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NIGHT CITY, a cyberpunk AU

NIGHT CITY is an animanga Cyberpunk roleplay inspired by the hit anime, Cyberpunk Edgerunners! Drawing from Mike Pondsmith’s legendary setting, Night City seeks to capture the essence of humanity’s dark future and provide a space for people to tell stories in. Members can create any type of character they want, from courageous edgerunners to devious corpos to dangerous gangsters. Contribute to the living mythology of Night City and explore the dangerous, dark beauty of a future in which humanity has augmented themselves with cyberware and corporations run rampant. Become a legend like Johnny Silverhand, Adam Smasher, or David Martinez, your story punctuated by all the triumphs and tragedies that come with life in Night City.

Night City will be hosted on Jcink with premium. As such, we are aiming for a 3-3-3 rating with this. Night City is focused on making it as easy as possible to write and tell stories. As such, we have no true mechanics and are instead focused on narrative engagement and freeform writing. We also have a category of threads in which one member may act as the Storyteller, a narrator-like role that allows members to write scenarios for other members to respond to and create a guided narrative. In a similar vein, we are also working to make character creation as painless as possible so that members can focus on writing with others.

In terms of tone, we are seeking more to emulate Edgerunners in particular. Night City is also designed to be approachable, no matter what level of familiarity you have with the setting, as we have numerous on-site resources to help get you familiarized with the world. We seek to foster a welcoming, cooperative, and creative community on Night City, and we would be absolutely thrilled to have folks join us!

As it stands, Night City is nearly complete and is set to launch within a few weeks.

If you are interested in chatting about the project and getting in on the ground floor, you can join our Discord server HERE!

Otherwise, I would love to hear some feedback on the following:

-How familiar are you with Cyberpunk?

-What do you think of when you hear “Cyberpunk”?

-Going with your first impulse, your gut feeling, what would your first character be like?
last edit on Jun 4, 2023 18:20:56 GMT by Tyler
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Tylerearned bits
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How much do you know about Digimon?

A fair bit, I have a lot of familiarity with the earlier seasons, fell off with Xros Wars, picked it up again with Ghost Game. Played a lot of the games.

What's your favorite Digimon?

Probably Chaosmon or Dukemon or Gankoomon.

What aspect of Digimon (characters, worldbuilding, monster designs, etc.) do you enjoy the most?

I think it's willingness to explore meaningful topics and heavier subjects like loss and conflict. In addition, the partner dynamic is very fun.

What would you like to see the most out of a Digimon RP?

Generally, I would like something that focuses on the partner dynamic as well as allowing a great degree of player freedom to work within the plot. Also, I don't think Digimon ought to be too dark-- I think that is a pratfall a lot of Digimon sites fall into.
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Hello everyone! I'm posting here today to find a few staff members for my AU, freeform Pokemon site that has recently gone into soft launch: Mount Coronet. Taking place in the vast and beloved Sinnoh region, Mount Coronet is a roleplaying site that focuses on storytelling, cooperative writing, and building a world that is shared between a passionate and welcoming community. And I'm looking for a few people to help make that go smoothly!

The site can be found here! Feel free to look around or pop in the Discord and say "hi"! In addition, the staff search posted on site can be found here! But to give you an idea of what staff work on this site might be like, here's a snippet of the things I need assistance with. Some of your work would include the need to:

-Generate Pokemon
-Distribute Rewards for completed threads
-Approve shop transactions
-Approve characters
-Help run site events, be they casual or plot heavy.
-Moderate the Discord chat.
-And more!

Thanks for reading all, hope to hear from you!

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okay, more of a question than a confession I suppose for today...

What do you do, as a staff member of course, about members that all your members complain about? But like, they haven't broken any rules, everyone just doesn't like them for some reason? Like, as a staff member, you can sit and correct behavior all day, but if no rules are being broken then like. Oh well?
To echo the sentiment put forth by others so far, if it's for the good of your space, it might be best to show someone the door. There are plenty of people who will skirt around rules whilst actively upsetting people or making them uncomfortable. Are you familiar with the idea that one bad apple spoils the bunch? I think a similar idea applies here. You need to cull that sort of behavior or else it's going to have a wide reaching impact on your roleplay eventually, be it other people feeling less inclined to stay because of problem people or other people modeling said behavior because they see that it is acceptable there.
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Some dude once threatened to sue me after I banned him lmao. His reasoning was that he owned the copyright of some art he was using for an OOC and it was being hosted on site via his application, thus giving him grounds to sue me for infringement or something. I told him to pound sand and basically told the rest of staff to let it sit. Petty, but it felt so good to be the target of impotent rage.
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Howdy y'all,

