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kappaccinoearned bits
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welcome and well met, my brave little spark
forte Avatar
I'm not sure if this is Old News™ or not, but there's an app called spritzlet that helps me with both speed and comprehension. It's just a little thing I add to my bookmarks bar, and whenever I have to read a bio, I highlight the bio and then click on spritzlet. Honestly, I'm a super slow reader when reading posts (hell, I read them the same speed in my head that I read stuff out loud), but I can comfortably read 500-600 words per minute with this doohickey. Makes it so those 10k word apps aren't so much of a time suck.

As far as my confession? I'm complete garbage. ///fingerguns
Oooh, thank you, I didn't know about that! My problem is that I read really fast normally. If the font is small it's easy for my eyes to slip around and skip lines and then I have to stop and find my place again over and over. Or I'll zoom through the words without them really sinking in and have to backtrack, lol. That site seems like it solves those issues. 
284written posts
kappaccinoearned bits
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welcome and well met, my brave little spark
dandy Avatar
Anyone remember the Halloweentown Disney Channel Originals? Give me a Halloweentown based site, thaaaaaanks.
I never knew I needed this. But I do.
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kappaccinoearned bits
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welcome and well met, my brave little spark
Kuroya Avatar
i am literally the bane of the staff team any time i finish an app. i'm really thorough. as in i just finished an 8.5k word app. which, to be fair, loki is painful, he has 1000+ years of history to account for and all kinds of abilities to extrapolate but. yeah. they're gonna kill me.

Don't get me wrong, my own apps are long as hell! Because I can never shut up in them apparently. I always try to make them short, but I get too excited because it's like I'm discovering the character when I'm writing apps. I don't think long apps are a bad thing, they're just bad to someone who has been hit with the combo of being tired + adhd +
just lazy that hour ahaha.

As for another confession, I tend to let a lot of things slide in apps I've seen other sites pend. If I see a decent amount of notable typos, I just ignore them because I can tell what they mean. If they're juust over the borderline of not being lore-correct I'll usually give them wiggle room instead of working with them to fix it.

However, a connected confession to that is that my mood effects my levels of leniency. I still say I'm a really relaxed admin who just wants everyone to have fun, but if my day in real life has been really awful I find myself minding lore contradictions more. I guess it's like if you spend all day with people being aggressive and dishonest in real life, you start to see the motivations of someone making a character with something that breaks lore (such as a banned OP power) as something intentional instead of accidental.

Now that I'm a hermit I rarely ever have that problem! 

Man I'm probably coming across as an awful admin, but I swear I do my best and these are just the worst traits because it's the thread for them
284written posts
kappaccinoearned bits
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kappaccino Avatar
welcome and well met, my brave little spark
Let's see... This doesn't happen all the time, but it has happened. If I see a really long app that's ready, but I'm tired because it's morning/night (or just because), I'll pretend I didn't notice/maybe even log off until I can prepare my brain to pay attention. If I don't I find myself skimming. 

In fact, that's another confession! I sometimes skim long apps. I adore when I get new characters/members on a site, but sometimes I'm just really not able to focus, yet I don't want to keep them waiting. Not having a staff team has a lot of drawbacks.  

pixie pie Avatar
Sometimes I don't update the face claim for a really long time. Like - a really long time. I hate it and it is always going to be there asking to be updated. I know it needs updating but I just ignore it until it is unbearable to look at and then take the time to do it - which usually cost me a good hour then because of how many claims need to be added. Freaking hate those things D:

284written posts
kappaccinoearned bits
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welcome and well met, my brave little spark
Heya everyone! I picked up ff14 again recently after like a year's hiatus. My main is on balmung, but I rolled a new character on Gilgamesh to relearn white mage since so much has changed.

ANYWAY, I saw this thing was going on and got curious to see what everyone's favorites are from it? I don't play DPS sooo I guess I won't get to enjoy the winner, but it's still fun to look!

EDIT: added a link to the pic, oops haha

Here are my top 3!

JUST because of the leg/feet part. Brings back my middle school edge aesthetics. I also really love the mask too.

I really love the colors on the white/pink one! The way it's inspired by sakura makes me happy.

I love the buttcape and crown!
last edit on Aug 14, 2018 0:19:52 GMT by kappaccino
284written posts
kappaccinoearned bits
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welcome and well met, my brave little spark
The ff14's moonfire faire event this year is torment for someone with an injured thumb, haha. 

Platforming/jumping is hard enough for me without it
At least I got through it.

The poor cat lmao.
last edit on Aug 13, 2018 15:24:28 GMT by kappaccino
284written posts
kappaccinoearned bits
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welcome and well met, my brave little spark

There are a lot of great anime! I only tend to watch 2-3 a year now, but I have a huge list of 'to watch someday'. I'd drown in it if the list got liquefied haha. And ghibli movies are just movies from Studio Ghibli, like Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Princess Mononoke, ect. <3

Yeah, a teeny chromebook! It was cheap as heck and weighs like half a pound, but dang if it isn't useless for anything aside from basic browsing. I used to use firefox in the past, but it started crashing so bad and so often I rage quit to chrome and it's kinda stuck.

