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[IC] Proof of a Hero

aliasnightbloom, bloom
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peachearned bits
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so it goes.
proof of a hero

Respect for Nature; Life as a Community;
Prosperity from Nature; Crafting from Nature

Howdy, all! Here I am with another one of my passion projects: a Monster Hunter RP! With Wilds just around the corner, and Capcom dropping all these new videos of features, and new monsters, it has really given me some big MH muse! So I decided I'd put out some feelers for maybe some other like-minded hunters who'd like to see this sort of RP! It has been on my mind for a long time, so I hope to be able to cross this genre off my RP bucket list!

original setting
The setting will be original! Much like World, we'll be sent by the Hunters Guild to explore a new region and possibly find new species of monsters! The world is extremely malleable and can be influenced by everyone. Want to see a swampy region? Or maybe a big ol' volcano? While there will be default areas to start with, world grown and exploration is allowed, so if you'd like to see a certain terrain, it can happen! However, beloved areas can still be played in, and will be featured in a board all its own.

be what you want
While most of Monster Hunter is about the Hunters that are sent to different parts of the world, there are certainly other players. Become a Handler and help Hunters along certain quests, or maybe focus on raising a small monster of your own to Ride! On the antagonistic side, there are Poachers who disobey the rules of the Guild, and could potentially be hunted down! I'll also allow Wyverians and even humanoid Palicos! Though traditional ones are allowed, too! Companions like Poogies, Palamutes, Seikrets, and Cohoots will be available too!

soft plot with events
There will be no "hard" plot, meaning there will not be a super set story that goes from A to B to C. Instead, there may be sub-plots that you can throw yourself into, or if you're just here for the ride and to hunt monsters, then that's perfectly fine too! Site events may influence the world around you, perhaps a tornado rips through camp or a horde of Jagras are on the loose and threaten the local harmless population of Aptonoths. Members are encouraged to also make their own sub-plots, and recruit others into them! Some could even overlap, which only expands your plotting potential with other members.

One of the more complicated aspect of the site will be the systems that I have planned. A big part of the games is the leveling/progression system: you start as a Low Rank hunter, and can progress through Master Rank. The same will be implemented on the site; however, it will be based on a Quest completion.
-- Quests are sent to the camp by the Hunter's Guild and have many different objectives. Some are simple gathering quests, some may require a prey to be slain. Each Quest ranks in Star Difficulty, from 1 to 5 at Low Rank, 5 to 10 at High Rank and then Special at Master Rank. Quests can be completed solo (to avoid inactive characters from stalling a quest) or with a group (will net higher rewards, if completed!).
-- Rank Progression depends on certain Quests being complete, or a certain amount of Quests complete. (Still working out the specifics of this!)
-- Weapons will be the ones available in game! Sorry, no custom weapons.
-- Gathering/Carving/Etc is something I am still mulling over! Since I do not want to deal with any sort of stats, gathering quests would most likely be for flavors, and perhaps monster parts could be collected to turn in for site badges/awards. This is still in the works!

closing statements
Much of what I have is up to discussion and may change, depending on if I come up with simpler ideas or if anyone else offers their brain to help. ♥ I also already have a skin, I just might need assistance to edit the Guidebook, as it is a bit code-heavy and my mind gets ... lost. :'D

I do hope this catches the interest of someone as I do enjoy sharing my passions with others, and would love to get this off the ground at some point! Feel free to send me a PM, or add me on Discord!


the waking storm
aliasLuxu, Galeforce, TenebraeQueene
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tenebraeearned bits
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i bit the tongue behind my teeth (it was never good enough for me)
I was actually hoping for a MH site! But since i don't know much of the lore and only played MH Tri for the Wii (And the first Monster Hunter Stories for the 3DS), I never attempted to make one! So, I'm super excited to see this!
last edit on Sept 2, 2024 20:47:11 GMT by tenebrae
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sielearned bits
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siel Avatar
finally a roleplay for a game i've actually played! :') monster hunter has such a cool setting, and i really love the idea of being a handler. the concept of poachers adds some nice antagonism too! very curious to see how you set up the progression system bc in my opinion (though i've only played Rise) the systems in Monster Hunter are rather bloated and confusing haha
aliasnightbloom, bloom
709written posts
peachearned bits
Part of the Furniture
peach Avatar
so it goes.
So glad to see some interest! That gives me even more inspiration! :3

After giving it some thought, I think I am going to axe any sort of "leveling" system, tbh. If you want to make a rookie hunter who's going out for the first time, go for it. If you want a seasoned hunter, then make them! I feel having a system will limit creativity, so there will still be "ranks" but only for flavor. "Special" or "Master" may still be locked behind an achievement of some sort, to give a little something to work toward.
aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
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HAPPY ACE WEEK 👾🦴⚫️ Avatar
maybe wallace being my fav was foreshadowing
ive been wanting to get into the monster hunter series which one should i get first in steam

Edit: since this may be seen trolling/hijacking, i shall add this. i am, in fact, interested. I can cook monsters right

Edit2: still asking genuinely tho what mh should i play first
last edit on Sept 6, 2024 0:41:59 GMT by HAPPY ACE WEEK 👾🦴⚫️


(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
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xenoearned bits
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HAPPY ACE WEEK 👾🦴⚫️ Avatar
ive been wanting to get into the monster hunter series which one should i get first in steam

Edit: since this may be seen trolling/hijacking, i shall add this. i am, in fact, interested. I can cook monsters right

Edit2: still asking genuinely tho what mh should i play first

Monster Hunter World!!! :D
aliasnightbloom, bloom
709written posts
peachearned bits
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so it goes.
World is definitely a great choice! There's a mod called "Ice" that makes it more streamline too, iirc.

