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forteearned bits
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me realizing someone dm'd me last week and i probably looked at it when waking up and then forgot ab it like usual

If this isn't me in a nutshell, idk what is.

Bonus points if you're like, "omg why isn't this person replying to me?" the entire time.
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Click the words LOL it's just a doggo mount in ffxiv but God I've wanted it for ages now

jdfalsflshflahsdFLASDHFLasdhflasfASILHDFLIDASHILFHI oh my god I just did a literal spit take because of how much of an idiot I am.

How did I not... see that... that was a link...

Time to spoon out my vision balls and trade them in for new ones.

Also, ffxiv is V Quality and I should really start playing again.
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forteearned bits
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Surreality checks about 95% of your boxes. We're an 18+ dystopian/fantasy/supernatural/sci-fi site; as far as character ideas go, all of those would be possible to make and all three of those fcs are currently open. The only thing that may not line up with what you're looking for is that certain things can, conceptually, be a bit confusing; our systems are very straightforward, though. If you're at all interested, there are a whole bunch of people who'd be more than happy to help if you have any questions or get confused. <3
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I love commissioned art but then there is always that one damn person that does this crap...

I just drew this picture of my character - can I use it as their face claim?

... No you may not.
That is still cleaner than some of the art people have asked to use that I've experienced. I've seen people ask if they can use pictures taken via phone camera that was drawn on notebook paper.

I mean kudos to them for showing their art, but like lined paper is just not aesthetically pleasing, and I know I sound like some pretentious ass for saying that, but like... Yeah lol

Honestly like... I think it's super cool that people can draw their own characters and are proud to show off their work, I'm jealous of that. But at the same time, I know that people can be shallow when it comes to fcs and graphics โ€” that's not me throwing shade at all, I'm absolutely 10000% guilty of being shallow garbage who is a sucker for characters who have Aestheticโ„ข graphics. Whether people like it or not, images that are either distorted/squished because they're the wrong size or "obvious outliers" because of the artist's distinct style or skill level leave impressions, subliminal or otherwise. No matter how understanding I actively try to be โ€” or how hard I try to overwrite my own instinctual shallow trashiness on the matter โ€” I still find myself being drawn to and wanting to plot with characters who have graphics I like... (if I'm doing a long-term plot with them, I'll have to stare at their graphics all the time, after all).

It may not seem fair, but I know I try to keep people away from FCs that might somehow hinder their chances of enjoying the community I created to the fullest. Some people may even be like "I don't care about that," but like... I do.

... But then again, I'm Super Trashโ„ข when it comes to FCs in general so I mean... I might just be trying to make excuses to reinforce My Aestheticโ„ข. ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ
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forteearned bits
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After waiting for a scheduled call for the past two hours, I've learned that waiting to talk on the phone with a stranger is scarier than actually talking on the phone with a stranger.

I might decide otherwise when/if my phone actually rings, tho...
last edit on Aug 28, 2018 18:09:32 GMT by forte
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Sometimes I think running/staffing a site prepares us for various types of jobs: customer service, management positions (to a slight degree. We don't get control logs/books or have to deal with money and other heavy responsibilities, etc. XD I mean more handling/managing others), advertisement firms (those video games, movies, and books you love so much: someone's gotta advertise them), web design (if you make your own skin), story planning (video games, author, animation, etc.), merchandise design (at some sites I staffed at, we had to come up with new limited edition event items), etc.

|: Of course, I'm also making it out to be bigger than it is, but we do kind of dabble in the shallow puddles of a lot of things. XD

Maybe I'd actually put it on my resume if I could handle the mere idea of talking about roleplaying in an interview without the sudden urge to astral project myself into the sun.