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Sites You Want To See

798written posts
illidan mainearned bits
illidan main
Part of the Furniture
illidan main Avatar
idk warcraft site with playable blood elves and either death knights or demon hunters.

that's it. that's all. that's my barrier to entry.

every warcraft site pitch i see is either "au of WC3 or au of vanilla" and i'm not interested if there are no blood elves.

"just play high elves!" no. the entire allure of blood elves is their vicious crackheaded survivalist nonsense and I write that into every blood elf. i don't only write blood elves, but my main interest is the sin'dorei and I am not interested in a Warcraft site without them.

i'll accept BC/Wrath AUs but anything before BC is a Hard Not Interested for me.

ideally being able to RP the illidari and the Sunstrider-allied blood elves would be cool if it's a BC AU but if I have to pretend I care about the Horde, fine. hell, if anything, i'd be all over a Burning Crusade AU because ooooh how I love the era of blood elves without the Sunwell.
last edit on Mar 20, 2023 16:34:12 GMT by illidan main

avatar and hover by phobic art, commissioned for me
the narrative
aliasCel, Nightlock
806written posts
CELearned bits
Part of the Furniture
CEL Avatar
i don't get angry when i'm pissed; i'm the eternal optimist.
peach Avatar
Something set in the Cyberpunk universe. Just finished watching Edgerunners and I just want to make a netrunner who calls people choom. lol

if you’re in any way comfortable with tabletops and can find a group, the cyberpunk red tabletop is honestly a ton of fun! the character creation is super extensive and the vibes are a good time. it used to be me and my trpg friends’ main campaign game until we got hooked on witcher and our plot and characters there. and if you’re considering checking out cpr, feel free to dm me and i can lend a pdf copy of some resources <3

otherwise (2) on a cpr site. im stupid attached to my media pc and would love to write him.

coming soon.
25written posts
letterearned bits
New Member
letter Avatar
An Urban Fantasy RP with a reasonably complex magic system (not too complicated or simple) with a global scope and which allows for very high player ambitions (such as enacting wide-scale changes to entire nations). It would also be preferable if it was set on Earth.
Avatar is David from Lalin's Curse by IsakyTM; all credit given to her.
114written posts
navigatorearned bits
Full Member
navigator Avatar
1920's prohibition era antics. speakeasies, gumshoes, entertainers, moonshiners, police, politicians, old money, new money, no money, blackmail. a jazzy lite-crime site. something mundane without the fantasy spin. light-hearted with a dark edge. animanga faceclaims, original characters.
16written posts
chandrewearned bits
New Member
chandrew Avatar
navigator Avatar
1920's prohibition era antics. speakeasies, gumshoes, entertainers, moonshiners, police, politicians, old money, new money, no money, blackmail. a jazzy lite-crime site. something mundane without the fantasy spin. light-hearted with a dark edge. animanga faceclaims, original characters.
I just have this mental image of the wild scramble for Baccano! FCs mere minutes after launch

It would be beautiful
last edit on Apr 2, 2023 20:33:26 GMT by chandrew
pronounsshe, her
209written posts
clefairy 🌙earned bits
clefairy 🌙
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clefairy 🌙 Avatar
navigator Avatar
1920's prohibition era antics. speakeasies, gumshoes, entertainers, moonshiners, police, politicians, old money, new money, no money, blackmail. a jazzy lite-crime site. something mundane without the fantasy spin. light-hearted with a dark edge. animanga faceclaims, original characters.

I'm on my knees pls.....
89written posts
plumearned bits
Junior Member
plum Avatar
and i'm infinitely falling
clefairy 🌙 Avatar
navigator Avatar
1920's prohibition era antics. speakeasies, gumshoes, entertainers, moonshiners, police, politicians, old money, new money, no money, blackmail. a jazzy lite-crime site. something mundane without the fantasy spin. light-hearted with a dark edge. animanga faceclaims, original characters.

I'm on my knees pls.....

if i had the energy at present and the ability to code a whole skin i would be so down. also doesn't help that i watched the pilot on yt for lackadaisy which is this era :'(
39written posts
olianaearned bits
New Member
oliana Avatar
bored of how all the chapters start
navigator Avatar
1920's prohibition era antics. speakeasies, gumshoes, entertainers, moonshiners, police, politicians, old money, new money, no money, blackmail. a jazzy lite-crime site. something mundane without the fantasy spin. light-hearted with a dark edge. animanga faceclaims, original characters.

the way this sparks my skinning muse. i haven't had the drive to properly code in literal years but suddenly i might.
434written posts
Asuearned bits
Senior Member
Asu Avatar
With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.
navigator Avatar
1920's prohibition era antics. speakeasies, gumshoes, entertainers, moonshiners, police, politicians, old money, new money, no money, blackmail. a jazzy lite-crime site. something mundane without the fantasy spin. light-hearted with a dark edge. animanga faceclaims, original characters.
God I would love to write for a site like this

pronounsshe, her
209written posts
clefairy 🌙earned bits
clefairy 🌙
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clefairy 🌙 Avatar
plum Avatar
clefairy 🌙 Avatar
I'm on my knees pls.....
if i had the energy at present and the ability to code a whole skin i would be so down. also doesn't help that i watched the pilot on yt for lackadaisy which is this era :'(


Rl treats me like a ragdoll but I would definitely be interested on beta testing and possibly being a temp mod if it ever happens!
0written posts
Deletedearned bits
Deleted Avatar
navigator Avatar
1920's prohibition era antics. speakeasies, gumshoes, entertainers, moonshiners, police, politicians, old money, new money, no money, blackmail. a jazzy lite-crime site. something mundane without the fantasy spin. light-hearted with a dark edge. animanga faceclaims, original characters.

Would love this!