But I personally also love Rise. It's a bit easier in terms of mechanics and such. And I adore the aesthetic. Both are great options and have amazing DLC!
aliasnightbloom, bloom
709written posts
peachearned bits
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so it goes.
proof of a hero
Heya! I'm back and wanting to bring in a small update about what I've been working on! I'm really terrible at this whole ... site hype thing, sharing small tid-bits and whatnot, but I'm gonna do my best lol. The new release date trailer launched today and I am SO HYPE SO HERE WE GO!

One thing I had mentioned before that I was still mulling over was a sort of Crafting & Progression system.

After giving it some time to think, this is what I have come up with!

There will be a total possible 10 Ranks available, with a separate "G-Rank" (or Master Rank) as something to work for. Ranks 1 to 5 will be considered Low Rank and Ranks 6-10 will be considered High Rank. At the start, you can choose between Ranks 1-8, with progression being toward Rank 9, 10 and G. Just to give something to work for if you want! Ranks are mostly for flavor in the grand scheme of things, but they do come with some light systems to work around, one of those being Quests & Monster Riding!

Yes! That's right! I am going to implement a "taming" aspect, just like Stories! But in the overall scheme of things, you can essentially play what you want. I've touched on this in the first post, but just to reiterate:

You can be what you want to be. If you want to hunt monsters, be a Hunter. If you want to punish baddies and uphold peace, become a Guild Knight. There may be limited positions to fill like the Admiral of the camp, or other ranked officers like that. You can also tame and ride monsters!

Monsters will each have a certain rank assigned to them, much like hunters. If you start out as Rank 8, then you can have access to any Rank 8 monster at the start of the game. Not all monsters will be available at the start, as some will be introduced during plot events or certain quests. But after they're open and in the Monster Encyclopedia, then they're fair game to tame! The starting monster is free, with each other one being purchasable with site currency.

Just like Stories, monsters that you are taming for the first time will be eggs, and require at least 1 IC post with them as an egg. But that's it! If in that one post you want it to hatch immediately, that is absolutely doable. Want to plot out caring for this egg for a while? That is absolutely possible too. My goal is to allow the freedom of having your favorite monsters, but being fair and not overboard.

weapons, equipment & crafting
A huge part of Monster Hunter is the crafting and collecting monster parts that goes along with said hunting. But because this isn't a numbers game, nor do I want to make things super complicated but also keep things in the spirit of the game, I have come up with what I think is a pretty simple way to "craft" items!

To start, every character gets to choose one weapon type, and a weapon that is equal or lesser than their current rank. To gain access to more weapons in your weapon type’s tree, quests must be completed and tokens and monster parts must be turned in (“crafted”) to receive new weapons with potentially fun effects! The same notion is applied for armor.

There will be a list of the available Weapons and Armor to start, and there are “skills” attached to them. Skills allow some variation and customization to tailor your character to a playstyle that might be fun for you! For example, if you would like to someday have a weapon that deals poison damage, you’d craft that weapon and choose the skill that gives it poison. Some armor sets may let your character move faster, and some may offer resistances to certain elements. Along with that, you’ll get a fun badge to show off in your profile! At the start, all of our weapons and armor sets will come with basic, non-elemental skills, and through progression you will be able to get to the fun stuff!

But let me be clear! This is an entirely optional system, if you just want to choose a weapon type and be done, then that is A-Okay! The crafting and skill system will always be there for you to tinker with. It is for flavor, and in the grand scheme of things, just for fun. There will be a section in the character app to put in all your character goodies, so it's easy to keep track of.

Again, it's mostly for flavor, and if you want fun badges to show off!

looking for helpers!
I'm about 75% done with the site, but it's getting to the point where I think a few more eyes on things would help me sort my ideas, and find any inconsistencies or errors I may have missed! I'm also looking for another member of staff to help with some quest write-ups and some locale brainstorming~

If there's anyone out there who'd be willing to lend a hand in the coding/graphics department, I'd be eternally grateful. I already have the skin, but there are a few places for graphics that I am just ... stuck with. Anyone with an eye for design, please help me out? ;w; There's also a few coding components I'd like to make, using what I already have & frankensteining it lol.

I hope ya'll like what you see so far, and I hope to have your continued excitement!


the waking storm
aliasLuxu, Galeforce, TenebraeQueene
352written posts
tenebraeearned bits
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tenebrae Avatar
i bit the tongue behind my teeth (it was never good enough for me)
Since I probably won't be able to get MH Wilds for a while. this will be the next best thing! Super hyped!💖🔥
last edit on Sept 25, 2024 15:42:44 GMT by tenebrae
aliasnightbloom, bloom
709written posts
peachearned bits
Part of the Furniture
peach Avatar
so it goes.
Yes! So glad to see interest! I'm still trucking along, but I'm at the meatiest part of setting things up, which is figuring out what monsters to add at the start, and making encyclopedia entries and quests for them! I'm doing this pretty much by myself, so it is taking a bit longer than anticipated! But I hope the excitement is still there! ;3;