Well, looking through the site recently has gotten my gears to turning on an old Persona project I was working on, sort of as a love letter to the Persona series, a franchise I have a lot of love for as both a roleplayer and a dude who likes the games. As such, I've decided to pick it back up and finally finish it, as I think the time is right for a good Persona RP. I just need a good staff behind me to help develop the site. As it stands, a lot of the foundations are there, though I do need help polishing everything to its fullest potential.

Let me give you all the rundown on my vision for the site:

-An AU, freeform Persona RP taking place in a fictitious city in Japan. In battle, there are loose parameters that define a characters talents and combat ability, but no complex battle formulas or 4D chess matches just to blast a Shadow with Agi. A simple progression system designed to let players feel like they are progression, but without complex or cumbersome character building. Essentially, systems designed to let players focus on writing.

-A plot focused on players with numerous canon positions to claim across two or three schools that have Persona-powered investigation teams sponsored by a corporation.

-Deeper exploration of the Persona lore.

-A defined system for the passage of time so we can cut out the awkwardness of liquid time or days progressing alongside real time.

As for staff, I would like to recruit at least two or three-like minded individuals to get things rolling. Some of the qualities I am looking for in partners for this venture are that they are personable, non-bigoted, a love for freeform systems, and a love for Persona itself. As for what the workload would look like:

-Give feedback and input as I develop systems and present them.
-Writing lore/plot info in a cooperative manner.
-Approving characters.
-Helping to progress the plot as a gamemaster.
-If you've got the hand for it, development of graphics like ads or affiliate buttons.

If this has caught your eye, feel free to hit me up in PMs and I will get you into the server where I am working on things! I hope to hear from y'all!
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Funnily enough, I've actually got a half-finished one I've been considering completing.
Should complete it. Don't let your dreams be dreams!

Also, some people on page 132 of this thread had started on one. Haven't seen any updates though. DM me ya discord if you plan to finish up the site though.
I'll keep you in the loop! I've been feeling like making a new site recently, so I think I might be pulling it out here in short order!
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Members, I need y'all to realize we are never going to have a NSFW channel, so please stop asking, thank ya.
okay but to briefly play devil's advocate for your members here-

a nsfw channel does not necessarily mean that it's going to be porn or smut or gore or what-have-you. in fact, on the servers i run, i've actually explicitly put up the disclaimer in the channel description that "this is not for porn" - because the thing is, there's a lot of middle ground between that explicit stuff and stuff i would be okay with having my boss / professor / fellow student / coworkers / a complete stranger seeing up on my screen with 0 outside context. (like as an example, the last thing i posted in a nsfw channel was a piece of fanart in the format of the meme with the guy downing a bottle of wine mostly naked with his crotch area covered by someone holding up a glass of wine because like.... imo it's definitely not porn but i would definitely not want that to be something i have pulled up on a publicly accessible computer for obvious reasons).

if you still insist on not having the channel, that's fine, and i definitely respect that, just. like i said, i wanted to play devil's advocate because sometimes i'll find stuff i wanna share that's definitely not something entirely inappropriate for me to share in a public server but is also not something i'd feel comfortable posting up in a general channel with no ability to opt out of it, y'know?
I mean, that's a fair perspective. The reason I am ultimately against it is because, in my mind, it's just going to be a bunch of people being horny or weird in a way that is not conducive to the way I run my sites. The way I see it, my site is PG-13 and the Discord is too. And yeah, you can make the argument that it's "opt-in", but ultimately, it's a very thin barrier and an area my staff and I still have to moderate. Like, I am not shaming anyone for having it-- I've been part of Discords that do have it-- however, it comes down to the fact that it creates an uncomfortable space that not everyone is able to ignore; the Discord is an extension of my site and a reflection on it. Again, no shame to those who do have them, but I would prefer to avoid the messiness that comes with it.

Also, I should clarify: it's not something people request en masse. I use the word "members" to represent the rare individual who asks in a blue moon, with varying levels of awkward when the idea is turned down.