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Staffing Confessions

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magemearned bits
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Maybe if I keep quiet…
AkiraTsunami Avatar
-looks at other people's sites- -cries because they're all so beautiful- why can't i make beautiful things T.T -is this a staff problem? not entirely, but also yes. yes it is-
Same, Akira.  Same.  Is there a coding confessions thread?  If so, I haven’t found it.

Been working on image hovers for the staff and featured.  Both sections said no to me.  I ragequit for the night.

My own confession is this: sometimes I want to quit.  Other times I get motivated.  I just don’t know if my explanations and descriptions for the worldbuilding are eloquent enough that I try to rewrite certain things.  I, then, need to remind myself it can be updated and improved at anytime.

Another concern I have as a staff is the amount of interest for a media/fandom I feel is obscure.  I don’t know if people will get interested.  And I won’t know until I’ve tried.

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Tidal Wave
aliasAkira, Tsunami, Tsu, Aki
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AkiraTsunamiearned bits
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I've got a hurricane in my head, I can't feel a thing, but it's better than dead
sometimes... you tell other staff members to do things and they dont so you wind up doing them anyways. =.=

aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
1,546written posts
butch knight 🗣️🗣️🗣️
Part of the Furniture
butch knight 🗣️🗣️🗣️ Avatar
maybe wallace being my fav was foreshadowing
AkiraTsunami Avatar
sometimes... you tell other staff members to do things and they dont so you wind up doing them anyways. =.=

and then since they didnt do it, you do it and then somehow it’s your fault for being “too active” which leaves them nothing to do and “making them look inactive”🥴

Full disclosure: i asssured them if they’re busy they dont have to do it but they insist to do it. So i told them what to do… and lo and behold, when i ask them what happened they said they were too busy + other mental health shenanigans that i wasnt asking about (which i have to reassure them on anyway while i rush to get theirtask done). Unfortunately did not know abt weaponized incompetence at that time
last edit on Dec 13, 2023 23:46:27 GMT by butch knight 🗣️🗣️🗣️

(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
Tidal Wave
aliasAkira, Tsunami, Tsu, Aki
4,224written posts
AkiraTsunamiearned bits
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I've got a hurricane in my head, I can't feel a thing, but it's better than dead
lol ya know. when people call the staff "too active" and "makes me feel bad so stop" is... more common than I thought I guess

pronounsShe, her, they, them
21written posts
magemearned bits
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magem Avatar
Maybe if I keep quiet…
That's a thing? Weaponized incompetence? 😬 Honestly, I hope not. Especially, if/when the board is something you founded. That ticks me off. Especially, if/when you are also going through some hardships themselves. You find the time to do the work. It's not your fault. Just means they need to light a match under their butts. 😔

Coming soon...
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scarletearned bits
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butch knight 🗣️🗣️🗣️ Avatar
AkiraTsunami Avatar
sometimes... you tell other staff members to do things and they dont so you wind up doing them anyways. =.=
and then since they didnt do it, you do it and then somehow it’s your fault for being “too active” which leaves them nothing to do and “making them look inactive”🥴

Full disclosure: i asssured them if they’re busy they dont have to do it but they insist to do it. So i told them what to do… and lo and behold, when i ask them what happened they said they were too busy + other mental health shenanigans that i wasnt asking about (which i have to reassure them on anyway while i rush to get theirtask done). Unfortunately did not know abt weaponized incompetence at that time
The first paragraph of this gave me such intensely visceral flashbacks to modding. Whew. You can’t win in those situations, huh? “You’re making me look bad!” says the person who doesn’t want to do things but enjoys the power to veto things.

God forbid you stop being the workhorse either because then “Aw, see? I told you, Scarlet’s work ethic isn’t sustainable. We warned her about burnout!” BUT THIS ATTITUDE IS WHAT CAUSES THE BURNOUT!

Ahem. That discontent has been sitting a few years. Woops.
aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
1,546written posts
butch knight 🗣️🗣️🗣️
Part of the Furniture
butch knight 🗣️🗣️🗣️ Avatar
maybe wallace being my fav was foreshadowing
magem Avatar
That's a thing? Weaponized incompetence? 😬 Honestly, I hope not. Especially, if/when the board is something you founded. That ticks me off. Especially, if/when you are also going through some hardships themselves. You find the time to do the work. It's not your fault. Just means they need to light a match under their butts. 😔

nope was just a mod, and i was the mod (eventually helped by another) that kept the site floating for 6 months. The inactive staff came back to a bustling site and continued being inactive. Apparently i was the crazy one pointing out that maybe the staff who repeatedly has no time to staff and barely pass the ac constantly shouldnt be staff anymore.

I apparently did light a match under their butts (their own words) but no hard work or good conscience can beat “i want my friend to be staff” or idk “site is so active i wanna stay as a staff to make it look like i contribute”

I just wanted to rp and make sure the awesome community got what they deserved. It didn’t require that much work for me to feel being overwhelmed. My burnout was dealing with the staff team that just only care about themselves.

