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phantom of the black parade
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at this, the world's end, do we cast off tomorrow~!
as someone who's done the transition in reverse + helped people go from discord to forums before?

tbeh, i wouldn't probably wouldn't recommend moving a community from discord to forums (proboards, jcink, or any other host) unless your existing community is heavily biased towards wanting to make that shift + the staff team have enough previous familiarity with forums to handle the transition.

i could go on for a good long while about how forums are a huge learning curve for people to first learn how to navigate compared to discord (since even if you are using the new forums feature for discord to minimize the base navigation differences solely on the user end, tupper is getting rid of so many clicks and menus you have to go through to update accounts/images and make posts + the admin controls for the main hosts are both pretty unintuitive if you're not familiar with the base software) and how forum-based rpers have very different expectations out of sites than discord rpers do (rules + lore information is typically far more extensive on forums than discord and the web design aesthetics arms race that is skinning is probably the biggest thing i was glad to avoid in transitioning over towards discord).

but i won't because all of that is a huge deep dive into rp meta that largely doesn't matter. because the reason i wouldn't recommend it essentially boils down to that the animanga forum rpc community is by and large a much shallower pool than the discord one - which will make it a lot harder for you to expand your community, especially if you're having to fight an uphill battle with discord rpers getting frustrated with the learning curve to get started + forum rpers being turned off because your site doesn't check boxes that they largely consider standard at this point or are checking ones that have largely fallen out of favor.

it'd also be a harder transition to make since a lot of rp resources are either disappearing entirely (like the big jcink resource site, caution to the wind, closing their doors soon + blocking access to their 10+ year library of various codes and their ad directory) or are becoming less easy to find if you don't already know where/how to look (via shifting resources into tumblr ad directories or coding discords). advertising your community also relies a ton more heavily on personal networking (since most long-term members tend to come via word of mouth), which you may not have, and takes a lot more effort too (since posting ads on other sites is a lot more time-consuming than just bumping the server on disboard every couple of hours).

i can feel the rest of the animanga community trying to deathglare me into oblivion for having said all of this, but i also couldn't in good conscience say anything else in my answer - not to dissuade you if this is what you and your server ultimately want to do but so that you'd be able to step into the wider forum community knowing it's going to be a lot of effort and huge learning curve. if you're willing to put in the work to get over that higher barrier of entry that forum rp has, it can be a lot of fun and it opens you up to a very different community than what discord rp typically has (i've found, for example, you tend to get a younger crowd with discord than forums). but it's also enough effort that i don't think the decision should be made lightly by any means + i would never recommend making the jump one way or the other if they weren't absolutely sure of it.

(honestly, if you want me to ramble more about my personal experiences with making the transition between the two + what the experience is like on either end, i'm more than happy to delve into stuff more, i just don't want to slam down so much text that it just gets skimmed/ignored or for forums to kick me out as a filthy traitor to my people for becoming a discord convert.)
last edit on Dec 13, 2023 3:14:50 GMT by Kuroya

phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,238written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
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Kuroya Avatar
at this, the world's end, do we cast off tomorrow~!
«Fr¤§t¥» Avatar
Did ya'll know that apparently you can use style tags in the html templates and it'll work just fine?

yeah, i knew that, but you honestly don't really want to be doing it all that much.

part of the reason why is that if you're using the same class somewhere else in a different template that might be on a different page, imo, you're not gonna be able to (in other words, if your board template stylings are in the category layouts, you'll have unstyled subboards since there's no categories inside a board for it to pull from).

it's also got the same thing going on about load times where, because the site is loading the entire template for each instance of that template in a list, you'd be loading the board css for every single board on your index or the post/mini-profile css for every single post inside a thread.

but there's also the side element of it just being. general clutter tbeh. putting the css in the template itself is a lot messier to work with for later editing purposes than it is to have that separation between wrapper/webpage/html template and stylesheet, especially if you're not the original coder and are just editing someone else's skin.

