed. Vestibulum nec dui at enim pulvinar maximus non sit amet mauris. Integer vitae nulla placerat,sollicitudin urna at,pellentesque massa. Suspendisse at venenatis libero. Curabitur cursus enim sed nibh iaculis,at ornare lectus condimentum. Nam euismod at purus semper vulputate. Ut aliquam,velit ac porttitor gravida,lorem leo lobortis nisi,ac egestas risus nisi eget arcu. Morbi lobortis sollicitudin justo commodo tincidunt. In sagittis erat felis,ut mattis est lobortis quis. In vitae rhoncus leo,vitae cursus diam. Nulla bibendum nibh id turpis cursus egestas. Vestibulum mattis justo odio,eu fermentum sapien tincidunt id. Sed fringilla quam id lacinia ornare. Phasellus vel ante a enim ornare hendrerit a nec nisi.
[attr="class","infinite-note"]TAG - NOTES

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last edit on Jul 10, 2018 20:01:11 GMT by Kay
138written posts
Kayearned bits
Full Member
Kay Avatar
circa Avatar
Kay Avatar
I, uh, threaded my brother's peak off for a party. It's kinda painful and goes red for a while but the results are worth it if you reaaaally must.
how long before it regrew?

Sorry about the wait orz. So usually it depends on the thickness and texture. At the minimum I'd say a week and the most could go up to 4 weeks or more. I didn't pay much attention to how long it took for his to grow back (he's got straight, thick dark hair) but it was a good few days of non-widow peak days.
138written posts
Kayearned bits
Full Member
Kay Avatar
circa Avatar

tell me how to remove a widows peak.

i know itโ€™s unnatural ๐Ÿ™„

but if you removed yours let me know what you did and if you liked the results.

I, uh, threaded my brother's peak off for a party. It's kinda painful and goes red for a while but the results are worth it if you reaaaally must.
138written posts
Kayearned bits
Full Member
Kay Avatar
I'd love to see a Rune Factory-kinda site pop up. Small town, cutesy relationships and characters running said town by taking up different essential positions. Dungeon crawling fun, too. I'd join or help out if something like this is brewing. Jcink or PB, doesn't matter.

EDIT: Oh, and that calendar.
last edit on Jul 2, 2018 16:22:10 GMT by Kay