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aliasvelk, cyan
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safi'jiivaearned bits
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sometimes, things that are edgy are cool

Suspended above the Sandsea, the floating city of Vanaheimr remains the last city state that has not bent the knee to an Empire, and has stood proud and free since it’s inception. Held aloft by the grace of its founder, Feolthanos, the city was once exclusively the home of the Aegyl but has since become a bustling hub of trade as well as boasting the largest standing Navy composed of the illustrious ranks of Sky Pirates who once valiantly defended the city from the grasp of the Amaranthine Empire.

Are you a fan of final fantasy, particularly the world of FFXII and FFXVI? Are you a fan of high fantasy and magical technology, were the two are interlinked and magic is part of the living breathing tapestry of the world? Do you have a soft spot for number crunching and ttrpgs, or don't hate them enough to avoid them on sight? Then Vanaheimr, the City of Splendours in the sky, may be the next original fantasy roleplay for you! It has no release date, but I will be going MIA to play Dawntrail and then clear Savage Week 1 and then do the ultimate raids, so at some point after that, Vanaheimr may or not exist. It's a long term project.

  • Multiple playable races! Humans, Beastkin, Aegyl (winged humanoids), Dragonblooded, Elfs and Elementals are planned. Each race is planned to have favoured classes, innate bonuses to certain weapons/magics and exclusive classes for some.
  • A fully functional job system! With classical final fantasy class staples such as sword saint, dragoon, white, black and red mages and astrologian. You will be able to level multiple jobs with a single character to allow a flexibility in build and create your own unique jobs. There will also potentially be prestige classes that will require levels in multiple jobs.
  • A functional leveling system with XP rewarded for completing threads, participating in quests and site events.
  • A pantheon of gods that can bestow their favour on worshippers, including an exclusive race of Blessed that will be rewarded through site activity and engagement with the plot.
  • Summons and Limit Breaks, including the ability to become a Dominant - transforming into Eikons.
  • Factions including Sky Pirates with player ran crews, Knight Orders, Religious Factions, and Merchant Guilds. Political Intriguew woven alongside fantasy adventuring!
  • Crystals.

All ideas are subject to change, and currently a work in progress. I ran this once as a pathfinder campaign and people seemed to like it.

last edit on Aug 31, 2024 18:28:06 GMT by safi'jiiva
aliasvelk, cyan
59written posts
safi'jiivaearned bits
Junior Member
safi'jiiva Avatar
sometimes, things that are edgy are cool

edit: i just realised i posted this in the wrong place. will ask for it to be moved my apologies 
last edit on May 29, 2024 11:32:55 GMT by safi'jiiva
aliasvelk, cyan
59written posts
safi'jiivaearned bits
Junior Member
safi'jiiva Avatar
sometimes, things that are edgy are cool
Thank you for all the interest!! It's really heartwarming to see, I'm glad you guys are interested in final fantasy rp!

I'm just posting to update that I'm looking for 2-3 beta readers to look at systems. No experience with TTRPGs or FF is required, and feedback will be required on how legible and easy to understand the systems are - therefore complete beginners to systems like this are encouraged since I would love for people unfamiliar with them to be involved. Those who are interested feel free to send me a DM on Discord @wishdragons and tell me whether you're familiar with TTRPGs and which ones that you are.

Edit: sorted! thank you so much for reaching out to those that did
last edit on Jun 2, 2024 14:27:18 GMT by safi'jiiva
aliasvelk, cyan
59written posts
safi'jiivaearned bits
Junior Member
safi'jiiva Avatar
sometimes, things that are edgy are cool
good evening, happy shadow of the erdtree to all who celebrate! before i go dark, i'd like to make a few updates:

  • we have decided to use a full 5e system for staff moderated events. for those who are uninterested in hard stats, we are currently debating allowed "sheetless" characters, but we will also be willing to offer assistance to people wishing to learn. these will include custom classes, new spells and a modified system for ease and smoothness in play by post format.
  • our setting is written, we are currently working on editing & adapting systems & skinning
  • to give a teaser, spoilered is published a primer to Vanaheimr to let you get to know our wonderful city and give a teaser about the setting. hope you enjoy it, it's been a pleasure to develop and i can't wait to share it with you guys :)
    btw, this isn't even half of everything that has been written,,,
  • we still aim to release after dawntrail, within 1-2 months afterwards - we will have a more concrete estimate soon.

