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gamer confessions

aliasmori, manon, saki
pronounsshe / her
661written posts
𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚒earned bits
Part of the Furniture
𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚒 Avatar
i know you see yourself as a fighter. well, i see myself as one, too.
scry Avatar
scry Avatar
getting back into hoyo games with zzz. will this be a mistake? prolly.
can comfirm it was. zzz's quality is incredible, loving combat and characters so far.

right there with ya. zzz has me in a chokehold i fear
the chalk prince
pronounsthey / them
978written posts
yuanearned bits
Part of the Furniture
yuan Avatar
existential execution is just a fluke in evolution.
i still don't really know how relics in star rail work and at this point i'm too afraid to ask

(pls don't @ me. i will cry)
last edit on Jul 5, 2024 1:13:43 GMT by yuan
251written posts
scarletearned bits
Senior Member
scarlet Avatar
After considering it for some time, I started the Telltale Walking Dead games. Had more fun than I expected until I got stuck in that scene in season 1 with the truck at the motel with the zombies.

Apparently I forgot to pick up the pillow before moving to the truck. No matter how many times I spam the arrow keys, I'm stuck by the damn truck. After several minutes of this I tried to save scum, but due to relying on autosaves, I either have to figure out how to fix it as-is or start completely over.

So, naturally, I've ragequit and have resumed my usual habit of forgetting videogames in my library exist.
internally screaming
1,821written posts
Nekoearned bits
Neko Avatar
stressed, depressed, and probably not well-dressed
yuan Avatar
i still don't really know how relics in star rail work and at this point i'm too afraid to ask

(pls don't @ me. i will cry)

honestly, between star rail and genshin I still don't know how to use the optimizer and I've been active for over four years- I refuse to learn any relic/artifact system out of spite.
aliaspriestess shizuka
76written posts
shizukaearned bits
Junior Member
shizuka Avatar
wild how people can throw others away like yesterday's garbage!

i need someone to nag at me to play ffxiv every week and handhold me until i like it (the gameplay)
(is joke until i get hired and can afford the sub)
stultifera navis
567written posts
ninelieearned bits
Part of the Furniture
ninelie Avatar
VOLITION [Medium: Success]
Somewhat of a spoiler for FFXIV: Dawntrail's story (I'll be keeping this vague as possible):

I'm a bit disappointed with the 7.0 FFXIV MSQ story. It felt like a lot of the "show, don't tell" subtleties from Shadowbringers and Endwalker was lost in this patch. So many strange plot holes or questionable situations that the Scions would be wise enough to ask or resolve, brushed under the rug for the sake of moving the plot forwards. Yoshida advertised the new expansion as "a summer vacation getaway" but it felt a lot more like our WoL babysitting Wuk Lamat under great duress the entire time.

Speaking of which, it felt like Wuk Lamat had many chances to undergo development throughout the story, but her naivete and "leap before you look" recklessness always goes unpunished, as some form of deus ex machina comes into play to solve her problems with no repercussions. It's clear that the writers wanted to revisit all the good parts of previous expansions (Stormblood's theme of leadership through liberation, Endwalker's themes of "gone but not forgotten") and yet, the story executed such themes rather superficially making it difficult for me to feel any emotional attachment or even care by the trailing end of the main story quests.

Finding out that Ishikawa was just supervising and not the main scenario writer made me realise why I thought Dawntrail was missing that "FFXIV story magic". Sincerely hoping that future patches would have a better digestible story than what was given so far.

Edit: Also, the story had so many Chekhov's guns you might as well have stepped into Chekhov's armory.
last edit on Jul 6, 2024 14:28:21 GMT by ninelie

hover + icon by 旳---
aliassel, sell
pronounsany are ok
59written posts
capsellaearned bits
Junior Member
capsella Avatar
Honestly, I agree - as someone who loves Wuk Lamat, and loves Lyse (I truly am not voicing my dawntrail thoughts on places like reddit or twitter because I'm not a big fan of what some other people are using meh story pacing to say about them), this expansion does remind me a lot of the initial Stormblood story/4.0 before the patches. But I think the really big thing for me with 7.0 that made the story feel unsatisfying, even at the very conclusion, was the (FFXIV 7.0 spoilers below!! pls tread w/ care!!!)

(extra spoiler warning for all of 7.0/dawntrail!) Lack of follow-up or satisfying conclusion regarding other character arcs/plot points we'd been introduced to in the story; I think the most noticeable of these being the ramped-up plotlines surrounding Krile and Erenville in the second half, and how I felt like we really weren't there for them in the same way we were with Wuk Lamat - especially in zones 5/6! What I would've given for another one-off conversation with Erenville to ask how he was doing after clearly watching him suffer in silence, or to have been there myself helping to investigate Krile's earring/her origins, rather than being told after the fact. I'm deeply endeared by Wuk Lamat, but I do wish that some other focus characters/storylines just would've recieved as much love as her journey did.

It makes me think a lot of Heavensward, where Alphinaud's journey and coming of age is a huge central focus, and a lot of the time, our character does take a backseat to him - but our moments are him are spliced with also learning about and getting attached to characters like Haurchefant, Ysayle, Estinien, Aymeric, etc. - I'm surprised that I'm pretty sure we get more alone time with Sphene in Dawntrail than we do with Krile. I would've felt so much more attached to the final few zones if we'd learned a little more about Krile's origins from her perspective, or if we got more of a chance to speak with Erenville on his feelings re: what happened to his home village, but instead, we get some pretty quick summaries and/or very convenient areas in zone 6 to speedrun them all, and it doesn't feel satisfying. I think a lot of people take it out on Wuk Lamat, just because she's the one character that I think the story did show a lot of love to, and I definitely enjoyed spending time with her. I think she was the perfect person to introduce ourselves to Tural through her eyes - I just wish the story gave some of the other characters introduced as being important to the story the same love and admiration, too!

(ps, where was our big scion rival fight we were told of........... you could've just let the rest of the scions stay home if we weren't gonna pvp them like you made us think we were squeenix..... they do not have to be here for the mandated 5 minutes of scion screentime, we can let them sleep a bit)

The new dungeons & trials are sick as hell, though. this truly is stormblood 2.0 (because I absolutely loved the stormblood msq dungeons too)

last edit on Jul 7, 2024 1:35:11 GMT by capsella
I'm @capsellas on discord! Feel free to reach out if you need anything.
39written posts
xenoearned bits
New Member
xeno Avatar
i don't mind wuk lamat that much altho i do think she got a lot of focus in the story to the point it was detrimental. the build up to dawntrail probably should've taken more of the post-EW story.

some of the story developments were also a little odd - like (97 dungeon spoilers)
the train scene before going into vanguard, why wasn't that playable in any way, shape, or form? also why would you put your strongest person on cannon duty? the wol should've swapped out with one of the other people fighting on the train instead of wuk lamat imo but they decided to make it a scripted cutscene and didn't want to do animations for every job.

overall i think it's a good start to a new arc and i think there is a LOT of potential for post-patch quests, so i'm excited to see what's to come! (spoiler again, this time for the very end of the story)
the relic with azem's symbol is very interesting... plus solution nine is very interesting... i want more of that please!!!
575written posts
Part of the Furniture
𝐹𝑒𝓇𝒶𝓁 Avatar
A bunch of my friends are super into ZZZ but I'm gonna pass. Between struggling to keep up with the gachas I actively play, FFXIV, rp, my weekly tabletop game, and the backlog of single-player games, I just can't muster the energy to start it. The setting, gameplay, just aren't doing it for me. I'll stick to Star Rail, Wuwa, 99, and Genshin thanks.