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Quick Interest Checks

54written posts
Rayearned bits
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Ray Avatar
lanzhan Avatar
Would anyone be interested in one of the following ;

legend of Zelda / breath of the wild , slice of life, quests and bounties , etc

steampunk / low fantasy slice of life

Ancient Greece / Rome slice of life , low fantasy

Every single one of those ideas sound so charming to me, especially the low-fantasy slice of life one and the zelda one. I'm late to the hype and haven't played breath of the wild or tears of the kingdom but a zelda rp in general would be fun!
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BUILD GOD & Serene Bonds (WIP)
the waking storm
aliasLuxu, Galeforce, TenebraeQueene
347written posts
tenebraeearned bits
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tenebrae Avatar
i bit the tongue behind my teeth (it was never good enough for me)
lanzhan Avatar
Would anyone be interested in one of the following ;

legend of Zelda / breath of the wild , slice of life, quests and bounties , etc

steampunk / low fantasy slice of life

Ancient Greece / Rome slice of life , low fantasy

loz, loz, loz, LOZ, LOZ! <3
50written posts
❝ coffee & teaearned bits
❝ coffee & tea
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with the new Pokemon Legends game having been announced and just my love for the Pokemon: Legends Arceus game in general, and its setting/mythos/pokemon, I have been craving an rp like this. Like imagine feudal Japan with pokemon in Hisui. Not only could you have really nostalgic sengoku jidai character-driven slice of life interactions and life-styles, but also enjoy unlocking/exploring new areas/pokemon.

  • There would be two-three time-travellers from present day that were "chosen" by Arceus and dropped into the site's setting, unable to return until they summon Arceus.
  • Obtaining Alpha Pokemon could be done either through buying the encounter from the site store or stumbling upon a new area.
  • Staff would NPC Noble Pokemon for events, who are seen as the "guardian diety" of certain locations, with each giving your character a colored plate, which could lead to the eventual reveal of legendaries, and maybe even Arceus.
  • Characters could be members of the rivaling Diamond and Pearl clans, could be Wardens of certain areas, Bandits, members of the Corps, wandering merchants, or passing travellers.
  • Any starter from the Hisuian Pokedex, as long as it's not a Noble, Alpha, or Legendary Pokemon.
  •  There would have be a lot more brain-storming!

I am not in any rush for this, as I'm really enjoying what I currently have, and don't want to deviate from that. It would also take a lot of work from staff and be time-consuming to run/manage/plan for a Pokemon site. But, this is an idea that's been living in my brain for a while and I always wondered why there was never a Pokemon Legends-inspired rp.

At the very least, I have always been kind of tempted to make a laid back slice of life Hisui rp with a Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons feel/focus on exploring/skills and trying to bring the "eternal deity" Arceus back. But something with any amount of this effort would have to be done later, or with a whole bunch of help!
last edit on Mar 18, 2024 14:12:28 GMT by ❝ coffee & tea
36written posts
mattwithaswordearned bits
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Elaysa Avatar
A little idea that has been brewing at the back of my mind for a while now. Not sure whether I'll go through with it, but we'll see what happens.

‣ A medieval fantasy site with a stronger emphasis on slice-of-life and member-made plots
‣ The setting would be reminiscent of 13th to 15th century Europe
‣ Somewhat sandbox-y
‣ Primarily low fantasy — magic would be regarded as a mysterious, fickle force that is — albeit present in the world — not well-understood and generally considered to be dangerous. Characters with light magical abilities would be allowed.
‣ Set in a fairly isolated setting to encourage character interaction. The RP would take place in a single kingdom, more or less isolated from the rest of the world with either stone battlements or deep forests. Venturing beyond the kingdom's borders would be unadvisable and deemed highly dangerous, due to the plethora of malevolent creatures that roam all around (custom bestiary included in the guidebook!)
Short and digestible required reading. Although the site would feature some extra lore tidbits, they would be regarded merely as supplementary materials.
‣ Optional overarching plot (with a handful of canon characters), participation would not be required
‣ Statless, freeform combat
‣ The possibility of small member-made factions: guilds and noble houses. Permits to create these would be purchasable in the site store.
‣ Knights, scholars, royals, adventurers, innkeepers, but also just a bunch of peasants just trying to make it through the winter. Just have fun!
‣ Somewhat inspired by GoT, The Witcher and Sun Haven

