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Togaskoearned bits
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A au Legend of Korra the avatar rp. And maybe a good Fairy tail rp too. Been watching those 2 shows and mostly eager for Korra stuff.
I'm honestly kinda shocked there aren't any good Avatar or Korra RPs around. Like seriously that is one of my favorite shows and the world is so well made that i don't know why no one has done it yet lol. 
There probably has been before my time. But the entire time I been part of this community, I cannot remember a Avatar/Korra site. I am sad theres not because i much want this!
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Togaskoearned bits
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Alright. So I am nervous as heck about posting this here. Despite not being a stranger to mod/admin duties, the rp forum community is different and lotta stuff Im not sure about. But out of the countless ideas I've started and never seemed to finish, my newest one I plan to see through to the very end because its a biiiig interest of mine and thought it would be cool for other people to take part in. 

So I made Omagatoki Koukou, a yokai/human rp site based in Kyoto Japan. it took me a long time to get the main points up with the help of my partner who is not remotely familiar with proboards or the forum community and that is fine. They are a big help to me. But there is only so much this person can do. So Im turning to you guys for some experienced help and such for my site. Below are is a small list of things that I'd like looked over and given feedback. And any other feedback or suggestions you might have, please share them because I would like to see Omagatoki thrive someday. So go all out.

Here is the link to my site: omagatoki link

- Does it look good. Does the overall look of the site show what you might be in for?

- For the app and character creation, is it understandable? Easy to follow?

- Thoughts on the whole 'no reserve' for the face claims? I wanted to try something new here, a first come first claim type of thing. (Might change if it doesnt work or if its reccomended that I stick to the old ways)

- The playable species? Does it give you the much needed information to create a character? (please don't point out theres only six species of yokai to play. Plans are to expand on that at a later date! Starting out small frst)

- Anything at all I need to improve on or change to make things easier?
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Im not a very active person. But when im not rp'ing Im watching movies and anime. And trying to work over the whole nervousness of actually becoming a fanfic writer because its what I've wanted to do forever, but so many ideas in my head battle for my attention that I end up putting it off til another time. All. The. Time.

But that aside. Theres also job hunting over this summer and school in the fall that will be things i ain't really looking forwards to doing that take priority over rp and stuff.
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Togaskoearned bits
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Ok. So I am looking to post this skin request because even though I like the current skin im using for my current rp forum/project. It just doesn't feel.....right. and Im sure a number of you know what I mean by this, least those of you who run your own forums. 

The kind of skin Im looking for is something that Japanese themed, with fonts that suit Japanese kanji well and with a four -tabbed mini profile. Among a whole bunch of other things. But mostly would like it easy to edit for colors and images for whenever the site needs a new change of color. My site is Omagatoki Koukou and its open to the public in soft opening mode. But the general idea of the site can be found in the information board.

I filly intend to put the skin to good use for whoever decides to take up this skin and OK is a forum that I also fully intend to be active and open for a very long time. So if anyone's interested or have any questions about anything, you're more than welcome to come post in this thread or PM me. Im on multiple times a day and will be quick to get back to you.
last edit on Jul 7, 2018 12:58:59 GMT by Togasko
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For me, recently... the Fairy Tail anime. I have three seasons of it on my computer and since I had been without internet most of this week, I had been forced to watch it. And good god, more than ones its made me want to cry.
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Togaskoearned bits
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Skyrim. I will always love Elder scrolls: Skyrim. I don't know if I can explain it as well as the rest of you. But it has everything I love. Fantasy, magic, neat races, and a whole massive world to explore. I have not even finished the game, not even close, even after.....4+ years? It was the very game that made my ex have to buy me my own xbox 360 to play it on my own in my room because he'd have to pry me off his system when he wanted to play games. Ahhh so much fun!

Last of us: I am not great with horror or zombie games. I turn into a little baby, jumping at every shadow in the Resident evil games. But this game? I love it so much. I love the story and love the characters. You get so attached to them and god. I so wanna play this game again but I only have a xbox!

These are my 2 favorite games that I can lose hours playing.
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Togaskoearned bits
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1). Chobits - One of the first two anime I've ever watched and fell in love with. I will always love the story in this universe where it touches on the relationship between humans and machines/computers. Or better yet AI's or however you see it. It can be considered a dumb kind of anime. But Chii, one of the characters is so cute and the story of her creation and her twin sister is just sad.

2). Fruits Basket - the second of the 'first' two anmie I've seen. This anime, like Chobits is short. But its all sorts of characters I love and generally based around this family that are cursed with the zodiac. One person per animal but the family is large and it is just great. A older anime that is not well liked or known of (and I was sad to see that only Fruits basket site close down).

3). Your Name - This is a movie I waited forever for the dubbed to come out because my SO wanted to watch it with me. So we made a date night out of it to watch this movie that is just so great. Throws you for a loop a bit but its a tear jerker and omg I would watch this again.

4). Golden Kamuy - A newer anime that has come out and the first season is pretty much done with a second season due sometime soon. But its based in Northen Japan all the way up in Hokkaido. I've come to really love this anime for the history of the Ainu people and their culture, which is so different from Japan even tho they're part of Japan. The charaters are great and theres plenty of hilarious moments. Its a short anime, but it leaves its mark. The opening is just great too.

5). DARLING in the FRANXX - Another new anime, but I think its almost done with the subbed. But Im watching this with my SO and its one of the best Mecha type anime. Good god though. Feels warning because along with some good action, there is unexpected feels that sometimes comes out of nowhere.
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Togaskoearned bits
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I would like a well made fantasy rp. Something like the whole MMO type thing but not? Somethhing with different races and something adventure-like. Something that has a lot of world building type of thins, something with guilds, quests, raids, ect ect. I dont know how to exlpain this. But I want this.
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Togaskoearned bits
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*looks at intro thread from waaaay back in 2015. Cringes*

That was a hell of a long time ago and way back on the former animanga site. Lord. God. Why. Ugh! It was horrible, I was so young and ever look back on your older stuff from a handful of years and just wanna reach through time and smack yourself for words and actions? Well. That is what I wanted to do.

I am decent rp'er, don't keep track of my rp'ing years, tho I remember the farthest was when I was... in my pre-teens? I think. But I been rp'ing for a long time and I enjoy it. I love the stories and characters you can make and the world building? Mmmm yiiss. Love it! Mostly like things that catch my interest, with no real 'genres' to list. But what comes to mind is action/adventure, Romance, slice of life, and some historical settings. Like old Japan, edo period and such. Love lore and fantasy. I love world building and character development and growth in any rp. And personally? The more in character drama and such, the better. Just makes my mouth water thinking about the juicy drama between characters!

You can call me Togasko. I've been buzzing around proboards for a good handful of years, since 2013-14. At least that is around the time my last Intro thread was posted and have had the wonderful privilege of roleplaying on some of your forums which a couple I miss and a few Im still so happy to see still thrive with life. I also managed to work on my own rp forum after years of constant ideas, interest checks, and having a few of my ideas just sitting in limbo waiting to be worked on or tossed away.

I like to think im a alright person, a little rough around the edges and might come off as unfriendly to a lot of people, but i am a good person once I end up warming up to you. I have a nasty temper which I am sure used to be worse but because of my great girlfriend and her endless love and support, she helps me work on that. And she puts up with a lot of my crap. But honestly I don't bite off heads off the bat, I try to come off as approachable and friendly as I can.  But thus my whole "Angriest Canadian" title. hahah 

I probably typed way too much on here, but this is my introduction and hope things keep on thriving!