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mavrohearned bits
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As the title suggests, I'm trying to find out if there's a way that you can use the type of code used for the user profile layout template { color:#$[]; } that automatically aligns all of the relevant things on the user profile to the color of that user's group on a template that has certain color accents that would always match the user's color, without having to change anything within the template.

So that, say, a character application would always have the color of the group of the user who posted the character application. I've tried google and proboards help forums, but I haven't found any results for this specific question, and before I clog the support forum, I thought I'd try here since there are a lot of great coders around who know stuff about color accents.

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mavrohearned bits
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Is there any interest for ANOTHER fantasy rp? But this time it only takes place in a massive city-scape and is supposed to feel self-contained and immersive. The focus is supposed to be on a mix between slice of life in a big city and action-packed plots between factions. Basically one of those superpower city rp's but instead of superpowers people use magic. Also, no non-human races. I don't know how much of a buzzkill that is for some people. But yah, any thoughts on that matter?
So long as I can play my things -wildly gestures to signature- and there are no vampires and no angels (bird people, like in wind waker, are cool), and I don't have to cry over the apping process, I will check it out faster Spongebob races across Bikini Bottom.

-Sparkles at-
So, I checked your app. And most things would fit kinda-sorta, depending on your interpretation of them. To make it clear, the site is kinda done, but I'm just wondering if theres any interest for the setting at all. That said, I didnt write in a way to actually rp non-human races, but there is a class that is all about using creatures and entities to cast magic. Basically, the whole familiar shtick. In that vein, I could see someone rping the familiar while someone  else rp's the owner? And threads where he hunts you down could be a thing before you actually become familiar and owner. It would actually be a viable exception for the rule of no non-human races. I hadn't thought about giving the option for splitting up the rping tasks between familiar and mage. I'm probably gonna add that whether you'd make the compromise or not, so thanks for the idea! But yeah. Straight monster v monster-hunter is not reeeaaallly a thing, but could definitely happen within the confines of the class that is all about taming creatures to use as magic sources. 

Thanks for the response either way. Always nice to exchange ideas. 

50written posts
mavrohearned bits
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mavroh Avatar
Is there any interest for ANOTHER fantasy rp? But this time it only takes place in a massive city-scape and is supposed to feel self-contained and immersive. The focus is supposed to be on a mix between slice of life in a big city and action-packed plots between factions. Basically one of those superpower city rp's but instead of superpowers people use magic. Also, no non-human races. I don't know how much of a buzzkill that is for some people. But yah, any thoughts on that matter?
50written posts
mavrohearned bits
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So, hey! I'm looking for someone to kinda-sorta review my site. I finished everything up basically solo. So there's bound to be some inconsistencies or content to improve on.

What I'm looking for: I'm looking for some serious criticism, and an answer to the question "Is this site even worth advertising when there are already dozens and dozens of fantasy sites floating around?". Because I'm really insecure about actually going for it and sinking more time into it and advertising on 200 sites just for it to not take off because there are just more interesting sites out there. I would really appreciate some deeper insight on the following fairly essential aspects:
-The Class System
-The Lore
-The Available Factions

What I'm NOT looking for: Don't bother criticising graphics, or aesthetics. My taste is bad and I'm solo. I wouldn't be able to fix anything on my own. I also can't do any fancy code shenanigans or code my own skin, so anything regarding the artistic integrity of the board is completely lost on me, sorry to say.

Site Link:

You can reach me either on discord under mavroh#1561 or just pm me your thoughts and critique. Obviously responding in this thread would be completely cool too! I log in everyday!
last edit on Mar 18, 2019 21:22:31 GMT by mavroh
50written posts
mavrohearned bits
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Hello there! I am currently in the process of putting together an animanga high fantasy rp inspired by Magic: The Gathering's tone and ideas, as well as the aesthetic of shonen fantasy franchises (the power levels, consistent action and drama).

The main setting is a massive, country-sized (small country, obviously) city that exists in a world where everyone and their mother know and are able to practice at least some amount of magic. The premise of this setting is that the invention of a magical catch-all device known as Lacrima (idea taken from Fairy Tail) sparked an industrial revolution that rapidly caused the city to expand and grow to the size it is now. Several historical events also play an important role in how the city functions now and what factions are available. There are some themes of the oppressor versus the oppressed, freedom of science and how far we should go with science/magic. If I had to describe the genre I'm attempting to go for in as few words as possible I would probably say: political action drama in a high fantasy setting.

The core system of the site is a fairly simple magic system without ranks or DnD style stats or anything like that. The only technical part of it is that I divided spells up into four basic types to at give some flavour to eventual character v character threads. However, I'm still unsure how to specifically pull off progression and how much "power" I intend to give characters when starting out. Canons will also play a big role and I'm also unsure how to differentiate the power of the initial canonically strong characters and the rest of the character-base. Quests that give characters the opportunity to directly impact the setting and award additional resources to progress a character are another important mechanic, as are continuous events (several of which I have already written out and would like some feedback on).