If you are ever looking for someone interested in helping staff, I would love to lend a hand. I have a lot of resources Ive created over the years in my own interest of making a fantasy based site and I'd love to collaborate if you ever wanted to chat. Perhaps we can connect over discord?
Discord: MattwithaSword
1written post
operatorearned bits
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operator Avatar
Just a random idea , A site based off lore from Genshin Impact’s Fontaine ? For those who don’t know : 

“That all people from Fontaine are born with sin that cannot be absolved; one day, the waters of Fontaine will rise and the sinful people will all be dissolved into the waters, and only the Hydro Archon will remain, weeping on her throne- only then will the sins of the people be washed away”
50written posts
❝ coffee & teaearned bits
❝ coffee & tea
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Just trying to see if it would interest anyone to have a pokemon x harvest moon/story of seasons rp. I have one in the works, but I just want to know if anyone would be interested in it before I move much further !
so far it features:

• an original region with lore surrounding around Arceus

gen I-gen IV(kanto to sinnoh) pokemon with the inclusion of gen VII (alola)

• stat-less, no levels, and light mechanics

• everyone starts out at the the same tier regardless of occupation and experience to make the game fair, with one starter pokemon of your choice

• you can potentially catch whatever common/basic pokemon you want in a thread, without Staff having to mod it

legendaries, rares, and shinies can be bought/requested from the poke-shop, though some legendaries could be encountered through events and in participating to help restore the town/region

• an overall story and focus on a bigger goal of returning magic to the region and re-building/fixing certain parts of the town. By doing this, the members will unlock more areas to explore and have access to other parts of the region

• exploring slice of life elements with pokemon, and the beginnings of battling with pokemon, so no gym leaders, no elite four, etc.

no canons, but you can use pokemon fcs -- however, i'm also considering adding pokedex holders from the Pokemon Adventures manga/games to be pulled/dropped into this new region and having to help the bring Arceus back  in order to return to their original universe/regions. I really like the idea of no series/manga canons. Instead, I am playing with the idea of potentially making canon roles that are based on the titles of the the Pokedex holders (the fighter, the evolver, etc) that are oc characters, etc. or I might just make awards based around them!

potentially thinking about adding Mages and Gijinka as a playable race/species but they would be few and far between. If not now, then definitely later!
last edit on Apr 6, 2024 12:05:55 GMT by ❝ coffee & tea
102written posts
lunarearned bits
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❝ coffee & tea Avatar
Just trying to see if it would interest anyone to have a pokemon x harvest moon/story of seasons rp. I have one in the works, but I just want to know if anyone would be interested in it before I move much further !
so far it features:

• an original region with lore surrounding around Arceus

gen I-gen IV(kanto to sinnoh) pokemon with the inclusion of gen VII (alola)

• stat-less, no levels, and light mechanics

• everyone starts out at the the same tier regardless of occupation and experience to make the game fair, with one starter pokemon of your choice

• you can potentially catch whatever common/basic pokemon you want in a thread, without Staff having to mod it

legendaries, rares, and shinies can be bought/requested from the poke-shop, though some legendaries could be encountered through events and in participating to help restore the town/region

• an overall story and focus on a bigger goal of returning magic to the region and re-building/fixing certain parts of the town. By doing this, the members will unlock more areas to explore and have access to other parts of the region

• exploring slice of life elements with pokemon, and the beginnings of battling with pokemon, so no gym leaders, no elite four, etc.

no canons, but you can use pokemon fcs -- however, i'm also considering adding pokedex holders from the Pokemon Adventures manga/games to be pulled/dropped into this new region and having to help the bring Arceus back  in order to return to their original universe/regions. I really like the idea of no series/manga canons. Instead, I am playing with the idea of potentially making canon roles that are based on the titles of the the Pokedex holders (the fighter, the evolver, etc) that are oc characters, etc. or I might just make awards based around them!

potentially thinking about adding Mages and Gijinka as a playable race/species but they would be few and far between. If not now, then definitely later!

