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phantom of the black parade
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
cyanide darktearz 💀 Avatar
TAIKO ★ Avatar
THE LYRICS DIDNT DROP U ANY HINTS?? speaking of which the MTV censored version of the song sure is something else...
math class was never good

mtv, why not just play an instrumental ver at that point? or kidz bopify it

the one with doja cat and megan three stallion is my fave ver

if it makes you feel any better.......... it wasn't until this post that i figured it out

(in my defense, i've never heard of the song + have never listened to it so imo, the reason did not occur to me until you said that)

phantom of the black parade
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
i've said it before but i'll say it again

canon-divergent arknights site with canons + ocs both playable, with the site oriented around being a rhodes island operator and doing missions + events periodically to tell each faction's story (y'know, a lil like the current event structure but also with a mission dynamic too)

phantom of the black parade
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
so i started genshin and so far i've honestly really been enjoying it

i was actually really pleasantly surprised by how it feels, since i always got the impression it was more of a mobile game like arknights or epic seven (hence why i was a lil hesitant to actually pick it up), but it's actually been more of a "traditional console experience" so far, and i've really been enjoying that (and yeah, i know the gatcha is about to come punch me in the face, but even the characters i'm ~feral~ for out of that, i'd kind of be okay if just didn't pull them and lived with what i got).

we'll see if i still feel this way in a week l-lmfao

phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
spiritfoxxy Avatar
Apr 13, 2021 20:04:36 GMT @spiritfoxxy said:
I really wish that jcink had a place for their list of sites just like proboards support has on theirs. It would make things so much easier in the advertising department because I find it difficult too search up jcink sites for first posts unlike proboards where I can go on support and find the new sites listed on there.

cttw's advertising directory

probably somewhere between 70-80+% of jcinkers advertise on cttw, so it's likely about the same as the amount of sites on the proboards support (even if i personally think it's a bit of a moot point for an animanga site to "go nuts" there since most jcink sites are rl sites and the vast majority of rl rpers just... don't tend to be up for animanga sites, the same way most animanga rpers don't tend to be up for rl sites, so it's.... kind of wasted effort to go in and just advertise on every single site listed there with no rhyme or reason behind it the way i would any animanga site i could find tbeh)

phantom of the black parade
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
as predicted, i woke up to whispering what the heck at myself

(ah well, i have been pretty sad about losing the chance to rp that character, so i'll be pretty excited if the site search ends up working out, so we'll see if past me really was a fool or not)

phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
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what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
okay, so i'm not sure how successful this is gonna be, but i'm just wanting to see what my options are here.

tl;dr i'm really wanting to rehome one specific character concept from fs that i never really got to play out there so. here i am. asking the void what options i have available to me.

basically i'm looking for:
-- jcink site (sorry proboards)

-- animanga faces only

-- "mid"-fantasy-esque setting (aka i'm looking for magic + species other than human and i'm not wanting anything with a modern day feel to it)

-- can accommodate an amnesiac who gained a magical power via ~angry divine intervention~ (doesn't have to be an actual god though) that took his memories + framed him for murdering his family to push him into an nomadic adventurer life to try to clear his name

-- original setting without a mountain of lore or fandom setting that's open to bringing in a fandom newbie

-- will be pretty okay if i choose to vibe in my little corner and ignore the big overarching site plot (it's not y'all, it's me, i'm just the dude mowing my lawn with the tornado behind me)

-- phantom (arknights) or zhongli (genshin impact) free + claimable as an fc

everything else i'll figure out as i come to that crossroads (since again, i'm just trying to see what my options are).

now time for me to pass out again so i can question past me's decision-making skills when i wake up again-
last edit on Apr 14, 2021 22:46:58 GMT by Kuroya

phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
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Kuroya Avatar
what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?


all right, so. opening disclaimer that this is an extremely unconventional "want ad", but it felt like it best belonged in the want ad category, so here we are.


to make a long story short? i'm currently on phantasma, a fantasy-esque animated panfandom on jcink premium, and i'm looking for some new partners to rp some fun shenanigans with me there!


where this is more unconventional is that, well..... i'm really more looking to help new members get plots going + get invested in the site than i am looking for any specific characters or plot dynamics or what-have-you. so uh. needless to say, i'm very open to what exactly you want to bring to the table.


if you want a list of my current roster on the site, you can check my directory post here (and i know my friend sugar would be just as down to plot with you as well), or if you'd rather "start something from scratch" with me, i have a running list of characters here that i'd be down to pick up if someone else was interested.


(and as a quick reassurance, even though i've not done a crossover ship in a long time (mostly because i'm not a huge fan of never going beyond a first date thread before someone ghosts or the site closes), i'd definitely be interested in breaking that streak if i had a solid partner i vibed well with and a ship with some good chemistry to it.)


just. like i said. very untraditional want ad but. hey if you've been interested in joining a new site but you're wary of no one plotting with you, well..... this is the perfect opportunity for you to take a chance on phantasma since you'll be going into the site with a buddy who's specifically trying to help you out with that!


art credit to カリモ/nageto

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last edit on Apr 25, 2021 18:40:33 GMT by Kuroya

phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,385written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Kuroya Avatar
what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
after a bit of thinking on this, i'm going to be tentatively shelving vixero for the immediate future.

i might come back to it some day, perhaps even in the not-so-distant future..... but honestly, right now, i kind of need a break from admining, at least for a little while (for context, the last time i wasn't actively running my own site was.... probably the fall of 2016).

maybe some day i'll run my own animated panfandom (and i'll probs skip the interest check phase entirely so i can work on my own timetable), but for now, i think i just.... need to chill somewhere that the buck doesn't stop with me so. yeah.

phantom of the black parade
pronounsshe / her pronouns
4,385written posts
Kuroyaearned bits
Part of the Furniture
Kuroya Avatar
what do you want to know? my height, hobbies, quirks, the color of my underwear?
generally as a member, i'm pretty indifferent to whether a site uses a profile app or a threaded app tbeh, but uh. as a staffer, i honestly don't think i'll ever go with a profile app again on a site.

the long and short of it is that i really didn't like that i couldn't actually delete old accounts from inactive members (since that's such a yikes to just delete someone's "app"), there were a lot of little quirks i wasn't a fan of (like having to lock approved accounts from being able to edit their profiles so no one could ninja edit app information to be a problem child or constantly re-entering certain answers because jcink won't hold an apostrophe in a short entry field for some reason), and i found them to be fairly difficult to navigate on mobile most of the time (not that threaded apps can't be too but imo having 50+ fields for an aesthetic profile app is kind of difficult to wade through in mobile mode for actual pertinent information).

like i said. neither is necessarily a dealbreaker for me for joining a site (since it's more what information is being asked for in an app that tends to be make-or-break for me), but as a staffer, i pretty firmly prefer threaded apps just because i don't like having 300+ accounts sticking around on the site when only 30 of them are actually active characters.
last edit on Apr 10, 2021 3:09:39 GMT by Kuroya