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Favourite part about rping

aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
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retired main character
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maybe wallace being my fav was foreshadowing
I love it when

My characters take a big fat L

It’s just so funny. I love it when they fail. Nothing entertains me more than my favs failing. And I am not talking about angst or anything. Like when they try to play high IQ, but that’s not really their thing so they fail. Or when they’re usually such a graceful person with inherent charm, but somehow lose to rocks when it comes to their best buddy old pal’s “most seen with” companion

Love me some classsic failures. No end of the world. No drama. Just raw patheticness.

(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
Tidal Wave
aliasAkira, Tsunami, Tsu, Aki
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I've got a hurricane in my head, I can't feel a thing, but it's better than dead
my favorite part about rping is actually the community that's built from it. The friends we meet along the way. How sentimental of me... Still. RP wouldn't really exist without partners and friends so. Being able to see them excited to reply or receive replies is really the best feelings.

the narrative
aliasCel, Nightlock
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CELearned bits
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oh, i leave quite an impression; five feet, to be exact.
i've got a lot, so let's go

+ a feeling that happened last year for one character of mine, that's now recently returned with two other characters of mine, but figuring out an arc's "ending point". it's not necessarily restricted to rp alone, but storytelling in general, but it's just... really hecking nice to look at a character and realize "oh, this is where you're meant to end up". it's cozy as a feeling, and just makes me feel content, ig, even if there is a VERY strong possibility that either a) that ending won't be reached due to the fundamental nature of rp, or b) that it won't 100% 1_by-1 fit what you originally had in mind, you still have something you want everything to lead to. as someone who writes her characters on the idea of arcs, usually filled with them taking Ls upon Ls, making tough decisions, being difficult people who have to interrogate that fact, and having to fight bitterly through circumstance, conflict, or even themselves — i love the feeling of knowing where i want it all to lead to. makes the effort and work put into things so much more worth it.

+ seeing other people who are similarly passionate about their stuff. i love being a spectator honestly, and i do love using my characters and my plot ideas to help nudge or bring people's narratives to the directions they want to go. i love seeing enthusiasm, and i love seeing people talk about their characters, material, memes, etc. these past few months rlly did cement that too. writing should be fun, rp should be fun, do all the dumb shit you wanna do with 'em and your ocs and i'll cheer like hell.

+ in addition to the above, building a bigger narrative together. i think that's honestly the biggest thing about rp: we play these roles and characters with other people who do the same, using language to build scenes that grow into mini-stories that grow into bigger stories that we're invested in, so much so that we keep writing and making them and making the same characters in different settings or making new ones in different settings, even though we know it's likely to be shortlived and brief, and something that is inherently private / personal to ourselves because the only audience to see this work is ourselves and the immediate people in the same circle, and a lot of people talk about these characters with the same amount of interest as an actual fanbase for an actual piece of media. that's like, legitimately so cool? art is cool. the work and labour people put into rp is cool. and the fact it is fundamentally a communal effort is so much cooler because you aren't just writing the story you want for yourself, but the story you and other people want together, because they are making the active choice to engage and write with you. that's kinda incredible, tbh.

+ less sentimental and pretentious but: embracing absurdity. i love funny threads, ridiculous dynamics, silly moments, and dumb internal monologues. it comes so much snappier to me, and it sparks so much joy.

+ just seeing shit through. few things are as satisfying as finally getting a plot you've planned out for months reach its endpoint, or a ship finally get together, or an arc get finished, or a scene finally occur. for me, this goes especially harder when its seeing other people achieve things they've talked about so long. like, hell, man, i'm happy for you! get that bread!

+ seeing and/or receiving reactions to threads and plots from people who aren't directly part of them. one memory that sticks out to me, constantly, is getting a message from someone who wasn't even part of the forum i was in, telling me they've read my characters' threads and were so hooked and wanted to participate in whatever comes next that it made them want to join too. that's a near incomparable feeling, imo. but it's also just really nice to hear server responses to things like big plot points, reveals, or even just specific quotes ppl liked. reactions to something concrete — whether emotional, critical, or praise — just feels hella good.

coming soon.
local boogeyman
aliasbex, jeepers cats
pronounsshe/her or any pronouns
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profit of doomearned bits
profit of doom
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they pull the axe out your face and say "was it the boogeyman?"
i love the excitement that i get from rp- but i love it even more when my partner is equally excited with whatever plot we're doing. it's my jam. i get so hyped that nothing else matters lmao. nothing gets my posting speed up faster than when both me and my partner are like, equally as excited
aliasAerie, badmin, insert profanity
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Aerieearned bits
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sometimes we ball, sometimes we fall.
fave part is def when I can't resist posting. I'm vibing so much with my thread partner and literally sacrificing sleep to post one more time. Those moments are fleeting, but when I get in that flow it really reminds me why role playing is such a cherished hobby of mine.
hover by teya & icon by あじゅじ
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ireneearned bits
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you want it darker, we kill the flame
Definitely when I am vibing with a thread. It doesn't happen as often as it use to, but I love it when a partner and myself set aside time, sometimes the whole weekend, or whenever our days off are in tandem, just to blitz through a thread. Especially when it's a "disaster thread" aka lots of drama and bickering and character growth lmfao
aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
1,542written posts
retired main character
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maybe wallace being my fav was foreshadowing
Aerie Avatar
fave part is def when I can't resist posting. I'm vibing so much with my thread partner and literally sacrificing sleep to post one more time. Those moments are fleeting, but when I get in that flow it really reminds me why role playing is such a cherished hobby of mine.