so yeah like. i've done it a couple of times, when things were being funky and i needed to do some really weird workarounds (looking at you, javascript functions), but i try to avoid it whenever i can for those reasons

edit: i'll also direct you vaguely towards fizzyelf and jcodes for a lot of scripts to start looking through, like the recent topics snag, as well as the general advice of "if you want to pull anything off cttw, like nicole's customizable code box, i'd do it now, before the contents get yoinked since when cttw fully closes, all the codes on it will be 100% inaccessible unless you already have them elsewhere"
last edit on Dec 11, 2023 11:55:46 GMT by Kuroya

phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
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Kuroyaearned bits
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at this, the world's end, do we cast off tomorrow~!
«Fr¤§t¥» Avatar
So I literally don't have to give a damn about anything other than the <!--|thingies|--> and <% whatsits %>? Everything else I can just code myself in code pen and then insert those things where they need to go? Okay, so then the way boards on forums are set up, layouts and looks, etc, is that all just css then?

i passed out almost immediately after replying last night asdfjkl;

to answer the question, yes and no.

for the heavy lifting? yes, you're largely just coding the html + css elements for about 95% of the visuals, so you can literally design the lion's share of your basic site layout (background/navbars, headers/footers/sidebars, etc) via the board wrappers; the category/board lists + board stats area, subboard/thread lists, the thread/post/miniprofile layout, the profile layout, and the member list via the html templates, and any additional webpages via the webpages. all the css gets chucked in the stylesheets, largely at the end, and you just replace your placeholders with the <!-- |ELEMENT| --> things to call up, say, the poster's name or group id number.

but that being said? there are certain elements of the skin that it's easier to leave alone (like the wrapper + inner-wrapper classes) and others that you can only get at via either editing the css in the stylesheets after inspecting the element (like the pagination) and/or using an indirect workaround such as the macros (like for your "locked/closed/pinned" buttons or if you wanna use the post icons as "warning tags" or the like) or extensive javascript coding (like the recent topics clip). because of that, i pretty highly recommend actually going through the html templates wiki page slowly to figure out 1) which html template corresponds to which area and 2) what options you actually have to tap in different html templates (like the post layout will not pull a parent account id, if you use it for a pm link, but a miniprofile layout will).

(which, as an aside. <!-- |ELEMENT| --> seems to correspond to smaller and/or less complex "fields" to call, like a profile number or avatar url, while <% ELEMENT %> seems to correspond to larger and/or more complex coding elements, like the entire shoutbox or a different html template. so, for example, while you won't need to use, say, <!-- |cat_id| --> for a category layout to work, if you don't add the <% FORUM_ROWS %> to the category header template, you'll not actually get any functioning boards, just the very top category header/footer.)

jumping down to the different board layouts for different boards/categories... i think there's been more than a few times that's been asked, so i'll just link to this thread here since it's functionally the same question and has the same answer (and i think i also linked to other times that the question has been asked as well and i remember leap explained it really well one time, i just do not remember where whoops-)

but also yes von is right for. the way the html templates would work, you'd be putting in every single custom board html into the html layout and then having to individually target it via the css so. for example, if you have 3 different basic html layouts for boards, every time a single board is being loaded, it's having to load all 3 of those layouts and just not display one, so. if you have a lot of boards on + a lot of layouts, you can potentially start making lower-end computers/phones chug a bit to load your index. so. something to keep in mind please, for the rpers who can't always afford powerful specs on their hardware.

phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
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Kuroyaearned bits
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Kuroya Avatar
at this, the world's end, do we cast off tomorrow~!
honestly, real talk? when i'm skinning, i do the entire design in html on codepen and then just replace the values i need to replace with what's in the jcink html templates for anything that's in the webpages (and the page will be divided out into what works in what areas + what it corresponds to) and what's in the global variables for anything in the board wrappers.

if you do webpages that you want to be able to use in the board wrappers (like for affiliates), you have to turn them on and enable include keys for board wrappers, then you pull off the <% BLEH %> key in the general webpages thingie (which you set via the include key input).

custom profile fields can be used in the wrappers and any html templates that give you the option to when going through that section (see the member list for examples). you figure out which one is which now by going to acp > users and groups > custom profile fields and it's the template variable.