*grabby hands* Gimme! This sounds amazing!!!
aliasResident Dragon
33written posts
Yevodearned bits
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Resident Dragon
Since I’ve seen a few feelers around for dragon-related stuff again, would anyone be interested in a dragon riding RP set in a military academy like in Fourth Wing and Pern? Both dragon riders and regular humans would be playable, and we could even add other humanoid species as playable. Each character can have magical powers in addition to their connection to dragons, although let’s limit it to one power per player for simplicity’s sake. No canons, either; everyone ranks as a student. R18 rating possible, but not necessary; I'm not sure what shenanigans would entail such a rating.

I’ll try to get a working prototype up if this gets enough traction, just need help with the skin stuff. Shoot me a PM on this site if you’re interested in helping!
66written posts
lancelotearned bits
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lancelot Avatar
i (try to) draw

i have this in my head for quite some time now so i'll be just throwing things, if anyone's interested:

  • a semi-dystopic high fantasy rp taking inspiration from south and southeast asian myths and legends—using concepts from hinduism and hinduism-based concepts, e.g. devas and asuras, avatars, reincarnation, etc.
  • set in a fictional country run by noble elites, gangs, and mafias with superpowers and high-tech weapons. the entire civilization is plagued by the existences of shadow creatures that feed on humans, where the city in which the primary setting of the rp is among the last vanguards of humanity from extinction.
  • features a faction-based conflict that is driven by semi-heavy site lore with member-made plots—members are encouraged to develop the world as they create their characters and experience the world for themselves
  • playable characters are humans who are binded by contracts with primal spirits that lend them supernatural skills and abilities; the spirits are able to "evolve" as the story progresses, expanding the skill sets of characters contracted with them
  • simple combat system with class and skill progression
  • taking inspiration as well from genshin impact, persona, aot, promised neverland, magi
  • keywords: gangs, mafias, mercenaries, high society, cyberpunk, magic vs technology, dungeon crawling, adventure, factions, devas, asuras, nagas, mandala
the waking storm
aliasLuxu, Galeforce, TenebraeQueene
347written posts
tenebraeearned bits
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tenebrae Avatar
i bit the tongue behind my teeth (it was never good enough for me)
i have had thoughts about a cozy/relaxed fantasy rp. inspired by harvest moon, animal crossing, rune factory, and a dash of legend of zelda (and maybe final fantasy?)


the setting takes place five years after a terrible battle known as the "great war" ended. what was once a prosperous and beautiful town had long since fallen into disrepair after the majority of the residents left to either join the war or find greener pastures elsewhere. however, the current mayor - who is the granddaughter of the former mayor.

and the last person to commune with the goddess of nature. realized it was now time to rebuild. and sent out various magical letters. requesting that residents new and old come to the valley. as the magic of the land had been poisoned and had faded due to the evils of the decade-long war in the surrounding lands.

and while the valley was spared due the goddess using all her power to ward it off. her body was defeated and fragmented and vanished in motes of light. the valley was saved from destruction, but it was incredibly weak and dying without its goddess. to remedy this, she hopes to find a light in the darkness. believing that with hope flourishing in people's hearts. they can revive the goddess by activating the five elemental temples scattered across the valley.

and in doing so, bring the town back to prosperity! but it won't be easy, and will require the effort of everyone! but she truly believes, much like the war, that the people of the valley can overcome this. and live for a brighter future! rebuild the homeland! ignite the light within the five temples! and revive the goddess! and in doing so, save the valley!

system ideas

"bond system" the valley was not the only thing affected by the war. but the peoples very hearts. whether big or small. peoples hearts have been plagued by darkness. and thus, the only way to open one's heart up to the light. is to open their hearts to others! i figured some sort of relationship system would help create more plots and interactions! sorta like the heart systems in harvest moon! but the added difficulty of having something hold them back from opening up more.

like an emotional roadblock, essentially. i'd of course leave it up the players how deep or difficult the "roadblocks" are. but i figured some characters will have scars that won't heal normally without proper closure. whether it's a character who fought in the war and has lost their passion for something they enjoyed in their youth. and thus learns to enjoy it again. or a character longs for something they never were able to obtain before. i figure adding these extra requirements and goals before moving to the higher "heart events" could be interesting and create fun platonic, familial, and even romantic scenarios!

