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Staffing Confessions

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Maybe if I keep quiet…
I feel you with the worry, Birds, but I think someone will be interested in the idea. It's a little bit about having faith. Even if it is just one person that does. If just one person is interested in a story one is writing, it is enough. It has to be enough.

It hurts when your friends aren't quite on board with it or do not know the concept of it. Even if you explained that they do not have to know the background to it, they're still not interested. At least, they're on board with beta reading the rules. I'm thankful for that.

Making a roleplay board is a lot of work and energy. I think one needs to be proud to accomplish that much while on their own.

I just hope my intentions are clear with my own board.

Coming soon...
aliasAerie, badmin, insert profanity
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here's a raw confession:

I'm low-key embarrassed by how much staffing affects me emotionally. Not to say that I'm in tears or rocking in the fetal position, but not satisfying every single person on the forum makes me feel like such a failure. And I know it's impossible. But those moments really sit with me. And at the end of the day, I know I'm a good guy. I know I try to do what's best for everyone. But it still actually affects my mood IRL and I guess it's just really an embarrassing moment when I'm like . . . a hobby of running communities for writing pretend characters in a pretend land that I don't get paid for is really making me feel not good enough as a person. That's wild to me, and I wish I had the nonchalance many others do.
hi. another admin here, and i wanted to say that… yeah, i empathize with that so much, especially with what you said about failure. there’s a long amount of context that lead to me ending up as the admin of the site i’m on, and have been running for three years, but it rlly made me want to just Do Things Right(TM), especially for its community and the site at large, and consistently worried that if i messed up somewhere; that if the site died due to the wrong thing (i.e. toxicity, drama, simply quietly fizzling out) — i was failing a lot of people, including myself. and that was something i refused to let happen. it unfortunately lead to me making a lot of wrong decisions out of the concern that if i let [xyz] explode, or said something about [zyx], or w/e else — it would cause some kind of colossal Thing(TM) that would completely fuck up the site and put many members of the community in the crossfire of something that isn’t theirs to deal with in the first place. (looking back at those choices, i know i could have made better ones, but i know my truth and reasons for making those choices, and i can accept that. the only thing to rlly do now is move forward.)

that consistent worry impacted my mental health a lot, more than i’m proud to admit, and hilariously more than the amount of straight up traumatizing rl bullshit i had to deal with at the same time. hell, it also nearly made me cry when i finished the 4.2 genshin impact archon quest because furina’s narrative just hit,,,, way too real to me LOL. regardless, all of this is just meant to say that you’re not alone in feeling that kind of way? i don’t think it’s embarrassing to have a hobby you poured a lot into (and i’ve been in your sites; i know you’ve poured a lot into them) impact how you feel emotionally. it’s being a person, and that’s hella real.

buuuut i also think that, at least based on personal experience, being Witness(TM) to a lot of shit when it comes to ppl and their worries getting the best of them, and especially made more clear after getting therapy bc of site bullshit LOL, sometimes the only thing that can be done is to look at yourself and your feelings, practice some kind tough love, and own up to the shit you deserve and don’t deserve. are you happy with the work you’re making? are you proud of it? if the answer is in any way, a no, then it’s worth a shot to figure out what will make things work — talk to the people around you, build a compromise, and just let people know that you also need some help, support, or w/e else. i think a lot of people have a tendency to forget, especially in an online space, that whoever is wearing the admin hat is a very real person just as well, who has their own personal feelings to trudge through, and ultimately are doing what they can while knowing what they do impacts a huge amount of people. lean on your support circles, own up to who you are, what you value, what you deserve, where you can do better — both to yourself and to the people around you, and i think that’ll go a long way.
this was the sensei pep talk i needed
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Me: ... We still don't have the whole species thing sorted out???

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-looks at other people's sites- -cries because they're all so beautiful- why can't i make beautiful things T.T -is this a staff problem? not entirely, but also yes. yes it is-

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sitting on a completed panfan site but i can't open bc i don't wanna work on writing apps
then don't

minimalist & plotter apps are valid and cool. come to the dark side where we focus more on our RP goals than on 600 word history sections.

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sitting on a completed panfan site but i can't open bc i don't wanna work on writing apps
then don't

minimalist & plotter apps are valid and cool. come to the dark side where we focus more on our RP goals than on 600 word history sections.
that's the problem it IS a minimalist app. it's just a freeform section & abilities section, and i have everything except the freeform writen. i'm just... lazy. whycome the freeform section can't just write itself :(

Solar Waltz, an 18+ panfandom set in NYC
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sitting on a completed panfan site but i can't open bc i don't wanna work on writing apps
then don't

minimalist & plotter apps are valid and cool. come to the dark side where we focus more on our RP goals than on 600 word history sections.

How does this even work? Because I've been curious about it for a while now. Being able to not have to spend a million years and just as many words on shit like history, appearance, and etc seems nice. But how do you go about judging if a character does or doesn't have the capability to completely take a dump on lore, or power levels etc?
aliasAerie, badmin, insert profanity
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How does this even work? Because I've been curious about it for a while now. Being able to not have to spend a million years and just as many words on shit like history, appearance, and etc seems nice. But how do you go about judging if a character does or doesn't have the capability to completely take a dump on lore, or power levels etc?

