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Desmond Milesearned bits
Desmond Miles
Part of the Furniture
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we will have peace at any cost
traveller Avatar
So today I found out one of my friends, who had suddenly been acting real shitty towards me, believed I had leaked some private group conversations...because a mutual friend of ours stirred the pot and said they totally had evidence of me doing it. (No, you can't see it, but it's super duper real.)

So now, weeks later, he found out that I had not, in fact, been leaking private group conversations and apologised to me for treating me that way. (I had been confused by his sudden behavioural change before then.)

But I'm a shitty person and can't accept his apologies, so now we're no longer friends.

._. Why am I like this

I wouldn’t accept the apology either nor forgive my friend if this happened to me. You’re not wrong for that, it’s your ex-buddy who fucked up here, as well as the mutual friend (hopefully now also an ex-friend).

If you really wanted to stay friends then sure, keep it cool and casual between each other to build up that trust again. But if you don’t wanna do that, then you don’t have to. And they’re just gonna have to accept that actions = actual consequences.
aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
1,559written posts
dark balls of sight
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maybe wallace being my fav was foreshadowing
traveller Avatar
At the end of the day, the grief is a sign you truly loved your dog, and if you feel such grief and guilt, then you've probably drawn out your very best to give your furry family all the love you have.

Find solace with your loved ones. Let yourself grieve.

bex Avatar
one of my dear friends is going through the same thing as you. her cat was given to her when she started chemo as a child, and she lived to be quite old. in her last few years of life and my friend was newly an adult, she was struggling a lot with her cat's health, as her parents had never even taken her cat to the vet outside of getting her fixed. she went through a very long, arduous and expensive trauma trying to do the best she could for her cat, and eventually, it became apparent that no matter what she did, it would never be enough. her cat's health just wasn't getting better, and in the end, she was able to have a vet come to her home and put her to sleep. it was sad, but ultimately she knew that it was the right thing to do for her beloved pet. she said she didn't feel better, and for many days after her cat's passing, she was understandably, an emotional wreck. not because her cat was gone, but because she felt guilt for feeling relieved that it was finally all over.

i don't know you like that, obviously, , but be kind to yourself. you did what was best for your dog, and while you might not feel like it, know that choosing to euthanize our pets when it's their time is the kindest thing we can do for them. i've had pets come and go, and it never gets easy. there's something about the childhood family pet dying that just destroys you, and i think it's important to let yourself feel those feelings. it's understandable, and natural to have complex feelings about the person or creature you're caring for when you're their primary caretaker. it's fucking exhausting and often a thankless job. you care about your dog, but the financial and emotional stress that comes with caring for an aging pet is just a lot.

that's all to say, it's okay to not just feel sad. it's okay to feel guilt (though you have nothing to feel guilty for, obviously). the good times, and the love will come back, i promise.

i've been putting off posting in this site bc i wanted to reply and thank you two for saying these things but i also kept putting that off bc i'm not reaelly sure myself. but it really helped me a lot at that moment when i got these replies. made me realize (again) that grieving is a long process and talking really does help. recieving any kind of response - knowing that someone listened and replied to you - helps tremendously. so i really appreciate the time and thankless effort it is for you guys to reply to a random person in the internet. there are many days when i feel like i've gotten better. then suddenly there are days like yesterday when i stumble onto his pile of medicines and i question again how i can move on with my life and what things i've done wrong and differently in the past to change the present.
last edit on Jul 17, 2024 5:05:36 GMT by dark balls of sight

(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
240written posts
hannyearned bits
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「我等の天下だ 神など要らない。」
me having a violent flashback to when i was learning a new routine with the rest of my taiko group, but my taiko teachers compared part of it to another routine

dear reader, i had not LEARNED that routine at the time
the narrative
aliasCel, Nightlock
804written posts
CELearned bits
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i don't get angry when i'm pissed; i'm the eternal optimist.
traveller Avatar
So today I found out one of my friends, who had suddenly been acting real shitty towards me, believed I had leaked some private group conversations...because a mutual friend of ours stirred the pot and said they totally had evidence of me doing it. (No, you can't see it, but it's super duper real.)

So now, weeks later, he found out that I had not, in fact, been leaking private group conversations and apologised to me for treating me that way. (I had been confused by his sudden behavioural change before then.)

But I'm a shitty person and can't accept his apologies, so now we're no longer friends.

._. Why am I like this

(2) on what desmond said. you aren't a shitty person because you can't & won't accept the apology. you're a person who got hurt because someone you valued as a friend betrayed your trust and believed the worst about you, all because someone else said so. you aren't under any obligation to accept that, especially when he didn't try to have a conversation with you about the matter, and instead jumped the gun on hateful behavior so suddenly. i've been there. it hurts,  it'll make you mad, and my hot take is, honestly? someone who does value you as a friend would make an effort to understand what happened on both sides, at the very least, rather than act with impulsive cruelty. 

again, speaking from experience: the real friends worth sticking with wouldn't do something like that to you. because they actually give a damn about you and care, and anyone who immediately jumps to believe the words of someone else's questionable hatespeech regarding you just has preconceived notions they want to believe true. once they're given a (in their view) valid reason to feel vindicated for how they feel, they'll do it. it's why the biggest combatant to gossip is, fundamentally, communication and empathy. anyone who has a problem with you, or disagrees with you to the point of it boiling into poor behavior, especially if they're meant to be a friend, would speak up on it directly.