All that said, I do ocassionally find people to bounce ideas off of, but I'm looking for someone to have some serious discussions about the lore and the systems. So anyone who fancies themselves as lore aficionados with a knack for simplistic systems are definitely welcome to hit me up via pm or discord! I log in every day!

To summarize:

  • I'm looking for help with my high fantasy rp site
  • Be interested in discussions about lore, plot and mechanics
  • Be ready to thoroughly read, review and critique my writing (withholding spelling errors >_>)
  • Please be avilable at least once every two days or so for having maybe 10 minute-long talks about ideas and thoughts!

I'm not expecting anyone to actually moderate or even maintain their interest, but if you think this sounds like something you could be interested in, come hit me up!

Discord: mavroh#1561

last edit on Feb 4, 2019 23:14:58 GMT by mavroh
50written posts
mavrohearned bits
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yumyums Avatar
Does anyone want a shonen animanga RP site? I love shonen, but I can't seem to generate interest with any of the sites I make. We can work out the details together; for now, let's just say that we're basing it (vaguely) on real life and leave it at that.
I'm in the process of making... something along those lines. I'm mostly inspired by the aesthetics of battle shonen with the crazy power levels, fast-paced action and gazillion plotlines but I'm trying to implement the tone and lore of western fantasy stuff. If you're interested hit me up and I can show you what I have so far. @yumyums
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mavrohearned bits
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I dig anything with mobility as its focus. But I dont feel like there's ever any consistency to which class gets good mobility, so I kinda just go with whatever looks like it could dodge the most. Ideally though, I like playing jack of all trades with a focus on mobility. A little bit of cc, a little bit of damage, a little bit of healing etc. can go a long way when hitting you is insanely hard.

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mavrohearned bits
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I'm bad at explaining myself and I'd be surprised if anyone vibes with this but here goes.

I've been trying to scratch an itch. A high fantasy plot-focused rp with over-the-top action and a LOT of world building. I've always wanted one of those classic fantasy worlds where your character could use powerful magic, awaken slumbering beasts, search for forbidden scrolls, discover ancient ruins etc.

I considered using Fairy Tail as an inspiration but doing away with all the whacky humor and (bad) story-elements. I love the series' premise, a world filled with powerful magic and mysteries, but I loathe the execution. It's too cartoon-ish and the story loses itself in badly written, shoe-horned plots and trope-y characters. I want to try and bring consistency to the story. I plan on incorporating several ideas from Fairy Tail rp's of the past, but also do away with what didn't work (or was annoying to me).

I want to focus on letting members create characters with powerful magic and giving them a playground where the characters actually get to use this magic. DnD-style plot progression would trigger certain events based on a how and where members rp. I also want character progression to feel organic and meaningful without losing sight of their significance to the story. And rather than having these huge overarching plots and events, create numerous smaller storylines where certain factions or groups can run riot so everyone can have their character do something meaningful.

I'm still not entirely sure if I wouldn't just depart from the source completely and just use its focus on magic as a building block, but I'll spare you guys from me going to go into detail. I basically just want to see if people would be interested in seeing a Fairy Tail inspired, high fantasy arcane powers roleplay with mature themes and a coherent story.
last edit on Aug 9, 2018 0:29:25 GMT by mavroh
50written posts
mavrohearned bits
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ani Avatar
This is what I use. It's a plug-in that has to go above the Yootil Library to work, I believe, if you have Yootil Library installed. Otherwise it can add a bunch of span codes willy-nilly.
Eyy, thank you. I can totally work with that. No idea how I hadn't found it before, but thanks a lot!

Edit: It basically works, but for some reason the Highlight Code button doesn't work. Any tips?
last edit on Aug 5, 2018 22:57:28 GMT by mavroh
50written posts
mavrohearned bits
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Hey pixel perfect,
resident has-no-clue here.

I'm wondering how to shrink down a code box and give it a highlight button and scroll bar just like so.

If anyone could help me out with that, I'd be very thankful. All of my searches have yielded nothing as any search terms I end up googling or scouring proboards support boards with usually give unintended results. This issue is mainly aesthetic in origin.

Thank you for your time anyways.
last edit on Aug 5, 2018 22:13:51 GMT by mavroh
50written posts
mavrohearned bits
Junior Member
mavroh Avatar
A site where members actively contribute and play into the existing setting and plot. I feel like lore and plot is often sacrificed in lieu of having super epic character moments or endless socializing between characters. Like, in fantasy-ish roleplays it sometimes feel like everyone is some super special half-demon or angel or god or son of the dragon or comes from some alternate dimension. I'd like to see a shonen rp where factions and the story offer basic shapes that members can mold their own characters into.

That also ties into another point others have already made. A site where you can make accomplished characters right from the start. Not everyone always wants to write a character that is at the start of their journey. And that's less about power, but more about immersion. I COULD write a 50 year old woman who's been places and done stuff, but if I can't give her the skills to back that story up it feels wack. Having a diverse cast is the spice of rice.