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all hail Garfield and the Holy Lasagna
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dijit.exeearned bits
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no talk me angy
Hear me out: Dark Souls Faction Site. Takes place after the age of darkness ending from DS3. Now theres a new first flame and folks are fighting over it. Dungeon Crawling? Check. Story bosses and field bosses? check. Badass Anime Babes? Check.

A rough idea but its an idea I wanna play with for a site.
aliaspor, sef, jdawg
pronounsshe | her
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porsefearned bits
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chichi wo moge
dijit.exe Avatar
Hear me out: Dark Souls Faction Site. Takes place after the age of darkness ending from DS3. Now theres a new first flame and folks are fighting over it. Dungeon Crawling? Check. Story bosses and field bosses? check. Badass Anime Babes? Check.

A rough idea but its an idea I wanna play with for a site.

pls let me be a sunbro
all hail Garfield and the Holy Lasagna
403written posts
dijit.exeearned bits
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no talk me angy
porsef Avatar
dijit.exe Avatar
Hear me out: Dark Souls Faction Site. Takes place after the age of darkness ending from DS3. Now theres a new first flame and folks are fighting over it. Dungeon Crawling? Check. Story bosses and field bosses? check. Badass Anime Babes? Check.

A rough idea but its an idea I wanna play with for a site.
pls let me be a sunbro

how could I make a dark souls site without some kind of sunbros. that would be a cardinal sin.

anywho your wish is granted
aliasThe Man Formerly Known as Fragarach
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Fragarachearned bits
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dijit.exe Avatar
Hear me out: Dark Souls Faction Site. Takes place after the age of darkness ending from DS3. Now theres a new first flame and folks are fighting over it. Dungeon Crawling? Check. Story bosses and field bosses? check. Badass Anime Babes? Check.

A rough idea but its an idea I wanna play with for a site.

If this becomes a thing I am so Freaking down it sounds awesome.
Plz let me join ;-;
last edit on Mar 11, 2022 23:50:09 GMT by Fragarach
547written posts
Ludoearned bits
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Gravity Falls is niche as hell and I get it but man I'd love to take the core concepts from that and apply it to a site with real life faces actually probably wouldn't have strict face claim rules tbh, real faces no faces some of the characters would be not-human so, and a wholly original setting, set in Texas because I know the area

Like probably a fakeville town, maybe take a page from Night Vale and have it be one of those 'you only find it by accident and can't leave' things...Small town...Weird things happen and some people seem brainwashed by aliens...Maybe add in some cosmic horrors...

Base it off the mystery flesh pit mythos...I just want a gravity falls VIBE without the nicheness of an actual canon gravity falls site...IDK I've been watching too much analogue SCPish horror...
last edit on Mar 14, 2022 5:46:58 GMT by Ludo
pronounsShe - Her
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HPCearned bits
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Been playing a lot of games and consuming a lot of other media that developed a jumbled but possible idea that can work out:

Set in the distant future, America's economy has crashed and suffered through another Great Depression.

In comes a major corporation called MIYAKI, based in Japan, that later brought the country to its economical peak to a point where it had no choice but to rely on the corporation as means for survival. Since then, these MIYAKI became the new form of government. With such power, MIYAKI viewed America as the perfect testing site for their upcoming project:

Operation PRSRV (pronounced "preserve") is a project that had one goal: control the human race; with such a flawed species that have damned the world into sin with their free will, they must be controlled and create a controlled utopia where such harm to both the planet and its inhabitants. Those with an immense amount of wealth won't be subjected to the process.

This involved a virus created by MIYAKI called Jackal that would spread in hopes of infecting the entire American population, only to infect just a faction of the population. Those infected were dubbed the same name as the virus. They were humanoids with traits related to animals, mythical beings, and legendary creatures; they also gained powers, creating different types of powered Jackals who can spread the virus, infecting humans into their own kind. To the MIYAKI's surprise, they had no control over the Jackals.

With no trace of evidence leading the virus to the corporation, the MIYAKI have created anti-Jackal propaganda and have officially labeled them as threats to not just the country, but to humans as a whole. This sparked racism, political strained relations, and oppression while the corporation continues to hide their trail.