a hard to swallow pill for some, but like, a friendship, like any relationship, requires people willing to talk about their problems, engage in healthy confrontation and discussion, and understand just wtf is going on and how to move forward. if the person won't do that with you, and only apologizes after they're proven wrong through some other means, then i think that says enough. 

tl;dr, don't feel bad for refusing to accept the apology. that's just knowing you deserve better. he broke your trust. that takes time and effort to rebuild. you are under no obligation to give it freely, and immediately, after that kinda display of behavior. if he really does mean his apology, he should understand that. if the friendship mattered, work will be done to prove that. if not, then the unfortunate fact of life is that sometimes that'll happen. i know i'm bitter over years of my wasted youth on some people, but you learn to move on. and that doesn't make you a shitty person at all.
last edit on Jul 17, 2024 12:54:48 GMT by CEL

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the endless hunt
aliasleto, blobert, crow
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ullaearned bits
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in turning divine, we tangle endlessly
traveller Avatar
So today I found out one of my friends, who had suddenly been acting real shitty towards me, believed I had leaked some private group conversations...because a mutual friend of ours stirred the pot and said they totally had evidence of me doing it. (No, you can't see it, but it's super duper real.)

So now, weeks later, he found out that I had not, in fact, been leaking private group conversations and apologised to me for treating me that way. (I had been confused by his sudden behavioural change before then.)

But I'm a shitty person and can't accept his apologies, so now we're no longer friends.

._. Why am I like this

i don't have much to add beyond what others have said in support of your decision, but i did want to say that i'm proud of you for not allowing yourself to be okay with that kind of treatment. setting boundaries with people we care about and walking away from situations in which we are treated badly is hard. you deserve better, and knowing that you deserve better does not make you a shitty person.

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travellerearned bits
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Thanks for the kind words.

I know it's best for myself to cut ties. It isn't so much that I'm upset by the behaviour itself, but I guess what stung the most was that after all the years of knowing each other, they somehow found it a credible enough accusation they didn't think there was a good excuse for it.

I've actually gotten to see the evidence now. Disappointingly, it was an out-of-context quote of me after the fact complaining to the (ex)mutual friend:

"Kinda sucks we have someone in the group who went"
"Lemme just go report this dude to his employer lmfao serves him right"

Well, you can guess what our oh-so hilarious prankster friend shared with the others.

Oh well! All pains pass. I wish I were a big enough person to forgive them, but ultimately I'm kinda petty and resent them for not at least giving me the benefit of the doubt. 
last edit on Jul 18, 2024 21:27:02 GMT by traveller
"Someone's got to die today and you have got the final say. You? Or your crew?"
251written posts
scarletearned bits
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So today I found out one of my friends, who had suddenly been acting real shitty towards me, believed I had leaked some private group conversations...because a mutual friend of ours stirred the pot and said they totally had evidence of me doing it. (No, you can't see it, but it's super duper real.)

So now, weeks later, he found out that I had not, in fact, been leaking private group conversations and apologised to me for treating me that way. (I had been confused by his sudden behavioural change before then.)

But I'm a shitty person and can't accept his apologies, so now we're no longer friends.

._. Why am I like this
Doesn’t sound like being a shitty person, imo. Sounds like your friend didn’t give you the benefit of the doubt or approach you about what happened. And you understandably are hurt that someone you trusted was so willing to believe the worst of you, and treated you poorly for it.

You’re probably angry that things can’t go back to normal, because that would mean pretending you’re not upset when you are. But that’s not your fault. Neither of those people acted much like “friends.”

Not that you asked, just been in your shoes before. Listen to your gut in these things.

ETA: omg there was a whole other page of replies, I’m late to the party.
last edit on Jul 18, 2024 22:09:30 GMT by scarlet
204written posts
inkearned bits
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lol im tired of people jumping in to criticize me without even checking if im okay first. like i guess it's because i'm a self aware bad bitch 99% of the time but like. man am i even a person to you. i want to stop giving more than i get but i'm also not really sure how to do that.
the narrative
aliasCel, Nightlock
804written posts
CELearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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i don't get angry when i'm pissed; i'm the eternal optimist.
on one hand, it's honestly kind of sweet that my supervisor had pestered the office nurse to get me a consultation over my exhaustion at work. on the other, when will this man realize like 90% of the cause is the fact i get to work at 7am and get home at 9pm because of my daily commute, all because he insists on us going to office 5 days a week while the other teams can work from home, all so he can look more responsible in the eyes of the higher ups.

i actually have lost count of how many times ive pinpointed the daily commute as the reason to him. i have also lost count of the number of times my teammates voiced similar concerns to him.
last edit on Jul 19, 2024 5:46:13 GMT by CEL

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travellerearned bits
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In happier news, I watched Delicious in Dungeon (in glorious dub, Marcille's VA is great, don't @ me) and good lord have I missed a good anime that made me laugh and sit at the edge of my seat for more. Can't wait for season 2.

I didn't expect too much but the cast is genuinely amazing and lovable.
"Someone's got to die today and you have got the final say. You? Or your crew?"
240written posts
hannyearned bits
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「我等の天下だ 神など要らない。」
i guess it's random, but there is something really really lovely about... bear w me - someone pops up in a pokemon draft league of mine i dont rly participate in anymore, but they had been hella creepy to me and other femme-presenting members way back when thye had been a member (and got banned back then) and w/ them popping up ur ex // best friend (used to date, broke up, still good friends) immediately is there like "im gonna ban their ass". idk. just made me wibble a bit
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