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I enjoy making post rows and topic rows. I don’t mind board index or forums formatting either, though they tend to take a lot of time and tinkering — every time I log in, I see the index and go “Oh, I have to change this...” sorta-deal here. I also like designing the header/banner area.

I think I actually dislike main profiles the most. I feel like mine end up looking samey because I just want to get them over with.

Wait, no, maybe the worst for me are most navigation bars. There’s not much I feel like I can do with them without them being disruptive or too out of the way or too in the way, especially with responsiveness in mind. Another contender is the UserCP.
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General thought: it should be normalized for roleplayers to change their minds.


It's okay to disappoint anyone -- they're allowed to feel whatever they feel in reaction, but that doesn't mean you did something wrong. Communicating things like this is a gift and I have gained so much respect for people who have been this honest with me about changing their minds and so on. The right types of people, maybe even the people who you will likely write with for the longest, or have the most fun with writing, will understand that sometimes things just don't work, or you change your mind, or any number of things. And by doing this, you can ensure who you're writing is more comfortable with being honest about these things with you, maybe you'll help someone realize that they don't have to drag themselves along as well.

It's hard to communicate stuff like this, but it's worth it especially because it's not easy. You need to be considerate of yourself, and by being considerate of yourself, you are also being considerate of others while not giving up your enjoyment of this hobby. Most people don't want to drag someone along to do something they don't want, there's been threads talking about fearing this very thing on this site before. Most people don't want you to be miserable when they write with you. And if someone does, somehow, seem to want that? That's on them. If someone lashes out at you for you just...changing your mind? That's on them to control how they handle and express their emotions, not you. But by trying to avoid any and all possible conflict entirely, you can end up causing more of it for yourself.

I'm adding something, somewhat related to the quote, but not entirely:

It's really hard to leave sites that have communities that have been welcoming, that I have even enjoyed writing on, but for various reasons can't stay. Every time I consider leaving without saying a word -- ghosting, as one may say -- but I know I'll regret it if I don't say anything. So, as anxious as I am about writing goodbye messages, or absence leaves, I can't see myself doing anything but doing that save for rare cases where I was genuinely treated badly. It's a relief, knowing I at least offered some sort of closure (I like to list what happens with my characters etc.). It's one of those things that make you think will get easier the more you do it, but nah, it's hard every time and worth it every time alongside. I don't think ghosting in the RPC is always that big of deal when other people do it, regardless of situation, but I just find this route more emotionally rewarding and as a way to better my communication skills. It does suck, of course, having to leave, or having people vanish, but it is what it is.
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Currently reading the webnovel Ra

Reading is slow because I'm trying to take my time with reading it (It's short?) + having a few mixed thoughts about the last few chapters I've read, but wow I wish I had discovered this back in 2011/2012; it probably would have inspired me to publish a webnovel way sooner (for better and for worse). I'm really intrigued by the mysteries within it regarding the magic etc., with a few ideas on where it is heading
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That’s it

I’m adding visual novel-style talk sprites to my undying RP to-do list

When I’m in my 999s I will have finally finished everything

Quite seriously:

I’m thinking about also just having a dialogue box template in addition to it —
This is borne from the idea I have been having about linking doodles related to threads (or even mini comics) in replies somewhere (I used to do that on some friends' priv sites in the ancient past)

is it time for dialogue-only threads with talk sprites --

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I like it when fiction has an end, sometimes I avoid reading/watching/playing/etc something until I know it has an ending — especially if said fiction is long. so I hope to one day be a member of a site that ends narratively instead of fizzling out from being inactive, or the story of the site ends even as it is dying. I like to think of possible endings first when I write, and for RP, adjust them as I go

I like the idea of being on a RP forum that is planned to last only for about 2 years, or maybe a little more or less, and then gets wrapped up. This would give me a great idea of the way to timeline my character plots, even. I really like the certainty in this concept. I know it's been done before, I just haven't been in the right place and time to find said forums
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ever forget how to spell a word so badly and spell it so badly that searching and spellcheck won't correct it for you, so you look up one of its synonyms instead to figure out how to spell it?
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Something alongside the vein of being Roadside Picnic/Metro 20233/S.T.A.L.K.E.R etc. inspired

I have some ideas for a few details/lore, but I’m unsure if I have time for being a dedicated staff member right now. Maybe I’ll make it in the future, but said future is uncertain until my schedule is free
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I find some characters are easier to write biographies for more than others. Some characters I like to develop as I write them and other characters I’m fine with already having fleshed out more. Overall I prefer free-style, tbh, due to the ease, and am thankful for "detail optional" being a more common trend -- but there will always be a time and place for detailed biography sites, so I hope they never truly go away even if I don't prefer them

Thinking about how I wrote a detailed character bio for my first time in a while and I actually...enjoyed it, which is not what I expected. It took ... uh, many weeks... for me to actually finish it due to exhaustion and such, and I wouldn’t want to do this frequently, but it did remind me of some of the things I like about detailed bios even if I prefer not to do them (due to the aforementioned taking a long time to complete)

I found one of my oldest character bios I’ve ever written — from 2008 — recently (love you and I have to say: I’m surprised at the ways in which I haven’t changed compared to my very young self, and happy about the ways I have changed and improved. I’m only slightly embarrassed by the character, this vicious vampire where all of his family had been killed several times over, which surprised me, and the writing is not as bad as I was anticipating for the age I was at the time

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This is something I stand by: It’s impressive to make something, anything.

Even if something doesn’t turn out the way I wanted, be it writing, or art, or some fumbling with code, I think about how it would be worse if I hadn’t tried at all. If I had stopped as soon as something didn’t turn out the way I wanted, or didn’t function the way I intended, or I made some silly mistake, I would obviously be not be at the point I am at. There’s always something to learn, some experience to be gained, and fun to be made in not getting caught up in the idea of “This will be bad”...

and the process is fun too, admittedly, as long as I don’t get stuck in a cycle of negativity.

I love looking at my old art, even from months ago, even from years ago, and comparing it to my art now — there’s visible progress, but it also makes me appreciate what I’ve made, as it is rarely as bad as I remember it. I’m good at making sure I don’t compare my art to others in ways that aren’t useful — I note techniques, etc.— and it’s useful to compare my art to my older art. There is very tangible and visual progress I’ve made by sticking to it, and sticking to so damn difficult, but I gotta make art!

This is a subject I’m super passionate about and can and will ramble on about it for text walls
I was just thinking about while I don’t do 1x1 RP anymore, an RP partner saw the art I sent of my character and said something like “I wish I could draw like that” and I just told him that it isn’t too late to start. I really hope he picked it up!

 :sob: I love art so much
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My issue with having multiple threads, talking just...more than 1 admittedly, playing the same character is that I struggle handling liquid time, just how isolated do I wanna make this? do I give my characters memory almost as bad as mine in case of inconsistency? Added by the fact that I prefer to not plot threads out in detail, it can get easy for me to get wires a bit crossed. Big weakness of mine when it comes down to RP which is probably caused by the ol' being near-constantly tired and forgetful

But in practise, there really isn’t a hard limit, it depends on the content and the direction of a thread, as long as I made a solid timeline, I can manage . I can deal with continuity confusion for the sake of having a good time writing with others, as while I don’t tend to seek more threads with a character after one or two, if someone asks me, I’ll all for it. I like writing with all sorts of people, I just gotta keep caught up with my note-taking for most part and accept that RP isn't about being perfect anyways
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