There may be a second corporation involved that rivals against MIYAKI but with the same intentions in mind, but for now if there's enough interest I'll have no problem diving into detail.
last edit on Mar 19, 2022 15:01:41 GMT by HPC
7written posts
Mondayearned bits
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Been playing a lot of games and consuming a lot of other media that developed a jumbled but possible idea that can work out:

Set in the distant future, America's economy has crashed and suffered through another Great Depression.

In comes a major corporation called MIYAKI, based in Japan, that later brought the country to its economical peak to a point where it had no choice but to rely on these 3 corporations as means for survival. Since then, these MIYAKI became the new form of government. With such power, MIYAKI viewed America as the perfect testing site for their upcoming project:

Operation PRSRV (pronounced "preserve") is a project that had one goal: control the human race; with such a flawed species that have damned the world into sin with their free will, they must be controlled and create a controlled utopia where such harm to both the planet and its inhabitants. Those with an immense amount of wealth won't be subjected to the process.

This involved a virus created by MIYAKI called Jackal that would spread in hopes of infecting the entire American population, only to infect just a faction of the population. Those infected were dubbed the same name as the virus. They were humanoids with traits related to animals, mythical beings, and legendary creatures; they also gained powers, creating different types of powered Jackals who can spread the virus, infecting humans into their own kind. To the MIYAKI's surprise, they had no control over the Jackals.

With no trace of evidence leading the virus to the corporation, the MIYAKI have created anti-Jackal propaganda and have officially labeled them as threats to not just the country, but to humans as a whole. This sparked racism, political strained relations, and oppression while the corporation continues to hide their trail.

There may be a second corporation involved that rivals against MIYAKI but with the same intentions in mind, but for now if there's enough interest I'll have no problem diving into detail.

love it and need it asap
61written posts
erbalearned bits
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I've been working on various site ideas for years, some worked for a little bit and some never made it off the ground. I've thought about making a site with elements loved from all my ideas and have a site idea I wanted to share. I'm looking for people to help staff it, and also looking to get a custom skin done. I've been reading a lot of lore lately from various things such as Elden Ring, Warhammer (Both 40k and Fantasy), lord of the rings, dune, and thinking about what I know from other stories and movies I've seen to inspire the direction.

But not to belabor the point, but the idea for the site is to be a Sci-Fi Fantasy, with a story focused around what would happen if magic were real and kept itself hidden until the right time to come to the forefront. (Whether due to mages being weaker for so long, or lost techniques or so on) However, this time doesn't happen in the modern era, it happens in the future when Mankind takes to the stars, and after colonizing their solar system the first of the magic users (or magic races, not sure if it should just be humans or have multiple races from each life-bearing planet) would reveal themselves and would turn Pluto into this fortified Magic-Tech world which would become the basis for Faster-Than-light travel which might be done using something fun called "hex-gates" or another term possibly.

So fast forward a few thousand years, humanity and the magic users colonize the galaxy, but bam some dark age event happens and the connection is cut for a long period. Due to the extreme stress of their new planets plus the use of technology and magic would result in not only cultural divergences but on some planets also resulting in the humans or other races adapting into new sub-species or entirely new ones altogether.

Now finally with someone figuring out what caused the dark age of the milky-way humanity, the magic users, and the aliens are open up to the world again. However, there is no more organization to facilitate the diplomacy between all these newly developed groups who don't have the same sense of camaraderie they once did.

The story would start I imagine within the first few years since the beginning of this renaissance, with a council being put together to try and figure out what to do in the state of the galaxy.

