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aliasAerie, badmin, insert profanity
139written posts
Aerieearned bits
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Aerie Avatar
sometimes we ball, sometimes we fall.
honestly, i don't think one would last a long time, so maybe a bridgerton mini rp. let me make a risque move in thread like touching your shoulder in public.
29written posts
❝ coffee & teaearned bits
❝ coffee & tea
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Aerie Avatar
honestly, i don't think one would last a long time, so maybe a bridgerton mini rp. let me make a risque move in thread like touching your shoulder in public.

yes, *this* or like a victorian rp would be wonderful. let's have scandals and balls and dramatic themes
241written posts
The Lawearned bits
The Law
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non-canon or post-canon one piece.
I'm now curious how one would post-canon a series that will never end >_>

On a good note, at least nobody said a post-canon Bioboosted Armor Guyver RP. I'm pretty sure odds of seeing One Piece wrap up are higher than that of seeing Guyver's plot wrap up. XD (I think as of 2016 the author says the series is on an indefinite hiatus)
the waking storm
aliasLuxu, TenebraeQueene
313written posts
Galeforceearned bits
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covered in scars but roses are coming through the cracks
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Galeforce Avatar
non-canon or post-canon one piece.
I'm now curious how one would post-canon a series that will never end >_>

uh.... m-make it hundreds of years later? xD idk LOL non-canon makes the most sense tho LOL
3written posts
hoxearned bits
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hox Avatar
some say that it loops forever, this road that i lose you on everytime
Aerie Avatar
A Fallout rp would go so hard. Please.
absolutely need this too. love fallout so damn bad
obsessed with the power of humanity to create works of art and the joy that comes from creation