people writing slice of life on a slice of life site vs people writing slice of life on an "edgy" site I'm sorry, I couldn't pass up an opportunity to meme. XD This post really had me thinking on my experience in regular real life/slice of life and more action/political roleplays in regards to conflict that I'd like to reflect on! What I've noticed (and to reiterate again, through my own experience) is that conflict in SOL settings, amongst characters than a plot wide type, is that SOL you don't really have any room to go crazy with conflict because everything is normal. A little too normal. Even if there is conflict or there is room to create conflict, it can't go all out, if you will. Then you'll run into another problem of whether or not characters would be able to participate or somehow fit themselves into your own character's conflict. AND on top of that, your character could be an outcast because they don't necessarily fit with other characters, THEN you might have to water it down just so you won't sit there with 0 activity from your character. Conflict is definitely possible and can be fun (I'd know!), but you really got tread lightly and question whether or not you're willing to step out of your comfort zone. Action stuff... pretty self-explanatory. There's a lot more room for conflict and the types of conflict to create and partake in. You can get away more with some obscurity because this isn't a mundane setting you're dealing with. You're not dealing with (some of the time) normal people you'd see walking down the street. The stakes are higher and there's more to lose, which is what I love writing on action-based/political sites! I LOVE gambling with the idea of a powerful character losing it all. Just to reiterate on what I've said on another thread, nothing's more intriguing to me than someone who's had it all, at the top of their game, only to lose it because their head is so far in their ass they can't see anything but their own shit. On top of that? Trying to climb back at the top. It's just a fun little plot to play out and I'm not at all uncomfortable with putting any of my character's in uncompromising positions; this also goes for a SOL setting as well.