"town rebuilding" it wouldn't be a restoration plot without the restoring! I'm not quite sure how to do this. but i want to tie the temples into this. each temple is a "major milestone" that opens up whole new areas. however, there's smaller milestones that can unlock parts of existing areas, like the town or new buildings in the town. or maybe other unlocked areas outside it like the forest? idk yet.

"festivals + holidays" that's a given! always wanna have these!

playable fantasy races (elves, witches, demihumans, merfolk, and other such races beyond just humans!)

LGBT+ Friendly


optional dungeons/combat?

(monster) ranching!


No custom skin because I'm poor :'c

I would LOVE to use Jcink but I dunno how to navigate its Admin Panel :'c

honestly, i'd love to make this site, but i figured people way more skilled and capable than me could pull it off!

if you wanna make it, then just DM me here or on Discord at: tenebraequeene

last edit on Apr 21, 2024 14:41:17 GMT by tenebrae
the chalk prince
pronounsthey / them
978written posts
yuanearned bits
Part of the Furniture
yuan Avatar
existential execution is just a fluke in evolution.
18+ warrior cats site (3/1/3 rating on rpg rating) with canon clans but set in north america, specifically around the forests of acadia national park in maine, drawn art and real cat photos both encouraged, LGBT+ friendly, disability friendly.

no word counts or activity checks but will have occasional check-ins with members.

looking to make a lowkey site that the average person can pick up and put down whenever they want. specifically for older warrior cats fans who just want to chill.
last edit on May 7, 2024 7:35:24 GMT by yuan
6written posts
Romeoearned bits
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Ray Avatar
lanzhan Avatar
Would anyone be interested in one of the following ;

legend of Zelda / breath of the wild , slice of life, quests and bounties , etc

steampunk / low fantasy slice of life

Ancient Greece / Rome slice of life , low fantasy
Every single one of those ideas sound so charming to me, especially the low-fantasy slice of life one and the zelda one. I'm late to the hype and haven't played breath of the wild or tears of the kingdom but a zelda rp in general would be fun!
It really does, the ancient Greece / Rome one, possibly Steampunk.

This also sounds super unique!

i have this in my head for quite some time now so i'll be just throwing things, if anyone's interested:

a semi-dystopic high fantasy rp taking inspiration from south and southeast asian myths and legends—using concepts from hinduism and hinduism-based concepts, e.g. devas and asuras, avatars, reincarnation, etc.
set in a fictional country run by noble elites, gangs, and mafias with superpowers and high-tech weapons. the entire civilization is plagued by the existences of shadow creatures that feed on humans, where the city in which the primary setting of the rp is among the last vanguards of humanity from extinction.
features a faction-based conflict that is driven by semi-heavy site lore with member-made plots—members are encouraged to develop the world as they create their characters and experience the world for themselves
playable characters are humans who are binded by contracts with primal spirits that lend them supernatural skills and abilities; the spirits are able to "evolve" as the story progresses, expanding the skill sets of characters contracted with them
simple combat system with class and skill progression
taking inspiration as well from genshin impact, persona, aot, promised neverland, magi
keywords: gangs, mafias, mercenaries, high society, cyberpunk, magic vs technology, dungeon crawling, adventure, factions, devas, asuras, nagas, mandala

last edit on May 7, 2024 8:51:44 GMT by Romeo
aliasrico, holly
pronounsshe/her, they/them
87written posts
ricochetearned bits
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ricochet Avatar
you say, "how can you love me this way?" i say, "it's easy but i can't explain"
would anyone be interested in a greek mythology rp on discord instead of a webbed site? something something greek gods are still messy as hell and live among mortals for their own entertainment tho their powers are somewhat diminished due to lack of belief/worship; still puzzling that piece out, but it's like they still have remnant powers from their time of prominent belief but that time and power is running out. any greek deity would be available to play if they're not claimed, no matter their origin. animanga faceclaims or original art. i have the Itch