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Post a Random Thought

297written posts
flareearned bits
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rp is supposed to be fun, remember
sacred Avatar
My wife makes really awesome graphics, but she would always complain about how fuzzy they looked.

She's been making icons for like 10 years.

She only just found out about the 'sharpen' tool. Now she realises why all her icons looked a little fuzzy to her.
this is sorta unrelated but i really miss the whole icon hype we had back in the day where people would make and share them, offer to make them for others etc.
0written posts
Deletedearned bits
Deleted Avatar
I just told my brother the good news about Final Fantasy XIV... Now too see his reaction on the fact that I chose Balmung/Crystal Data Center for my server instead of the one he first chose. Too be fair, he stopped playing and I'd rather have the one character instead of two on different servers. >.>
370written posts
elliearned bits
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elli Avatar
have honestly had a terrible past couple of days so I'm just trying to do anything to keep my mind off of things :'D
hey i hope ur ok frend <3
After over 17 years, I've decided to move on from ProBoards. If you need to contact me, find me on my website.
257written posts
styrofoam eaterearned bits
styrofoam eater
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i like the cronch
Weird q- i'm not exactly sure if this qualifies its own thread or what, but i don't want to bother anyone so I'm putting it here:

are forums dying?

They seem consistently harder to find than they used to be, and look like they're getting phased out w/ more accessible options such as discord.

idk, just want your ยข2 i suppose
297written posts
flareearned bits
Senior Member
flare Avatar
rp is supposed to be fun, remember
styrofoam eater Avatar
Weird q- i'm not exactly sure if this qualifies its own thread or what, but i don't want to bother anyone so I'm putting it here:

are forums dying?

They seem consistently harder to find than they used to be, and look like they're getting phased out w/ more accessible options such as discord.

idk, just want your ยข2 i suppose
i don't think so, honestly. this question comes up like, every year for a decade and the answer is always the same. the audience of discord and forum rps are different, what people value and such are too. yes, there are people who are leaving because they're tired of it, but there are also sites for those who are just growing up with it too. thing is, you don't often see the latter since places like pixel are usually early-20s-people-echo-chamber-simulator where the sites that show up here reflect that.

so yeah, finding sites is all about where you look. there's no shortage of them but there sure is a hella lack of advertising. even sites with large bases fail that at times, but affiliate hopping, looking at advertising sections of sites etc might be way more helpful than just here.
306written posts
Miss Melonade โ™ฅ
Spring '21 Bingo Completionist
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I've Grown Tired of This Body, Cumbersome and Heavy
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Now she realises why all her icons looked a little fuzzy to her.
this is sorta unrelated but i really miss the whole icon hype we had back in the day where people would make and share them, offer to make them for others etc.

and I have an icon directory! (IT's also in my sig) and idk about her but I'm always up for requests!
last edit on Aug 16, 2021 1:03:12 GMT by Miss Melonade โ™ฅ
praise the cats!
aliasthomas, breezescodes
825written posts
bcearned bits
Summer '19 Bingo Completionist
bc Avatar
this is my murder mittens ^-^
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bc Avatar
i get really excited talking to people. 9/10 im typing w the biggest smile ever because i just like talking about things especially to other people dsjkfla
talk to me (:))

why this seems ominous :squint:

is this a threat, demand, or request :sweat:

hewwo uwu :333
last edit on Aug 16, 2021 1:18:34 GMT by bc
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