I actually don’t like this…. I get that high then second guess the quality of my posts then soon believe that it was a mistake and how only i enjoyed it and my partner didnt :pain:

(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
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Deletedearned bits
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when i click with the community, and when muse feels like it's at an all time high with partners feeling the same for our threads. that's hard to come by nowadays, but when it does happen, it's nice. when it all works out well(the community, friends, plots, basically everything), it's something even better than video games for me?? is what i thought at one point!   

remembering the first time i came back from my 5 year hiatus and i literally sped home (pls... don't speed while driving...) every time after work just to reply back -- and that's after i went skipping down the staircase like some school kid  -- no idea why, but it's a vivid memory. i think i just miss that naivety and optimism i used to have o<<

thinking back, i didn't entirely vibe with the entire community back then (was only focused on a few new friends), but it was enough to give that same high, aye. don't think the specific thread was for a ship either -- just an internalized racist cop being-- well, a dick to a childhood not-friend, so... it's fun even if it's not a ship!!! (even though those are full-on drugs lmao)

here's to hoping i remember those times more than the negatives ~v~
pronounsshe, they
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hotaryuearned bits
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one day!
I love it when I make close friends who'll remain somehow present in my life. I met one of my closest friends over RP and we don't spend a day without chatting. And I love it when our friendship has gone beyond RP. One of my home sites is a fantasy one, and I linger in the server a lot because we talk about a lot of things under the sun. I also really like it when I interact with dedicated and friendly staff who are mature about community management.

Also getting compelling replies from your RP partners that are SO GOOD you'd reply real quickly!

I love it when I read about compelling characters who've gone a long way in their arc, and haunt the narrative, whether they're dead or alive.

I love it when you get RP partners who are willing to give you the same energy in crafting a compelling narrative that eventually drives the site plot and affects the development of both the world and characters.

Lastly: smut. I love smutting. /fingerguns

the narrative
aliasCel, Nightlock
797written posts
CELearned bits
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oh, i leave quite an impression; five feet, to be exact.
amethy Avatar
when i click with the community, and when muse feels like it's at an all time high with partners feeling the same for our threads. that's hard to come by nowadays, but when it does happen, it's nice. when it all works out well(the community, friends, plots, basically everything), it's something even better than video games for me?? is what i thought at one point!   

remembering the first time i came back from my 5 year hiatus and i literally sped home (pls... don't speed while driving...) every time after work just to reply back -- and that's after i went skipping down the staircase like some school kid  -- no idea why, but it's a vivid memory. i think i just miss that naivety and optimism i used to have o<<

thinking back, i didn't entirely vibe with the entire community back then (was only focused on a few new friends), but it was enough to give that same high, aye. don't think the specific thread was for a ship either -- just an internalized racist cop being-- well, a dick to a childhood not-friend, so... it's fun even if it's not a ship!!! (even though those are full-on drugs lmao)

here's to hoping i remember those times more than the negatives ~v~

i remember this thread!!!!! god, that was such a fun one for the drama and angst, and it's rlly happy to read that it stuck out bc, like, same? that thread was such a highlight and got me to realize my character's voice fully too aaaa

which leads me to another favorite thing about rp-ing, which echoes what a lot of ppl also said: just the high of getting replies and Knowing(TM) how you'd wanna reply back. it's such a rush in the best kind of way. i've genuinely, like, slept wayyyy too late because of rf and even remember doing rf for a not-quite ship thread in the middle of my philosophy class in uni because of how excited i was.

honestly, replies that make you wanna do mobile posts to maintain momentum are just another massive favorite rp moment to me

coming soon.
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
aliasthat bitch.
pronouns"that bitch" still works tbh (any OK!)
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selkieearned bits
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a verb in perfect view.
getting a discord tag with a variant of "i kinda went off/this is a lil out there/oops this got long, lmk if you need changes" and reading the post to find it's an INSANE hard left, brand new plot development, and/or generally a plot/thread development i never would have thought of myself

alternatively, doing the above to someone else and getting a reply back that keeps that damn momentum without missing a beat

i feel myself sunsetting on the hobby a lot these days but man, those unplanned plot/thread developments that end up spiralling into so much more will probably always make everything else worth it 2 me
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all my proboards templates require the style tags plugin!
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The ideas only other people could have come up with. Whether it's contributing to a scene, picking up a wanted, or worldbuilding, other people bring such wonderfully refreshing ideas that by definition, I just never would have considered. We all have our preconceived notions and comfort picks; having someone else excited to share all of their favourites is always a great way to expand my horizons and try something new.