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Coding Confessions

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Yeah, I've mostly been doing the coding thing during the weekends mostly. And then occasionally building out things after work just so I don't lose touch with coding in general. But seriously it feels like it never ends though. Between the templates, and the other things too. It's so in depth though @_@

make a list! to do list, with checks or percentages. break it down to smaller tasks so that you get the little dose of achievements as you go-- and before u know it you'll be done!

fool proof method I use for work whenever I just. can't. makes skinning seem more manageable too when I see the list getting smaller and smaller. fr it gets bleak when the perceived workload is never changing oof
aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
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ditto become human
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maybe wallace being my fav was foreshadowing
i once finished a jcink skin in 3 three days after taking an anti-anxiety med prescribed to my sister, of which had the side effect of me spinning in circles for hours because my mind wouldn't stop running and i literally felt like i was going to go crazy

(i saved the jcink skin and lost it idk where it is now)

(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
1,532written posts
ditto become human
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maybe wallace being my fav was foreshadowing
not apologizing for double posting bc this is another confession...

if someone told me to explain how my code works to prove that i made it, there is a 90% chance i will fail. i'm reading a code of line i did a week ago and i'm already at a lost. don't even ask me how i made a discord bot. i have no clue man but i definitely did it

why does that have an asterisk? i don't know man but i did it fr a good reason

edit: actually never mind i'm working on it and now i really know why i had it... but the point stands...

Edit hours later: i ended up fixing this part up and realized i didnt even know how this part fixed the problem except it did but turns out that was just a bandaid solution and i exchanged some css out and so basically i dont know what im doing sometimes
last edit on Dec 21, 2023 15:38:23 GMT by ditto become human

(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
local boogeyman
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802written posts
profit of doomearned bits
profit of doom
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they pull the axe out your face and say "was it the boogeyman?"
amethy Avatar
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Yeah, I've mostly been doing the coding thing during the weekends mostly. And then occasionally building out things after work just so I don't lose touch with coding in general. But seriously it feels like it never ends though. Between the templates, and the other things too. It's so in depth though @_@
make a list! to do list, with checks or percentages. break it down to smaller tasks so that you get the little dose of achievements as you go-- and before u know it you'll be done!

fool proof method I use for work whenever I just. can't. makes skinning seem more manageable too when I see the list getting smaller and smaller. fr it gets bleak when the perceived workload is never changing oof
See. I’ll make the list and then never actually use it again. Never cross anything off. The pitfalls of adhd. But it is helpful when I do actually remember, and it feels good to cross items off the list! I just….never remember to do so💀

also imagine being able to just focus on one project at a time and just dedicate all your creative time and energy to that one skin. I desperately wish that was me. I’m currently jumping back and forth between four skins and barely making progress on any of them. 
aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
1,532written posts
ditto become human
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maybe wallace being my fav was foreshadowing
profit of doom Avatar
amethy Avatar
make a list! to do list, with checks or percentages. break it down to smaller tasks so that you get the little dose of achievements as you go-- and before u know it you'll be done!

fool proof method I use for work whenever I just. can't. makes skinning seem more manageable too when I see the list getting smaller and smaller. fr it gets bleak when the perceived workload is never changing oof
See. I’ll make the list and then never actually use it again. Never cross anything off. The pitfalls of adhd. But it is helpful when I do actually remember, and it feels good to cross items off the list! I just….never remember to do so💀

also imagine being able to just focus on one project at a time and just dedicate all your creative time and energy to that one skin. I desperately wish that was me. I’m currently jumping back and forth between four skins and barely making progress on any of them. 

i also usually forget the list but when i am off the computer i check my mobile app and basically just write what i did accomplish and strike that off. Being offline and sometimes just having my phone and paper helps me reorganize my thoughts before i head back to the computer to work again and do the task. Not just for coding stuff, but for writing too.

(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
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On my Devil May Cry shtick again
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See. I’ll make the list and then never actually use it again. Never cross anything off. The pitfalls of adhd. But it is helpful when I do actually remember, and it feels good to cross items off the list! I just….never remember to do so💀

also imagine being able to just focus on one project at a time and just dedicate all your creative time and energy to that one skin. I desperately wish that was me. I’m currently jumping back and forth between four skins and barely making progress on any of them. 

couldn't be me. I'm having my hands full just designing this thing, let alone building the components and then installing them on the site.
local boogeyman
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802written posts
profit of doomearned bits
profit of doom
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they pull the axe out your face and say "was it the boogeyman?"
i started a fifth project literally just bc i wanted to make a skin based on an icp song and now it's probably one of the prettiest skins i've ever made. why am i like this
last edit on Dec 23, 2023 17:12:47 GMT by profit of doom
aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
1,532written posts
ditto become human
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maybe wallace being my fav was foreshadowing
you think you're finally done with one part of the code and finally move on with your life. but then you got better and learned a better method of doing things so you come crawling back to update that section you swore you never have to touch again...

(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
1,532written posts
ditto become human
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maybe wallace being my fav was foreshadowing
I suddenly remembered something worth putting here.

Years ago, I ended up running into a small, random site with like 10 members in it, and I saw my personal template I use exclusively in the rp I was on being used. It was a clear copy paste of the code. Naturally, I didn’t like that so I went as far as registering asking them nicely but sternly to remove it.

Now, the code in question was extremely simple. It was formatting and text borders. As in, border, padding. There were ooc notes in it too. But it was still recognizable in its format esp in an era where people don’t usually use that kind of template.

I thought I might have found that cringy looking back. But i actually still don’t regret it. To me, the fact that they saw my template on that specific site and just yonked it when there are thousands of free templates out there was taking an extra step to insult me. I’m sure they thought it wasnt a big deal bc of how simple it was. To which i would have said, well you like it enough to steal it lol. For sure if they asked, i wouldnt have mind sharing it at all.

I’d still be upset today if my personal templates were treated that way. Except i share everything now so i cant be offended if ppl stole it anymore lol.

(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
local boogeyman
aliasbex, jeepers cats
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802written posts
profit of doomearned bits
profit of doom
Part of the Furniture
profit of doom Avatar
they pull the axe out your face and say "was it the boogeyman?"
don't get me wrong, me and my dyslexia love the clean font trend. but i'm ready for people to start using whackass title fonts i can barely read again. it gave a site character lmao
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