I believe in you! I love big ol' graphics, but my chromebook does not haha.

284written posts
kappaccinoearned bits
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welcome and well met, my brave little spark
Omg, are you me? My more talented doppelganger? Lmao, jk, but we do have a lot in common!

I'm an expressive person with a large vocabulary that still somehow manages to fail me, leading me to resort to exaggerated gestures and many emotive faces, except when I put my stern pants on. Then I sound like I hate the world, although that's mostly not true.

Same! And when I'm online it translates to me talking way too much about anything and everything. When writing I try to be concise as I can be, but for some reason when chatting I use 100 words for what could be boiled down to 20 ahaha.

I'm also an aspiring writer who is currently watching My Hero Academy! Though I do have an answer to my favorite anime, and that is the Mononoke series because the art got me. I also like Yuri on Ice a lot because I'm basic. Is it still unfair to ask what your favorite ghibli movie is? That's the one that gets me conflicted haha. 

The main computer that I can skin and make graphics on is attached to a large tv as well, haha. Though on the other end the one I use day to day is a teeny tiny chromebook.

I'm still teaching myself how to skin and stuff, so screen size problems continue to plague me lol.

Anyway, it was nice meeting you! I hope to see you around here!
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kappaccinoearned bits
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welcome and well met, my brave little spark
valka Avatar

a few years ago, i was playing dragon age: origins. i was going through the circle, and it was taking forever, and then -

suddenly my power went out and i had to replay through that hell again ;__;

i ended up just saving after every battle because i was NOT doing that again.

Oh god, that sounds awful. 

Hmm, I KNOW I have one aside from the one I'm about to tell, but I swear my brain is blocking it out. I guess it doesn't want to relive the pain lol.

But the end boss of kingdom hearts 1 that has like 20 different phases and takes FOREVER. The first time I beat it the power went out during the cut-scene after, so I had to do it all again. 

I also beat a big boss in an Atlas game (Nocturne? one of the personas?) only to be killed in a random little fight right next to the nearest save. But that wasn't the power's fault, just Atlas being Atlas. 

last edit on Aug 12, 2018 19:53:48 GMT by kappaccino
284written posts
kappaccinoearned bits
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welcome and well met, my brave little spark
pixie pie Avatar
When you get past a super stealthy part in your game only to have the power go out right after D: I wanted to slam my head into the wall lol
Or you beat a super hard/very time consuming boss and have this happen.

Though stealth sections in non-stealth games are the worst, so yours is worse.
284written posts
kappaccinoearned bits
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kappaccino Avatar
welcome and well met, my brave little spark
I actually had an idea of how to help you, but then I saw that already gave you what advice I wanted to give, but in a clearer (lol) way than I could have. 

I also have the trouble where I heavily lean towards one type of character. I think that for me one of the issues is my taste in face claim. I really am drawn to qt boys, which kinda limits me. I mean, I've tried using one of those face claims as someone hardened and strong, but no one else took him seriously because of the face claim, so that didn't work haha. And then when I play girls I always default to a strong, stoic girl, even though they're made fun of now a days in writing circles. </3 

I think a big thing that helps me when I do branch out is immersing myself in media I like that has the 'feels' of what I want to play. For example, when I binge an assassination fanfic AU suddenly I have the interest to make a stone cold killer raised into it. But when I read a fluffy slice of life high school band manga, I get the interest in making a dumb teen in marching band. Maybe try watching/reading things with wholesome and happy content and see if any characters stick out to you. Like Clear said, you can nab personality traits from someone in media and then make it your own. 

You don't have to branch too far out of things you like either. Just go on over to archive of our own and look up coffeeshop AUs of your fav shows. Sort by kudos or comments and you should find some good stuff. I notice that snappy, fun, dialogue really helps me want to write non-angst characters. though angst is really fun, so I am all for 'edgelord pasts' tbh. I'm just saying this cause you said you were tired of playing them

last edit on Aug 12, 2018 15:34:53 GMT by kappaccino
284written posts
kappaccinoearned bits
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kappaccino Avatar
welcome and well met, my brave little spark
Personified animals/kemonomimi rp. Whether like zootopia but with shapeshifters, more like animal crossing, just a slice of life with kemonomimis, ancient tribal, or honestly whatever.

I wanna play off the dynamics of characters resisting wilder instincts. Like, you're a wolf girl but that doesn't mean you can take a bite of your new deer college roommate. Even if he looks tasty. That's a bad dog, maybe you just wanna take him out for dinner. Not the alternative. 

I also think things like tails and ears give such a large amount of fun reactions. Like, your character is acting all tough, but his tail is tucked between his legs. <-- Fun visual cues to play with. i am weeb ok, and there is such a large amount of cute fanart of kemonomimis

I even have a site made for this sitting unused, and another all written up on Gaia, but I just don't have the energy to admin two places at once. </3 
someone do it for me lol