I don’t normally talk about these things in detail but that was the wildest rp nonsense i’ve been through given the time and scale of it, and how colossal i’ve contributed to its backbone without asking for anything but for them to step up. Like, it ain’t a drama. It was just people being turds and wanting to stay in power
last edit on Dec 20, 2023 2:29:06 GMT by butch knight 🗣️🗣️🗣️

(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
432written posts
Asuearned bits
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With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.
Sometimes, I miss running a site since I'd spent a lot of time adminning and worldbuilding on various sites, but it's sparked a lot of joy to be a normal citizen again exploring someone else's world.
792written posts
illidan mainearned bits
illidan main
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#1 starting a site advice because i'm seeing this mistake a lot rn:
- always have an IC thread up before you open. maybe two.

if you don't have anyone to RP with, write with your own characters. write back and forth like a crazy person. it makes the site look lived in and less barren. a lot of people won't join empty forums. also starting with very few locations helps the site look more active, especially if you're small.

this is something i've learned from my own mistakes as well, and is generally how i get success these days.

avatar and hover by phobic art, commissioned for me
local boogeyman
aliasbex, jeepers cats
pronounsshe/her or any pronouns
807written posts
profit of doomearned bits
profit of doom
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they pull the axe out your face and say "was it the boogeyman?"
piggybacking off of 's idea for staffing advice (tho tbh i think it could easily be its own thread) 

1. plan how you want everything to be laid out ahead of time. not having your site easy to navigate and your site information easy to recall is going to really kill your member's ability (or desire to) want to seek information out. i'm not saying that you need to have an insane amount of lore planned and written out like does (calling you out bitch), but having things very neatly and concisely laid out is a real time saver for everyone involved fr

2. learn how to be okay with being the bad guy, sometimes. even if you're not actually the bad guy, and you're just being fair, or enforcing the rules that your members knew about from the beginning. this isn't a dig at all, but i've noticed that a lot of people struggle to say no, or don't want to be the staff that has to bring down the hammer when the time comes. it always ends up being me lmao. it's a surefire way to make your other staff frustrated too.

3. stick to an update schedule for things like site updates. or figure out how to do the fizzy elf thing. you will thank yourself later.

4. remember that it's YOUR site, ultimately, and it's supposed to be fun. 
aliastanzaku, tanz, tan-tan, egao, protag, chapel, tbotc
1,546written posts
butch knight 🗣️🗣️🗣️
Part of the Furniture
butch knight 🗣️🗣️🗣️ Avatar
maybe wallace being my fav was foreshadowing
My advice based on my exp as a member

1. Get the stories sorted out before coming down to a decision
2. In staff pm’s, still speak kindly. You never know what someone is going through. If you, a staff, want to be treated the same way by your members as such, live by it.
3. Don’t make assumptions about your members and listen to their perspective. If you jump ahead, you’re the one creating drama for no reason.

(latest update: 8/28 wall of update)
144written posts
Stallasearned bits
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Stallas Avatar
Notes from staffing stats-, pvp-, or generally competitively- oriented sites:

- 'I'll think about it' was my last and best resort for difficult or vaguely malicious feedback/suggestion because chances are I will think about it, even if you're the community goon. But 'ok' makes a promise and 'no' made people feel unheard.
- Step away from the computer, don't be available all the time. Somewhere between a heavy hand and being anxious for member approval is a comfortable area for your sanity.
- Make your decisions, be open to feedback, but don't be wishy-washy. Members will unconsciously respect you less or try to get away with more when you pivot your stances constantly. Sometimes they need to sit down and let your plan play out for a bit, then re-evaluate from there.
- Be transparent where possible and take your time with changes. But like a good DM, sometimes you want to hide your hand because the result will be cool.
- Consistency imo is the most important quality for a staff member to have. A simple, well-executed idea driven to its conclusion is a rare gem.
- People care about skins and aesthetic a lot.


I built and admin'd exactly one site, and I put a foolish amount of effort into it before it even lived. Planned for a short site lifespan, planned for a long lifespan, planned for casuals, planned for those that would try to break the system, planned for aesthetic divas, planned for people that liked to make many characters, planned for those that only wanted one main but still wanted good progression, learned how to skin and did research on what skin features were popular at that time, hunted down game directory files to find and edit images, playtested a linear 'unbounded accuracy' stat system complete with graphs and curves, blah blah blah. I thought so hard about so many things that never happened and never came to be and still missed so many more but I don't regret it because it was fun and I played it off cool last time but HONESTLY? Yes it took my soul a bit, I admit.

aliaspandora, winter
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panearned bits
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viva la leviathan
staff.....advice....eh? 🚬 ( context: some pokemon, plot-driven sites, event-oriented with original progression systems, urban fantasy, statless combat, etc. )

my number one piece of advice is don't do it with people you don't love. (merry chrimmus ) don't have a team of seven moderators. don't do a staff search on pixel perfect. don't put your love and effort into something and then create a backdoor where you give other people an equal say in the thing that you have lost sleep over.

if your project fails, at least let it be your project. you can't afford to be afraid of that.

make it very very clear that you have authority. project it, use it. AND YET don't dress it up as something YOU are not—don't feel the need to type or act or speak a certain way, or coddle members, or capitalize your sentences (unless you do that already). instead, be funny in the way only you are. approachable. enjoy yourself and be interesting. charming, if you can. start conversations. get to know the people around you because otherwise you're really not going to have fun and that's the most important thing you can do as an admin. don't find "middle-ground" between nice and serious, because then you become boring. instead, be both, just at the right time.

care about the site plot more than you care about personal plots. care about other people's plots more than you care about personal plots, but not more than you care about the site plot, and not more than the 1-2 plots that make you really happy. make sure all people are happy, sure, but first make sure they are not bored. never let people get bored.

and as one really great kinda cool #3rd ranked (according to them, not me) admin in the world once told me, albeit paraphrased: "the number one rule of being an admin—NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER make a mistake. and the number two rule of being an admin—there are no mistakes. you're always right."

(confession below to stay on topic, warning for abrupt change from the much cooler tone of the above message—)

man. ONE time i became a moderator for clout in 2015 and now im stuck with a hunger for power forever? somebody fix me. blease. take me back...

i'm so eepy