A large portion of the animanga community has moved away from "I need to win by any means" to "I just want to write a compelling story." If you make it clear to your site that it's about the writing, most people will engage with that. You might get an occasional wayward egg that you just need to tell, "hey, that kind of magic doesn't work here" or "this wouldn't be possible given the lore." But I'd also suggest trying to make as much work as possible if it's for innocent fun; strict lore makes it harder to facilitate plotting and threading. Sometimes, you can work with the person to make their idea work—just differently.
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How does this even work? Because I've been curious about it for a while now. Being able to not have to spend a million years and just as many words on shit like history, appearance, and etc seems nice. But how do you go about judging if a character does or doesn't have the capability to completely take a dump on lore, or power levels etc?
Seconding what Aerie said, but also part of the move for me is that as time goes on I don't really find apps to be a clear indicator of a character or player's fit on a site and no amount of getting into the nitty gritty details is going to change that.

If you're worried about power levels, having an abilities section or power mechanics in play is all you need. If you're worried about "taking a dump on lore" they can do that even with the most lore compliant app humanly possible. Mostly because things can change pretty drastically after an app is submitted. Especially on sites with original characters. There have plenty of times where I've gone into an app with an idea of what the character's going to be, but found that they've been better suited for a different direction.

Apps for me serve two purposes: 1. prove the player knows something about their character and has a general idea of how they want to play them or what goal they want to work towards and 2. shows me how they write and if they're able to string a few sentences together.

I've also found that the people who are going to be a problem can make it pretty obvious from even the shortest of apps, because the sorts of people who want to min-max or whatever tend to not be very quiet about it.

Solar Waltz, an 18+ panfandom set in NYC
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How does this even work? Because I've been curious about it for a while now. Being able to not have to spend a million years and just as many words on shit like history, appearance, and etc seems nice. But how do you go about judging if a character does or doesn't have the capability to completely take a dump on lore, or power levels etc?

On the site I staff, we have a freeform, an abilities section, and a plotter, but no "power levels" or mechanically relevant numbers.

It helps that the site is a fandom site based on a video game, so lore compliance is as easy as googling the wiki if something's unclear, and the general rubric I use when grading power level and special abilities is "how fair would it be for other people attempting to thread with this player?" Things we've rejected in the past include:
- the power level is unrealistic relative to the character's freeform (age, level of training, etc)
- the ability is not written clearly enough for other people to consistently understand what it does
- the ability is godmoding (i.e. mind control, perfect prediction, etc)
- the power level is high enough to make the average accepted character threading with them irrelevant in either a PvP or a PvE situation

as said, the emphasis is less on whose character can beat up whose and whether other people can participate in a compelling story with the character.
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then don't

minimalist & plotter apps are valid and cool. come to the dark side where we focus more on our RP goals than on 600 word history sections.

How does this even work? Because I've been curious about it for a while now. Being able to not have to spend a million years and just as many words on shit like history, appearance, and etc seems nice. But how do you go about judging if a character does or doesn't have the capability to completely take a dump on lore, or power levels etc?
Writing on sites is a privilege, not a right, and apps don't really do a job of filtering out the people who are just here to "win RP" and be the biggest, strongest character. You will have to ban people anyway, in my experience, so why bother taking 30 steps on the app process to filter out people that are gonna rules lawyer their way to OP status anyway?

Anyway, for lore, the idea is that you don't ask for all the details. Just make sure the basic concept and broad strokes fit. There's no need to write a lot to make sure the idea fits. Especially with new characters, they might NOT have a lot.

Personally, I find where my character is GOING more important than where they've been, so I prefer apps that focus on THAT aspect. This is also the easiest way to weed out people who won't fit with the site's structure. If you're a slice of life site with magic, and someone wants to play an evil overlord plot that dominates the world, you can easier see that this person's idea isn't gonna work with the others. It also gives you a more polite "out" to rejecting these apps. You can simply say that "you might not find much interest for these sorts of plots on our site."
last edit on Dec 9, 2023 22:03:02 GMT by illidan main

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maybe wallace being my fav was foreshadowing
If a member does something against what you think is appropriate in the site’s setting, idk what’s stopping staff from just… asking that part to be changed.

I know how crazy things can get in a site, having been in rps where everyone was doing something major and big. You can’t expect it all to mesh properly. Sometimes, you have to edit. Sometimes you just have to make an excuse. Sometimes you just lowkey ignore the inconvenient part happening and never talk about it. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.

Of course this is barring people who are intentionally only there for power levels. But i find that much more of an uncommon occurrence than instances where members overdo their stories a bit. It’s better not to take it seriously imo. No matter what Edgy God Goku does, it’s not gonna affect the site if everyone just don’t pay attention to it

(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
Tidal Wave
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I mostly use apps to make sure that people understand the lore, if there is any, and know how to properly integrate their characters into said lore. I run original based sites, not fandom based sites, so the whole of the worlds need to be understood in depth before people can really get into it. I understand that this isn't for everyone, but I do really like to make sure that people at least have a general understanding of the world they're getting into before they're set loose on the boards. I am also very lenient though, and will usually ask for clarification on parts I don't understand, and ask for changes as politely as possible if there needs to be any. However, once you start telling people "no", in my experience anyways, people can start getting quite nasty about it.