The city of Vanaheimr is the centre of Alingaror, a hub of commerce and culture that was once the crown jewel of the Aegyl Empire, an entire world suspended above the firmament that was brought low by wars with humanity and their warmachina leaving only Vanaheimr to remain. Still, the city stands proud and free as the last home of the Aegyl - a city of wonders, traditions and faith that refuses to be conquered.

Vanaheimr is located within Greater Vanaheimr, a cluster of floating islands including Hel, the Isle of Wyverns; Alfhiem, the Sacred Isle and Niflheimr, the Blue Isle - with the isle of Vanaheimr being named after the city. An artificial climate provides the Isle of Vanaheimr with temperate even weather and 4 distinct seasons, as well as shielding the city and surrounding settlements with protection from the winds created from high altitudes.

The city itself is built atop a series of Lakes, known as the Tears of Remire, that have been diverted and manipulated to create a series of waterways, canals and rivers that run through the city. Boats are a common mode of transport for races that are not blessed with wings, as few bridges exist in the older quarters of the city as the Aegyl possess the ability to fly.

The vast majority of lakes are located in the Old Vanaheimr, the centre of power and the original city that was built before the Amaranthine occupation of the city. Here, the House of Garuda and Hall of Countless Gods can be found as the centre of the city's religious efforts and the Wyvern Keep, the home of the Monarchy and headquarters of the Featherguard. The city's commercial heart, the Grand Bazaar, is also located in the old city as well as the city's entertainment district colloquially known as the Lake District or the Lakes of Remire.

New Vanaheimr boasts the heart of education with the Feol College and the various machinist workshops that are in the Industrial District, as well as the industrial beating heart. The Skydocks provide places for airships to dock and be repaired, as well as the Skysteel Manufactory that produces the city's airships, the finest that can be found in all of Alingaror.

Further afield of Greater Vanaheimr is the isles of the Diadem, a vast collection of floating islands that boast extreme weather conditions and wildlife charged with aether. The Diadem contains some of the most valuable resources that one might be able to find but is also one of the most dangerous places in the world where the air is thin and even humble insects can be life-threatening monsters.

Most major races can be found in Vanaheimr, although ancestrally the sky-borne city belongs to the Aegyl. The nobility and the monarchy are almost completely Aegyl, with the ocassional hume, miqo'te or viera that has managed to achieve Goldenblood status through great deeds for the city. The Silverblood and Freefolk have become a melting pot for the vast collections of cultures and ideals that make up the world of Alingaror, reflecting the status of the city as the very centre of the world.

Government & Politics
A constitutional monarchy, Vanaheimr is in turn governed and run by the Royal Family, the House of Feol-Tyr, in name. Whilst they technically have absolute authority over the city and it’s laws, they work with the Scales and Sky Pirates - a representative from the royal family, a counsel of two nominated leaders from the Scales, the Lady of the Winds and the 5th member, a position that is always reserved for the Admiral of the Sky Pirate Fleet. These are known as the Golden Counsel, and they meet twice a month to discuss matters of trade, security, traditions and any other things that may matter.

On a day to day running of the City, Lords manage the taxes and welfare of their individual boroughs that are known as Wings. There are eight Lords within the city, one for each Wing of the city. One of the Lords of the city is nominated at the Governor of the City, acting as a right hand to the ruling Monarchy.

Trade is largely overseen by the Scales Trading Guild, which is actually a collection of smaller merchants guilds that often bicker and argue amongst themselves. The seats on the council belong to the leaders of the two largest companies, the Forges of Titan and the Crystarium. The Scales pay a tax to the Monarchy in return for governing trade and regulations in the city on behalf of the Crown.

The city has a formal class system. Common people are known as Freefolk, and this contains people who work in normal everyday jobs - agriculture, small tradesmen and business, manufacturing etc.etc. Whilst they may not live luxurious lives, Vanahiemr is notable for a relatively decent standard of living to those who are considered average citizens.

Above them are those known as the Silverblooded. These are minor noble houses, merchants, artisans and those with enough coin and income to maintain their status. Silverblooded pay a sum of money each year to have themselves certified as a Silverblood, which allows them to participate in politics of the city and gives them a voice, as well as generally making life easier.

