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aliaspor, sef, jdawg
pronounsshe | her
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porsefearned bits
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chichi wo moge
in my perspective on the topic (as an animanga rper), the major issue is that there aren't really like... large hubs for coding resources by role-players, made for role-players. at least, none (that aren't closed down) of note aside from pixel perfect that i've seen advertised and widely used. like yeah, there are discord servers? but finding resources in them is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

the standards are growing ever higher for aesthetics and inclusivity across the board. the knowledge required to know html/css/javascript is rising too. i really feel for the people that have to learn how to code for this hobby in its current state. even with the resources out there for the language outside of a forum context, it's a daunting task.

*insert grandma emoji here* i remember the days where bbcode and basic html knowledge was good enough!! /shakes fist
aliaspor, sef, jdawg
pronounsshe | her
526written posts
porsefearned bits
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chichi wo moge
vale Avatar
sometimes i wish it felt as easy to write as it is to draw... it's taken So long for me to crank out a single post today while i've been drawing all the while without issue T.T if i could just post a doodle to a forum depicting what my oc does in the rp,

people used to do that a lot years ago in rp groups on deviantart. not sure if people still make them tho. i miss it so much. (zzz)
aliaspor, sef, jdawg
pronounsshe | her
526written posts
porsefearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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chichi wo moge
If you're interested in learning any programming language... I think it's easier to learn only the things you need for the project you're working on. It's not worth it all the time to try and tackle the entire language before you start working on anything.

It helps if you start with simple projects, too. But I think it can apply to even complex projects. It might just take longer to complete them.
last edit on Feb 17, 2024 20:56:39 GMT by porsef
aliaspor, sef, jdawg
pronounsshe | her
526written posts
porsefearned bits
Part of the Furniture
porsef Avatar
chichi wo moge
i like to try doing 1 thread min. to 5 threads max. per character at a time. i'll have more if the extras are comm. threads or something quick and easy to reply to.

sometimes i'll be a goober and i'll tackle more for people if i'm really into threading with them / our plot(s).
aliaspor, sef, jdawg
pronounsshe | her
526written posts
porsefearned bits
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chichi wo moge
i tweak a lot of settings. but primarily, i'll edit the levels and mess with the color through filtered gradient layers and hue shifting. i tend to like matching the overall tone of the site i'm using it on.

i don't often recolor or add to the images. but damn, , does your before and after make me want to try more. so awesome.
aliaspor, sef, jdawg
pronounsshe | her
526written posts
porsefearned bits
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chichi wo moge

I don't believe it was appropriate to make pointed accusations about people who have a different outlook than you just to make a point.

I will not be a hypocrite and admit that I've paid into and used AI generation services (both text and art) for personal use a few times. Would I do it again? Maybe. Though, it depends on how the information it pulls from is sourced. In addition to the usage of AI, I've not credited artists at times due to being unable to find the source or out of pure laziness. However, I don't believe that means I or others that share a similar opinion are 'pretending to care' about it or 'don't support artists' in some capacity.

Even as an artist, I can see where you (and others) are coming from. While I remain firm in my belief that both sides are bad and you can compare both, I think I can agree that the monetization aspect of AI does give it more impact that warrants it to be advocated against.

Alas, it's probably good for me to stop contributing to the ouroboros.
last edit on Feb 10, 2024 23:53:18 GMT by porsef
aliaspor, sef, jdawg
pronounsshe | her
526written posts
porsefearned bits
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chichi wo moge
Wraith Avatar
Dragon's Dogma 2 waiting room. I gotta finish my latest playthrough of DD /soon/ because I wanna see if they do anything fun with cross-saves

Unhappy that there doesn't seem to be physical versions for PC up yet. Likely never, huh

god please im sitting in this room with you, tapping my little toes. it can't come fast enough, seriously.
aliaspor, sef, jdawg
pronounsshe | her
526written posts
porsefearned bits
Part of the Furniture
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chichi wo moge
i don't think anyone should be attacked or potentially ostracized over using ai... for face claims or otherwise. that's scary to see in the world over most differing opinions and a bit extreme to say in my opinion...

like... yeah, i don't support it in being used to source from people's artistic or literary works without their conscious contribution or consent either. but i believe the more constructive way for us as a community to advocate for our feelings is to try and educate each other so our peers can make more informed decisions. even if some of our peers don't heed the information, we should just move on and hope that one day they may share the same feelings with the information we provided.

i think it's a good thing that people are so passionately against creative theft and plagerism.

but (and a big one at that)... unless you're sourcing the images for your graphics from free license sources or purchasing the rights to use said images, i think what most of us already do falls under a similar ethics umbrella. that goes for real life and animanga faces. even aesthetics users. people in the community manipulate and utilize art/photos/writing without artist/photographer/model/actor consent all the time. just because credits may be linked doesn't make it much better.

i can't go into legalities as i am not educated enough in that aspect. nor am i saying we all need to be 'art purists' or some other extreme like that. i've just always been confused as to how what we already do vs. utilizing 'art-stealing' ai makes people any better or worse than the other.

just my humble opinions tho. :(