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gamer confessions

aliasjo, honey
645written posts
honey and the forgor land
Part of the Furniture
honey and the forgor land Avatar
fed up with y'all bitches
sold my genshin account for like $300 when i spent like $10 on it max a while ago. no regrets bc i find the game boring/just a png whaling game but that's just me. whoever's coochie on genshin now, love u hope u enjoy the username LOL
last edit on Dec 23, 2022 9:07:41 GMT by honey and the forgor land
161written posts
Novaearned bits
Full Member
Nova Avatar
I know I'm decades late but I'm playing through kingdom hearts for the first time and I'm both incredibly emo and feel like my childhood is healing. I finished the first game, watched chain of memories and 358/2 days cutscenes, and halfway through the second game rn. I didn't really know much about it before playing so I'm really glad I picked it up + shoutout to the people who recced/lended it to me