The highest status that one can achieve is that of Goldenblood. The status is earned either through being born into a position of power and wealth, or by achieving great deeds and being bestowed upon you. The status is hereditary, with fully blooded children of two Goldenblooded individuals automatically considered a Goldenblood. The only to this rule is the Admiral of the Sky Pirate fleet, who is automatically considered Goldenblooded and, as an exception, does not need to earn their status through bloodlines.

As a general rule, all Sky Pirates are outside of these rankings. Their perception is based off their position in the Fleet, as well as their reputation and the reputation of their crew.

Vanahiemr uses its status as a free city to enforce itself as the best place to trade and do business. Merchants from the nations below will often travel to Vanahiemr via airship to ply their trade with other nations, using the neutral ground to business with warring countries without the possibility of being robbed or rejected along the way. Traders also often hire Sky Pirates to protect their goods, fleets and merchants vessels, creating a thriving mercenary industry.

Outside of a trading hub, Vanahiemr itself is a powerhouse of airship manufacturing, boasting the Skysteel Workshops that produce the finest airships in the continents. Artisan crafts are also abundant with access to materials from all over the continents, as well as the import, processing, and exports of crystals.

Vanahiemr itself does not have an abundance of natural resources. Food is often imported from regions such as the Riviera and Twelveswood, and raw ores are often imported from provinces within the Empire. Whilst the islands can produce enough crystals, most of these are aspected to the element of wind and lightning, so other crystals are often imported from other regions instead.

Not all of Vanaheimr's military might is consolidated under the might of the Crown, unlike most monarchies. The military can be split into three groups: the Sky Pirates led by the Admiral of the Fleet, Cadice Renard; the Featherguard led by the Princess Lady Astrid Feol-Tyr and the Steel Scales Company, various mercenaries that have been recruited underneath the banner of the Scales Company.

The Sky Pirates are required to swear an oath to the city and the Admiral - to protect Vanaheimr and her people in their times of need. Outside of this, the sky pirates are allowed to operate however they wish to - so long as the laws of the city are obeyed and the code of the pirates are not broken.

Alongside the Sky Pirates, the city's guard are known as the Featherguard. They are provided a wage by the Monarchy and trained to protect the city, serving as the police force. The Featherguard answer to the Lords as well as the Monarchy. Elite soldiers are hand-picked and trained by the Prince/Princess to become the Wyvernguard, a bonded force with the Wyverns of Hel. They can muster an army of around 3000 well-trained troops.

The Steel Scales are a military force that are paid for by the Scales Trading Company and are usually used to guard warehouses, protect trading ships and act in the interest of the Scales. Whilst they used to be able to muster an army to rival that of the Featherguard, treaties with the Crown have seen them reduced to around 1000 soldiers that can be called upon to disincentivise war.

Official sanctioned religious worship in Vanaheimr belongs to Garuda, the Lady of the Winds and Ultima, the High Seraph. Religious worship is led by the Lady of the Winds, a Princess from the Feol-Tyr line who renounces her claim to the throne and ties to her family to serve as the leader of Garuda's Priesthood.

The city does not outlaw the worship of the Twelve, and has shrines dedicated to the Twelve in the Hall of Many Gods, alongside the Grand Shrine to Ultima. Ultima's priests serve as a council to the Lady of the Winds as well as her own Priests of Garuda.

The city reveres birds as they are sacred to Garuda, and it is illegal to kill or harm a bird within city walls. The Priesthood of Garuda are often called falconers or featherkeepers as one of their duties is to care for the birds in the city. These priests are often called upon to bless airships, recruited to serve as protection against foul weather and winds on long journeys and serve as judges in small community court cases.

The priesthood of Ultima serve the community as midwifes and undertakers, overseeing both the beginning and end of the countless lives in Vanaheimr. They are denoted by their masks of golden alloy and long trailing veils with golden embroidery on the hems of lotus petals, as well as carrying censors to burn incense of lotus wherever they may be found believing that the scent wards off interlopers and evil spirits.

The priests of the Twelve can be found in much smaller numbers, acting in a myriad of roles to those that believe in them. The devotees of the Traders are an exception, working for the Scales Company, and enforce contracts, oversee the minting of coins and the central bank of Vanaheimr.