So yeah, if anyone is interested in this idea about a sci-fi fantasy set in our galaxy about what if magic colonization that could blend elements such as witches, super-soldiers, mechas, political intrigue, deeply personal plots, and plenty of room for story growth just let me know, especially if you're interested in help developing this from either a mechanical, creative, or moderative aspect.
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Deletedearned bits
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i'm really vibing for a roleplay based in the feudal era/warring states era of Japan -- like with daimyos and shogun, samurai, etc, inspired by media like Inuyasha and The Ghost of Tsushima. The setting is just so beautiful and open, and I just love the Sengoku Jidai as a world (which is partially why I love Arceus: Legends so much). The hard part would be deciding whether to have fantasy elements, and what the overall plot would be. It would also take some research and historical digging to get it at least semi-accurate, even if we decide on straight fiction, or just to base it/draw inspiration from both mediums. I think an original setting and site (maybe based on an island) would really be fun, too, though. Like hardly any magic, but maybe a some youkai presence?

Idk, any thoughts?
the eldritch truth
1,102written posts
Phantasmearned bits
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i'm really vibing for a roleplay based in the feudal era/warring states era of Japan -- like with daimyos and shogun, samurai, etc, inspired by media like Inuyasha and The Ghost of Tsushima. The setting is just so beautiful and open, and I just love the Sengoku Jidai as a world (which is partially why I love Arceus: Legends so much). The hard part would be deciding whether to have fantasy elements, and what the overall plot would be. It would also take some research and historical digging to get it at least semi-accurate, even if we decide on straight fiction, or just to base it/draw inspiration from both mediums. I think an original setting and site (maybe based on an island) would really be fun, too, though. Like hardly any magic, but maybe a some youkai presence?

Idk, any thoughts?

I do think there is a lot of potential there! To add some ideas, I wonder if some kind of political drama would work. Maybe on an island like you said, whether original or real (like Sado island, not too too far from Kyoto and stuff and has tons of ancient ruins which is cool) with some supernatural stuff going on. Maybe some kind of central clan with family branches and minor retainer clans vying for political power, like Game of Thrones, etc. Could have invasions from the mainland be site events, a la Sekiro or smthn.

Political shenanigans, youkai, and rivalries within and without the clan sounds like a fun time imo - tons of stuff you could do with the setting

Edit: Apparently the Shogunate took direct control of the island in the middle of the Sengoku period once gold was discovered there. Could be a good excuse for some shogun + emperor meddling plots

Also, it was used as place of exile - meaning there could be lots of disgraced peeps from all over Japan there
last edit on Apr 3, 2022 0:42:36 GMT by Phantasm
50written posts
mavrohearned bits
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With the Bleach anime returning and current Shonen Jump having some pretty cool new and fresh action mangas (Sakamoto Days, Monster #8, Mashle: Magic and Muscles, Ayashimon) and some indie fighting mangas having gained recognition in recent years (Kengan Ashura/Omega, Record of Ragnarök) the 12 year old kid in me really just wants some cool action/fighting rp site. Nothing pretentious, no grand lore, no numbers or power systems or anything like that.

I was thinking in terms of some fighting festival, tournament of power type deal. Some abstract omnipotent meta-deity called "The Author" decided to create an eternal fighting festival for entertainment. It would be panfandom or maybe panfandom inspired and have people with big swords and cool powers, belonging to different franchises representing different realms based on real manga franchises like Bleach and Naruto or whatever, fighting to score points to determine that year's victor. The whole thing mainly spurred on by the franchises wanting to be safe from "cancellation" or "destruction" or whatever. Since the franchises that didn't win are threatened with being deleted from the universe, representing discontinuation in a Shonen manga magazine. Maybe there could be some storylines where the factions team up to take down the Author of the magazine and there would be different villains like "The Editor" and "The Reader" or something. And the franchises wouldn't just score points for winning fights, but having cool storylines and classic shonen tropes like rivalries, villains, heroes, side characters, sacrifices and so on. And there'd be certain mechanics like characters that sacrifice themselves in cool ways being resurrected or whatever.

So the characters wouldn't know that everything's just part of a meta-narrative, but the members would, with the point being trying to distill everything down to crafting hype moments.

This is all very style-over-substance, and it's not supposed to be super serious or heavy or anything. People would be able to do what they want with their powers, the whole point just being having cool fights and dialogue all in the framework of shonen-type hype moments.

Idk if I'm making sense, but it's what my heart yearns for.
last edit on Apr 3, 2022 17:35:01 GMT by mavroh