<% SUBACCOUNTS %> is one of a few missing global variables - it's the account switcher drop down. i honestly don't remember the rest. i know i typically slowly yeet out a lot of the stuff from the wrapper when i'm ready (the entire logo and skin selector classes go, the <% SHOUTBOX %> gets yeeted immediately, and i pull the navigation out into its own bar typically since that's your "board name > category name > subboard name" list tree thing).

if you wanna cheat on a login / logout button. <script>if('<!-- |g_id| -->' == '2') { document.write("<a href='index.php?act=Login&CODE=00' title='login'>login</a>") } else { document.write("<a href='index.php?act=Login&CODE=03&key=<!-- |auth_key| -->' title='logout'>logout</a>") }</script>

you can code stuff to show/hide based on the <!--g_id--> in the html and then doing css stuff for like. group-1 class vs group-2 class, as an easy hack for different color profiles and such. actually, almost any of the <!-- SOMETHING --> fields, you can actually use to manipulate stuff via if/else statements or css class stuff

i'm half-asleep so i'm not sure how coherent i am or how useful i am actually being but. honestly, like i said, i'd recommend just code the look you want in a live view program like codepen and then copy-paste it into the wrappers and html templates and slowly go through the code and switch out each test variable to the actual needed variable from the wiki or the acp.

phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,238written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
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Kuroya Avatar
at this, the world's end, do we cast off tomorrow~!
the silence that followed the question gathered like stormclouds as dulled blue eyes found the faded aquamarine of his vision, turning it over in his hands as though it held the secrets of celestia. "i love him with all my heart," he murmured after a moment, the truth of it blooming in the space between them, aching and true, before he let his vision slip through limp fingers, turning away with downcast eyes.

"it wasn't enough."

phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,238written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
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Kuroya Avatar
at this, the world's end, do we cast off tomorrow~!
you know what, now that discord has the forums feature, the only things discord rp is missing that forum rp has are built-in currency systems and the existential dread of web design

phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
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Kuroyaearned bits
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Kuroya Avatar
at this, the world's end, do we cast off tomorrow~!
honestly, i think cttw closing is a gigantic shame, not from a standpoint of it being any indication of forum rp dying but from the standpoint of it being one of the few major resource communities that were not on discord.

it's another gigantic hit for static coding resources, especially in regards to free-to-use pre-made skins (since there's still a good solid handful listed there that are "modern" enough to remain competitive in the current aesthetic arms race), and one that stings more than a little more sharply in the wake of jcc absolutely melting down and taking down another good chunk of coding resources that were primarily found there. it's also going to take out a major advertising space in a landscape that has largely shifted towards advertising primarily via resource sites as opposed to the typical first link / linkback model.

like. maybe it's just me being old but i think that the larger shift of general community watering holes from away from forums and into discords is something we should be talking about way more as a community in terms of how it negatively impacts how the accessibility of both resources (coding, graphics, etc) and the general community (advertising, discussions, etc), especially for newcomers to the community who might not know these resources exist, never mind how to locate + access them (or, in a topical tangent, how easy it becomes to completely lock people out of the community, for better or worse).
last edit on Nov 26, 2023 19:05:17 GMT by Kuroya

phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
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Kuroyaearned bits
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Kuroya Avatar
at this, the world's end, do we cast off tomorrow~!
i will never understand people who will actively bash something you are gushing about to your face and then act shocked when you want nothing to do with them

phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
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Kuroyaearned bits
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Kuroya Avatar
at this, the world's end, do we cast off tomorrow~!
AkiraTsunami Avatar
I really need like... advertisement staff. and event staff. These are my two worst things and I know it. As much as I like events and dramatic things, they never seem to take off because they're not required. And for advertising. THE CAPTCHAS are MURDER... I hate them T.T

i mean. maybe it's just me, but if site events aren't taking off because member interest isn't there when they're not required, i'd just either stop doing them or appropriately scale them back to be "breaks from the norm" rather than be-all end-all site-changing developments.

but i say that as someone who's climbed hard onto the train of thought that trying to force an ideal onto a site that a memberbase that's not interested in it is just an exercise in futility akin to trying to herd cats, so. ymmv.

phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,238written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
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Kuroya Avatar
at this, the world's end, do we cast off tomorrow~!

i usually prefer playing guys tbeh but i've had girls before and probably will again.

the first plot sounds interesting to me since that's the exact kind of dumb soap opera crap that i'm looking for (a super old arranged marriage both parties forgot to divorce from + is now causing problems for them trying to move forward years later? that's my kind of stupid fun plot) - my main hesitations right now are a combo of "oh gods what do i do outside that plot though" and wanting to wait to see what your revamp does (tl;dr i mistook "urban fantasy" to be supernatural creatures instead of just powers & i'm not a huge fan of "traditional" app formats).

in short, hit me up once you guys have finished your rework if that first ad is still open and i'll take another look at the site then!