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Okay, but no joke, my biggest admin pet peeve:

I wish I had enough time to thread with all of my members. All of them. But I just. Don't. I don't want anyone to leave one of my RPs feeling as if they were ignored - even just having one person to thread with can help open the door to more activity, and being less shy about getting more threads. It really can make all the difference! If I, as the head admin, can make sure that at least I've threaded with someone, that means they have at least one thread on the site.

Unfortunately, unless there are only, like, six people on site, that's just... not feasible. Why can't I thread with everyone, aaaaaah, I just want everyone to feel happy and welcome.

I feel this down to my bones on an existential level... and am currently drowning in 30-thread hell for this very reason.

And I can't control myself. At all.

I'm sure that one day, the rp gods will come down to smite me for this.
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I believe the reason some people don't ask questions is because they are afraid of being "that guy" in Murk's post. I hate asking questions because when I was a younger roleplayer an immature admin burned me for missing some obscure information in their lore that I could not find.
That is an excellent point and I see what you mean. I can understand shyness/anxieties getting in the way or bad experiences; in fact, my own shyness leaves me hesitant to join sites that leave me having a lot of questions. So I partially wanted to mention it in hopes people will see that staff prefer receiving questions over the member assuming when they are confused/don't understand. c: We do attempt to keep a friendly display and openness towards question after all, so it can be unfortunate to discover a member has possibly become anxious about asking questions. Also, I hope your experiences with admins/staff have improved since it always makes me shake my head hearing stories about members receiving backlash for simply forgetting/missing that is obscure.

This. This. This.

I'm both ADD and dumb as hell, so there are times when I read through all a site's info... but then I don't notice that my brain decided to blip out and not to process a solid chunk of text that I thought I read. So I usually have questions and whatnot, but when I have questions that I feel might be dumb (but I can't find the answer on my own), I'll slither off into the sunset because I know admins' lives are hard and I don't want to contribute to that by annoying them with something trivial or by being That Guy™.

This might be an unpopular opinion but... I actually? Love getting questions from guests and new members?? Even the "dumb" questions??? It could have something to do with the fact that I actually really like it when my members are excited enough to want to answer questions — or "mini-modding," I think it was called? As long as the member answering is fine with saying that they don't know or are unsure about something when it's applicable, I think them going out of their way like that is super helpful; hell, it even warms my cold, dead heart? In the past, my members and I have had contests to see who can answer a question the best or grab a link to a certain thread the fastest. And we've probably scared people off with our weird excessive enthusiasm in the process.

Also, casual side note: I know that on the first site I was on in this community, I was one of those enthusiastic members who wanted to be super helpful all the time. I kind of had this "the admin could use a break, I'll try to do what I can to make things easier" mentality. So yeah. I'm sure I was super annoying and I'm so incredibly sorry that that admin had to put up with that dfahlsdflajsdfh.

But yee... I don't want people to feel bad for not understanding things, even if it's simplistic. I love questions. I love attention. I love validation. Hell, if someone's nice to me and just says "thank you," I'll even sit on VC with them and walk them through everything step-by-step, even though I've written out a getting started guide. Chances are, some other members would be excited to chat and help, too. — I've actually had a member go on VC and read out everything in the site's info section out loud to new people more than once. Bless him.
last edit on Jul 29, 2018 1:38:28 GMT by forte
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Oops, I guess I made a public suggestion. :P Sorry. I meant no harm by it, merely that I could relate in certain circumstances. Edit: I deleted it for you. I didn't realise it applied off your site.


Dw! It doesn't. I was just sitting over here laughing at the irony of it and wanted to give you a hard time. Looking back, I guess the gif could come off as paggro, but I absolutely didn't mean it that way; sorry I caused a misunderstanding.
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...when suggestions are made publicly when they're not specifically asked for...
At a site I once staffed at, we had a similar issue. Some very loud/vocal people would make demands on the cbox, and we would try to fulfill those demands. Even when we did fulfill them, they were never satisfied. For my current site, I set up a Questions & Suggestions forum with rules on what's allowed. So, people at my site can thread suggestions publicly and talk about it amongst themselves, and then I can consider it. I also allow them to PM me if they're not comfortable publicly suggesting. However, I put up a disclaimer that not all suggestions would be implemented. I've not had any suggestion issues on my forum. In fact, no one even uses our Q&S forum or makes suggestions in the cbox.
If it helps, perhaps you can include a disclaimer like that if it helps with the anxiety.

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This is going to sound bad, but it's a pet peeve of mine when suggestions are made publicly when they're not specifically asked for. It's not the actual suggestion itself that I don't like, but the fact that it usually picks up as a conversation topic, members start having a debate, and then people get invested in whether the suggestion gets implemented or not. Maybe I'm just an anxious wreck or something, but I find that kind of scenario stressful and disheartening — especially when I can't/won't be able to do what the majority wants.

Luckily, that hasn't happened on my current site, but it's happened a lot when I've been a staff member on sites in the past.

... So yeah, bless all you members that word your suggestions in not-stressful ways and send them via pm/dm.
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- I think iwys a beautiful name for a site with a beautiful concept. I'd join and be an active member in a heartbeat if I had the attention span to do so on more than one site at once. I look forward to seeing what you do with it and how far it goes. <3