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pronounsshe; her
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malachyearned bits
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Because the money system on JCINK is terrifying, levels will not be a thing. If you wanted to have a veteran paladin, sure go ahead! A villager who wants to just grow their cabbages, sure go ahead!

Just be sure to have it in their bio how they got there.
I LOVE THIS. I always get annoyed when sites have a level up/rank system, because more often than not, this means I can't play a character who's a veteran, for example. I'm glad people will get the chance to do this with your FE rp!
pronounsshe; her
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malachyearned bits
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So I wasn't going to post my particular rp because I don't think it matches exactly what you're looking for, but I thought I might as well try since you haven't gotten any other responses!

The rp I'm talking about in particular is Coming Home, a Stardew Valley/Harvest Moon-inspired slice-of-life. It's not quite Rune Factory, but we do have a small dash of magic! To clarify, we have special magical characters that span from witches to merfolk with their own powers. We've been around for more than 6 months now, and we have a great, welcoming, zero-drama community. Feel free to visit and see what you think.

pronounsshe; her
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malachyearned bits
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Okay, so, I love PMMD. One of my favorite games is Explorers of Darkness/Time, because the mechanics and the plot were both fantastic. (What, a great plot in a Pokemon game?!)

That said, I've tried a couple of PMMD rps before, and I've never been able to last for more than, like, 3 weeks in any of them. (And the rps themselves never lasted much longer after that.) The PMMD games are full of tons of mechanics, and translating those into rp form means a shit-ton of tedious admin/moderator work, i.e. not just NPC-ing Pokemon battles, but other dungeon crawling discoveries, shops and item management, exploration team logistics, etc. I have seen anywhere from 1 staff member to 6 becoming completely overwhelmed by the work and all of them getting burnt-out.

So the only things I can suggest revolve around this issue: boil down any mechanics/systems to just a couple. Don't try to do everything. Have a large and dedicated staff team. Find some way to stay organized when it comes to NPC stuff. Maybe even think of altering some game-original concepts, so for instance, limiting teams to 1-2 Pokemon so that way you don't have dungeon threads with 3-4 players all waiting on each other to post.

I wish you guys luck!! Seriously, I wish there were a lot more PMMD rps out there. What you have so far sounds good!
pronounsshe; her
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malachyearned bits
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Or a magic academy outside of HP entirely.
I'd kill for an rp based on Magicians Trilogy by Lev Grossman

featuring: Brakebills College for Magical Pedagogy, the only school for magic in North America
kdlajfkdja I love those books so much, hell yes
pronounsshe; her
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malachyearned bits
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In terms of what Wizard said about your plot still needing to have war in rp-present time, I personally have to disagree. To be fair, I'm pretty biased because I never was able to get into war/faction plots for some reason, but I really do think that they've been done too much and, more often than not, done poorly.

Rather, because the plot of your rp is about individual greed re: the stone, I think you could emphasize that members build characters with some kind of wish or "lack" already hinted it or fully explained in their apps. This can be anything from "Character A wants to be the richest person alive" to "wants world peace" to "wants to remain happy." Then provide the option to let characters group themselves together if they want, but on a 100% volunteer basis. In other words, someone makes a knight and decides to be part of the castle guard or some such. Another person makes a thief that's part of some underground smuggling ring. Etc.

I'm also assuming that throughout your rp, the stone makes its reappearance in some way? I would imagine through site events where its existence is hinted at in increasing depth until the truth behind the myth is blown out into the open. That, or something similar, would provide enough forward plot momentum.
I like both suggestions but yours stands out to me a bit more. Especially with the having every character list a wish within their applications.

Looking back at past conversations we certainly did plan to have the stone resurface and there be big build up towards gaining control of it. We wanted to have this big fantasy world be diverse and unique. I actually stumbled across something where the effects of the war weren't entirely erased, but memories were altered to have it replaced with another war. Something entirely unrelated to the stone itself.

I'd like to thank both you and for your suggestions and advice. I think...I'm going to find a way to combine the two of them together. Assuming I actual go through with making the site. I'm not actual able to get ahold of that friend anymore and I'm not sure doing it alone is something I'm capable of. But again thank you both! I'm actually rather happy to know people are interested!

If you want something similar to war/factions but not quite as big in scale, you could incorporate species racism into the world-building? Like elves (or some other race) are discriminated against, a la Dragon Age. You could have a subplot where one radical group in town is trying to assassinate prominent elf characters. I feel like subplots are your friend here? Just a thought!

Also, I'm glad I could help to some extent! ;u; I totally love your idea and would join if you ever managed to create the site. I myself have zero expertise in creating rp sites, so I can't offer much, but I get not wanting to go into such a big project on your own. Good luck!!
pronounsshe; her
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malachyearned bits
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In terms of what Wizard said about your plot still needing to have war in rp-present time, I personally have to disagree. To be fair, I'm pretty biased because I never was able to get into war/faction plots for some reason, but I really do think that they've been done too much and, more often than not, done poorly.

Rather, because the plot of your rp is about individual greed re: the stone, I think you could emphasize that members build characters with some kind of wish or "lack" already hinted it or fully explained in their apps. This can be anything from "Character A wants to be the richest person alive" to "wants world peace" to "wants to remain happy." Then provide the option to let characters group themselves together if they want, but on a 100% volunteer basis. In other words, someone makes a knight and decides to be part of the castle guard or some such. Another person makes a thief that's part of some underground smuggling ring. Etc.

I'm also assuming that throughout your rp, the stone makes its reappearance in some way? I would imagine through site events where its existence is hinted at in increasing depth until the truth behind the myth is blown out into the open. That, or something similar, would provide enough forward plot momentum.
last edit on Aug 13, 2018 21:49:54 GMT by malachy
pronounsshe; her
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malachyearned bits
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I have an incredibly strong hankering for a wild west rp, based off of Red Dead Redemption, Westworld, etc. Bandits, hard-up sheriffs, outlaws-turned-vigilantes, the whole shebang! If you wanted to mix it up a little, you could even throw a dash of fantasy in there with specialty characters like shamans or witches, who have magical abilities like healing, fire manipulation, or control of animals.

Unfortunately, I feel like the western genre is not a popular one to roleplay. I never see any, which is a huge shame.
pronounsshe; her
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malachyearned bits
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Hey Vampire, I thought I would throw CBH your way! We're a pretty tight-knit community, and we love seeing new writers, chatting with them, and plotting out fun threads and character dynamics. All of us over there have had our stories of dumb rp or internet drama, so I can assure you we're 100% drama-free--and we definitely don't take ourselves too seriously, that's for sure. xD We have a great Discord server, or if c-box chatting is more your thing, we have one of those. Let me know if you have any questions. You can also ask our staff for help--they're awesome!
pronounsshe; her
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malachyearned bits
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Hi Cursed! I am part of a fantastic community over at Coming Back Home, which is a relaxed, drama-free, plotting-focused Stardew Valley/Harvest Moon/slice-of-life rp. We have a pretty dedicated group of writers over there that would love for you and your friend to try us out! If you're into Discord, our server is pretty awesome. If you're into more c-box style chatting, then we have that too. If you have any questions, feel free to DM me or any of the staff.